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Real Life Picture Thread!


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I'm 29 and a year from now will be teaching Gr 7-9 English and Socials! :D And yes single :p


When I was working as a lifeguard: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=20052245248&set=a.10150280278950249.500932.594250248&type=3&theater


Pensive apparently: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=28056505248&set=a.10150280278950249.500932.594250248&type=3&theater


Volunteered to model for a domestic violence photography project for a friend ;



Most recent: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150867296190249&set=a.10150280278950249.500932.594250248&type=3&theater


Also, some reallllly good looking people in this thread...wish I could meet one of you swtor hotties

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I Think this thread is really cool. It's really cool seeing some of the faces of the people behind the characters. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the number of people who seem closer to my age Range playing the game. I'm 29 (although i probably look a little younger) and i've seen lots of representation from 20 somethings and 30 somethings.


I'd love if there were threads like this on Specific Designated Server Forums (which i think may be coming soon), so that it was easier to get to know the people you're actually playing with on your server.


My Main Char Menion is on Naddist Rebels. Feel free to give me a wave if you run into me!

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Here we go!



Someone told me my Sith was showing. :x


Cute! A little bit of inner Sith is good for ya.



I Think this thread is really cool. It's really cool seeing some of the faces of the people behind the characters. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the number of people who seem closer to my age Range playing the game. I'm 29 (although i probably look a little younger) and i've seen lots of representation from 20 somethings and 30 somethings.


It's 1:30 AM so this info may be a little mixed up or outright wrong, but I believe it was Blizzard who released some statistic or another a few years back about how their average subscribed player was a male between either 25-35 or 25-45, which is an age group much higher than what most people expect.. Unfortunately, most of them behave like ornery 5-year olds and that's where the "MMO kiddie" stereotype comes from.

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Here's a pic of me and my daughters, who both like to game and for those who care, yes my real name is Bekure.


Desiree is my 12 year old who likes MMO's. She is playing DCUO at the moment and possibly SWTOR at a later date.


T'siona (pronounced cee-on-nah) is my 7 year old who loves Xbox 360 and Nintendo DSi. She is begining to take a interest in MMO's as well.












Your daughters are beautiful; you've done well...

Edited by Airswift
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