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Technical Question: API for SW:TOR?


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Just curious, and this may have been answered somewhere else, but is an API available for developing against SW:TOR?


And by that I mean strictly for Web purposes. Like being able to pull your guild Roster, character details (what is currently equipped / in cargo, stats, etc), character online/offline status, etc.


If any Bioware folks are reading this... I have a suggestion as well. It would be really slick if you could do your crafting through the Web as well. And manage auctions through the site as well. Seeing economy trends through the site would be nice. You could see... say... what the price for item XYZ was the past 30 days. Or whatever.

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Nope, and answered in at least one other thread on front page but to summarize in three points:


1 -- There is no API to program against yet.

2 -- There eventually will be, but we have no clue how broad/limited it will be.

3 -- Until then we have to stick with vanilla UI/modless.

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Nope, and answered in at least one other thread on front page but to summarize in three points:


1 -- There is no API to program against yet.

2 -- There eventually will be, but we have no clue how broad/limited it will be.

3 -- Until then we have to stick with vanilla UI/modless.



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Just curious, and this may have been answered somewhere else, but is an API available for developing against SW:TOR?


And by that I mean strictly for Web purposes. Like being able to pull your guild Roster, character details (what is currently equipped / in cargo, stats, etc), character online/offline status, etc.


If any Bioware folks are reading this... I have a suggestion as well. It would be really slick if you could do your crafting through the Web as well. And manage auctions through the site as well. Seeing economy trends through the site would be nice. You could see... say... what the price for item XYZ was the past 30 days. Or whatever.


I'll second this! I was looking the other day for a link to a place where I could view my toon and check into things happening with auction trends, etc. It would be useful for one huge reason... I can't log into the game itself at work, but during my lunch break (like now) I can spend time on the forums and read about the game, etc. So... yeah. Allowing me to log in for these things would be awesome while I'm eating my sammiches!

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No. Not to my knowledge, because if there was some kind of API, there would be applications and there are none.
I believe there will be hooks made available for library sites like TORhead and such. It's been made pretty clear by dev that add-on fucntionality will be modded into the game, thus avoiding security issues as well as 3rd party hack and exploitation headaches.
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  • 1 year later...

Yes there will be issues with adding an API but if we had one the game would be exponentially better or better looking and have more functionality in all respects. there are way more pluses than minuses imo


also the dev team would not have to add all the little stuff in the game that we want so we would not have to wait 6 months before things like GTN search worked correctly we could fix them in a few hours of coding

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Yes there will be issues with adding an API but if we had one the game would be exponentially better or better looking and have more functionality in all respects. there are way more pluses than minuses imo


also the dev team would not have to add all the little stuff in the game that we want so we would not have to wait 6 months before things like GTN search worked correctly we could fix them in a few hours of coding


just a question, are you one of the people that say the game is too easy , and facerolling through content?

because you do realize when mods are allowed, it's going to get worse, an elitism will be all whats left,

if you don't have the 20 specific addons running you can't join in on any content, etc.

mods kill games. (dare I compare with WoW?)

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just a question, are you one of the people that say the game is too easy , and facerolling through content?

because you do realize when mods are allowed, it's going to get worse, an elitism will be all whats left,

if you don't have the 20 specific addons running you can't join in on any content, etc.

mods kill games. (dare I compare with WoW?)


The OP isn't asking for a UI mod API. He's asking for a web API.

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