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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Thats right, I said it. I do not, repeat DO NOT play an agent or a smuggler. I play a BH and that's the only thing I play. I find that warzones are quite balanced at the moment. Yeah maybe I would like to see diminishing returns on CC pan out a little quicker but other than that everything has been cool for me.


Operatives attacking you from stealth is their bread and butter. All that set up takes time. You guys have to put these things in perspective. Just because it happens to you (and it's happened to me as well) doesnt mean they need a nerf. Everything is relative. Look at the scoreboard.


It's highly likely that almost everyone of their kills has been 1v1 and thus is a very low number. Operatives cannot stand and fight you. Every other class can. If they have singled you out and you are their victim, well, it sucks to be you. But their kills will be far less than yours simply because of the mechanics of the kill.


They are opportunists. If you present yourself as an opportunity then you are a sucker. Gotta learn how to trinket, knockback, stun and run. Heal up and then put a few missles in his face. If he's not running his *** off to get away from you he is a dead mofo.


Play better OP. This game doesnt need a bunch of nerfs. I havent found any class I couldnt take down. The game is fine. Dont let it end up like Rift.


This man understands pvp.

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This man understands pvp.


Aside from the fact if he understood pvp...he would understand that running away takes him out of the fight and leaves whatever objective unguarded. Its still a mission kill for the op/smug at that point because they cap the objective.


Runaway or die is not proof of balance, its proof of imbalance. Its also not an effective tactic for winning pvp.


Do that to any half good player and he will follow... hit you with a fragile stun in a place where you can no longer defend the objective and run back and cap.


Coming soon to a server near you, 8 player melee operative/smug premades.

Edited by blackadda
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Operatives are completely balanced. By the way, my team consisted of 6 50's and a premade group from my guild that wins 90% or more of our matches and has a reputation as the top PVPers on the server. We regularly win Huttball 6-0 in less than 3 minutes and make other premades quit matches. Unfortunately, we don't have any Operatives so we were only able to score the first 2 goals with teamwork before everyone got instagibbed by the Operatives. What a joke.

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i play a merc in full champion gear...this is heavy armor. Ops can in fact do around 7-8k in their opener alone, this is the norm. if i choose to sit in this initial stun i will *********** die before i get out, that is 14.5k dmg in 3 seconds or however long the stun lasts. I agree that when you attack an op that is already out of stealth they are perhaps the squishiest in the game. this doesnt justify giving them the ridiculous amount of burst they have. nerf the burst, buff their survivability. it's ****in stupid that you can go from 100% health to zero in one stun if your anti-cc is on cd. to all who defend the op burst, i have an average size ***** you can suck on.
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These threads are so awesome. Nerf the one thing this class does well.


Anyone who complains about concealment's heals? They have one heal with a 2.5 sec cast time that is easily pushed back to 3 seconds. During those 3 seconds they are doing 0 damage to you. And you CAN do damage to them. That heal goes for nada without talents to prop it up. (And if anyone says Kolto Infusion to me I will punch a pony. It is **** for all specs.)


Anyone who complains about stealth and burst openers? The spec is a one trick pony. That is all it does. It cannot immediately do it again. It's cooldown stuff, people. And if they do Cloak screen? 100% reduction on their dot on you, if any. And guess what? Cloak screen DOES NOT remove dots, like the Shadow version does. Put a dot on the operative and stealth is negated.


I feel like I've said this a million times. If you are alone in midfield and some operative comes up and stealth bursts you to death because you are a) alone b) not using your cc break c) not using your ability to get away from them d) not putting a dot on them you deserve to die.


If an operative is caught vulnerable and unstealthed midfield, any ranged class can take them out with ease. Operatives have no gap closer. Operatives have no way to push, pull, or throw people around. ALL the concealment Ops have is a burst opener, and it is easily countered if you are not alone.


And I say all of this as a MEDIC operative who has been killed more times than I care to count by concealment ops and scrappers. :p I've been killed just as many times by other classes too, and you know what? Do you know what I do when someone kills me? I rez, rebuff, and keep fighting.


I don't come to the forums to cry. >.>

Edited by qqemokitty
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Aside from the fact if he understood pvp...he would understand that running away takes him out of the fight and leaves whatever objective unguarded. Its still a mission kill for the op/smug at that point because they cap the objective.


Runaway or die is not proof of balance, its proof of imbalance. Its also not an effective tactic for winning pvp.


Do that to any half good player and he will follow... hit you with a fragile stun in a place where you can no longer defend the objective and run back and cap.


Coming soon to a server near you, 8 player melee operative/smug premades.


exactly. premade op/smug groups will destroy ANY other premade. They need to fix this stuff soon because it is so imbalanced right now it hurts the game in the long run.


Empire has more pop to such an extent you can only say educated guess wise, that there are more Agents in the game then smugs. Having the majority of the population of the most overpowered class(es) is going to increase your win ratio in Warzones DRASTICALLY

Which also means quicker or more possible daily and weekly completion for all empire. This also means it is faster to obtain PVP gear on empire side, which will mean that they will always have the advantage even if new higher tier PVP gear is released unless they do some HUGE overhall of the game

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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Operatives are completely balanced. By the way, my team consisted of 6 50's and a premade group from my guild that wins 90% or more of our matches and has a reputation as the top PVPers on the server. We regularly win Huttball 6-0 in less than 3 minutes and make other premades quit matches. Unfortunately, we don't have any Operatives so we were only able to score the first 2 goals with teamwork before everyone got instagibbed by the Operatives. What a joke.


LOL... this shows what im sayin... 1 melee operative//smuggler is bad... it becomes worse when you start massing many of them, it shows the issue (and why players who say bein able to burst down all classes is OK ...are wrong).


If my class can 1v1 faceroll burst dmg every class in the game,8v8 quickly becomes 8v0 and my team achieves the objective ...Game over.

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I'm sure there's a lot of people who hate me for my burst dmg. Trinket > Tracer > Tracer > HS > Rail shot. 3k hit each shot in roughly 5 secs.


Oh wait this is about IA/Smugs... /ignore previous statement >.>


Seriously, the stuns is annoying at best. but not game changing. Let them keep their silly knock downs. They have to stop mercs from frying their buddies somehow right?


Noone of those hit for 3k. More like 1.6k 1.6k 2k 1.5k. Yes, by popping trinkets and getting exp buff and getting lucky crits you'll occasionally see 3.5k 3.8k 5k 3.5k.


But unlike the operative, that combo requires LOS and needs uninterrupted cast time. Oh, it also doesn't stun you.


These warzones are riddled with LOS breaks. Good players can easily deal with mercs/snipers cuz they both need cast time.

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exactly. premade op/smug groups will destroy ANY other premade. They need to fix this stuff soon because it is so imbalanced right now it hurts the game in the long run.


Empire has more pop to such an extent you can only say educated guess wise, that there are more Agents in the game then smugs. Having the majority of the population of the most overpowered class(es) is going to increase your win ratio in Warzones DRASTICALLY

Which also means quicker or more possible daily and weekly completion for all empire. This also means it is faster to obtain PVP gear on empire side, which will mean that they will always have the advantage even if new higher tier PVP gear is released unless they do some HUGE overhall of the game


This entire post is ridiculous. Operatives are the least populaced class in the Empire.

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LOL... this shows what im sayin... 1 melee operative//smuggler is bad... it becomes worse when you start massing many of them, it shows the issue (and why players who say bein able to burst down all classes is OK ...are wrong).


If my class can 1v1 faceroll burst dmg every class in the game,8v8 quickly becomes 8v0 and my team achieves the objective ...Game over.


Failed logic is fail. Ofc a premade should faceroll a pug even if the pug has a op/scoun

Ofc a highly coordinated premade team with no smug/agent should faceroll another premade that is uncoordinated/undergeared and has only 1-2 agents/smugs. HOWEVER



An uncoordinated premade for instance, of all or mostly scounds/ops can and WILL decimate a mixed coordinated premade.


They can not only faceroll any class in the game in a few seconds it is so bad that a lvl 40 operative can do that to a 50 PVP geared tank with a dedicated healer.


=Bioware fail

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LOL now this is priceless. The OP is crying on the forums for an Operative nerf in this thread, then bragging about his Sage's 600k+ damage in another thread...





Seriously, kid? Get out. I'm sorry that the counter to your class has been hindering you from hitting 700k damage in WZs. Someone change this kid's diaper.



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Super magical top secret way of How to beat a Scoundrel/Operative:


1) Use your control break

2) Stun or snare

3) Kite

4) Win.




1) Use control break

2) Stun

3) Face tank

4) Win




1) Wait

2) Snare

3) Kite

4) Win




1) Spec +stealth detection

2) Pay attention/keep moving around

3) Bind a "Target closest"

4) "Shoot" First

5) win




1) Stay with teammates

2) Get stunned

3) Watch teammate kill Operative/Scoundrel or heal you

4) Win

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Whos talkin about coordination..


If my class insta-gibs every other class in the game in a 1 on 1... 8 of them still instagib...just 8 times more effectively


Saying "its a 1 trick pony" so therefore "its ok" is crazy.. that would be like seeing...


Patch Notes:


Bounty Hunter Tracer missile now does 7k damage per shot, cooldown removed and ignores all armor.



Then people playing Bounty Hunters "Defending" the fact that tracer missile is overpowered... by saying "But its all my class can do"... Nerf that and you may as well delete the class...



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I have a 30 operative and I must say that the only time I take someone from full health to dead is if that person's team has a combined IQ of 0.


Taking out an operative is rather easy, it's also easy to goad them into attacking when they shouldn't. Most people are bad (I also include myself in this category, in case anyone is wondering), therefore it just takes a little bit of intelligence to make the person screw himself over. For example, if you are a sniper or ranged dps stay close to your team and if an operative jumps on you tell your team to help.


If you happen to detect him while he is near you tell your team that and see if you can set yourself up as bait. Look at your map in order to do this. If your team is coming your way, put yourself out of position. If timed correctly, you will get stunned and your team will **** the operative before you can die.


I do play as an operative and they really are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Sure, they are very powerful and might need to be toned down (up to BW to make a choice), but, in my opinion, operatives are pretty much the only counter to sorcerers currently.


And so you are aware, I know that team work is hard in warfronts because some people herp a derp, don't know how to press enter to type, or think everything is a team death match. I also know that some times you just can't win a game. The people you are teamed with are much worse than your opponents. When this happens there is no reason to say "OMG NERF CLASS BECAUSE MY TEAM LOST AND HE KILLT ME!!11!!!one111eleven!!!"


Anyway, what I'm saying is that the problem isn't that the class is overpowered as much as it is that everyone else is just not smart enough to kill the person. Think about it before you rage at me because I hurt your precious feelings. All these posts on the forums about sorcs and operatives being overpowered in pvp is going to make everyone roll one. This means that these people who are new to the class are going to suck hard. If you lose to them it's your fault for being worse or not smart enough to take advantage of their weakness.


I also want to say that if you are playing with cheap equipment (price wise) you will most likely be behind. If your mouse and keyboard were $5 you will be behind. I didn't think this was possible until I bought a new mouse that was 7200 dpi and has buttons. At the time I had no idea why anyone would want buttons on their mouse, but now it's awesome at how quickly I can spam skills, especially the skills on the right side of the keyboard.


Don't be so quick to blame everything on the class. There could be other factors that are the cause of the problem (the main one being the players).

Edited by MowiOwi
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Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.


so what you're saying is that only way you can fight an operative/scoundrel is to run away? lol

Their damage is way to much.You can not just trinket and run away even if you want to.

let me explain how their attacks work.You get tranquilized (wow rogue sap) then they open on you with Shoot First and a few (1-2) Back Blasts (they don't cost energy btw how retarded is that????) later you're dead. Vanish+repeat on the next target...if you trinket the sap they will sap you again and this time you don't have the trinket.


PPL that are saying NO to the nerf are playing Operatives/scoundrels and they don't want their easy mode class nerfed...L2P and accept that the nerf will come, It's NEEDED!

Edited by Deigon
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I have a 30 operative SNIP.


"Typing" help takes longer than it does for a lvl 50 op to take someone down to 20% life... and as a lvl 30 you havnt unlocked all the tools yet, dont have PVP gear and you definitely only hitting at about 60-70% of the damage that a pvp geared lvl 50 does, with about 40% less hitpoints than what youll have when you get valor 60 and BM geared.


If you already kill most people 1v1 when their team doesnt help and your only lvl 30, I think that proves the point the OP made.

Edited by blackadda
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I have a 30 operative and I must say that the only time I take someone from full health to dead is if that person's team has a combined IQ of 0.


Taking out an operative is rather easy, it's also easy to goad them into attacking when they shouldn't. Most people are bad (I also include myself in this category, in case anyone is wondering), therefore it just takes a little bit of intelligence to make the person screw himself over. For example, if you are a sniper or ranged dps stay close to your team and if an operative jumps on you tell your team to help.


If you happen to detect him while he is near you tell your team that and see if you can set yourself up as bait. Look at your map in order to do this. If your team is coming your way, put yourself out of position. If timed correctly, you will get stunned and your team will **** the operative before you can die.


I do play as an operative and they really are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Sure, they are very powerful and might need to be toned down (up to BW to make a choice), but, in my opinion, operatives are pretty much the only counter to sorcerers currently.


And so you are aware, I know that team work is hard in warfronts because some people herp a derp, don't know how to press enter to type, or think everything is a team death match. I also know that some times you just can't win a game. The people you are teamed with are much worse than your opponents. When this happens there is no reason to say "OMG NERF CLASS BECAUSE MY TEAM LOST AND HE KILLT ME!!11!!!one111eleven!!!"


Anyway, what I'm saying is that the problem isn't that the class is overpowered as much as it is that everyone else is just not smart enough to kill the person. Think about it before you rage at me because I hurt your precious feelings. All these posts on the forums about sorcs and operatives being overpowered in pvp is going to make everyone roll one. This means that these people who are new to the class are going to suck hard. If you lose to them it's your fault for being worse or not smart enough to take advantage of their weakness.


I also want to say that if you are playing with cheap equipment (price wise) you will most likely be behind. If your mouse and keyboard were $5 you will be behind. I didn't think this was possible until I bought a new mouse that was 7200 dpi and has buttons. At the time I had no idea why anyone would want buttons on their mouse, but now it's awesome at how quickly I can spam skills, especially the skills on the right side of the keyboard.


Don't be so quick to blame everything on the class. There could be other factors that are the cause of the problem (the main one being the players).


You're LEVEL 30. Your wall of text is completely invalid. Ops get pimped out late.

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so what you're saying is that only way you can fight an operative/scoundrel is to run away? lol

Their damage is way to much.You can not just trinket and run away even if you want to.

let me explain how their attacks work.You get tranquilized (wow rogue sap) then they open on you with Shoot First and a few (1-2) Back Blasts (they don't cost energy btw how retarded is that????) later you're dead. Vanish+repeat on the next target...if you trinket the sap they will sap you again and this time you don't have the trinket.


PPL that are saying NO to the nerf are playing Operatives/scoundrels and they don't want their easy mode class nerfed...L2P and accept that the nerf will come, It's NEEDED!




pretty sure what he means by run away is to run out of their melee range and fight, just like how any ranged class would fight a melee, or you can be retarded and just face tank them and expect to win. also lol at trinketing saps

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