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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.


They are the most OP class atm, followed by ranged DPS/ranged dps hybrids.

They will get nerfed hard, and deserve it. |


They do more damage IN AND OUT of stealth than a shadow. Evidence is there, Facts are founded by the existence of supporting evidence.

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These threads have got to stop. I don't even play an Op/Scoundrel, but what are you leaving them with if their initial opening/burst is hit with the nerf bat? It's not like the class can take much on in a straight up brawl. They go down like paper airplanes. If you break their initial CC they can't do much either.


I know these "nerf XXX class" threads are always going to exist, mainly because people don't understand the purpose or function of a class, but it's ridiculous. If you break their opening combo, they're useless.


Lower their burst and increase their survivability. Problem solved.

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It's comical to me how one scrapper/conceal says, "OMG no wai can you get chunked down in a scrapper/conceal opener past 50%." Then another one chimes in with a different number saying "Never. Ever. Blah blah blah." If you can't see that there is something wrong here, you just aren't interested in having balanced PvP. It's as simple as that. Hell, even scrapper/conceal's say they are redic OP atm. Most skilled scrapper/conceals I know want them to be toned down. Edited by Paralassa
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Do you people want every class to play the exact same way? Like come on. Yes they have a great opener and yes they do a **** ton of dmg but there are ways around it if you are a smart player/with a smart team. It's a unique playstyle that is valuable in PVP. Anyone saying that this class is OP is obviously not playing with a set team and is solo queing warzones and have 0 communication.


This is most certainly a L2P issue with everyone asking for a nerf here. Instead of complaing that they kill you in 3 shots, learn the class, and learn what they need to do in order to 3 shot you and learn to counter it.


One of the most important things in PVP is knowing the OTHER classes, and what they need to do.


Asking for a class when 95% of you know absolutely nothing about the class is getting ridiculous.


PS I am not a Scoundrel/Operative and do not have one on my set 4 man WZ team.

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Lower their burst and increase their survivability. Problem solved.


In fact, why even have different classes at all. Let's have everyone be the exact same! Let's get rid of gear and talent points too.


Go play an FPS plz.

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It's comical to me how one scrapper/conceal says, "OMG no wai can you get chunked down in a scrapper/conceal opener past 50%." Then another one chimes in with a different number saying "Never. Ever. Blah blah blah." If you can't see that there is something wrong here, you just aren't interested in having balanced PvP. It's as simple as that. Hell, even scrapper/conceal's say they are redic OP atm. Most skilled scrapper/conceals I know want them to be toned down.


Oh, it's very possible. I popped my relic and adrenal yesterday and 3-shotted some 50 Sage. Lulz.


And then my BH guildie that was on the other team popped all his ****, and nuked the **** out of me in a matter of about 5 seconds. ZOMG NERF BOUNTY HUNTERS! It was from 30m out AND HE CAN HEAL! MY WORLD IS CRUMBLING!


Bads whine on the forums about nerfing classes. The end.

Edited by Paralassa
bad content quote
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Nerf Operative/Scoundrel

Nerf Sniper/Gunslinger

Nerf Mercenary/Commando

Nerf Powertech/Vanguard

Nerf Assassin/Shadow

Nerf Sorcerer/Sage


The only classes people don't want nerfed are the Warrior classes, because they came pre-nerfed in beta. Rofl. Godddddd I haven't played a MMO in live in so long. I forgot how terrible the zerging forum monkeys are.

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LOL now this is priceless. The OP is crying on the forums for an Operative nerf in this thread, then bragging about his Sage's 600k+ damage in another thread...




Seriously, kid? Get out. I'm sorry that the counter to your class has been hindering you from hitting 700k damage in WZs. Someone change this kid's diaper.

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Do you people want every class to play the exact same way? Like come on. Yes they have a great opener and yes they do a **** ton of dmg but there are ways around it if you are a smart player/with a smart team. It's a unique playstyle that is valuable in PVP. Anyone saying that this class is OP is obviously not playing with a set team and is solo queing warzones and have 0 communication.


This is most certainly a L2P issue with everyone asking for a nerf here. Instead of complaing that they kill you in 3 shots, learn the class, and learn what they need to do in order to 3 shot you and learn to counter it.


One of the most important things in PVP is knowing the OTHER classes, and what they need to do.


Asking for a class when 95% of you know absolutely nothing about the class is getting ridiculous.


PS I am not a Scoundrel/Operative and do not have one on my set 4 man WZ team.


People like you add nothing to the conversation... at all. You make assumptions based on nothing. First of all, its scrapper/conceal. No one here is complaining about the healers so there goes your theory of knowing the other classes. Two, you assume no one plays with a "set team" and that's based on what? Your intimate knowledge of everyone's setup? Do 3 consistent Gladiator's count as a team capable of the necessary communication? While I agree the 3 shotting is exaggeration, the overall discontent with that class is real and warranted. No, no one wants all the classes to play exactly the same. Lol, you talk as if you know the class... how can you not see if their burst potential was toned down they would still be really good and bring more to the table than most classes in PvP?

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how can you not see if their burst potential was toned down they would still be really good and bring more to the table than most classes in PvP?


Fail. That's what we are. Burst out of stealth. How can you not see that?

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can someone post this trinket. I wasnt aware there was one in this game that did this.


2-minute level 9 CC breaker is what everyone is talking about when referring to "trinket." Every class has a different name/icon for it, so people use the generic WoW term to refer to it.

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Lol, what are you even talking about?


I'm talking about how Operatives are the burst from stealth class. Crying will not help. Learn how to counter it. Anyone who says it's impossible to counter it is bad.

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LOL yall are very funny. IA on our server named Backtap very regularly kills people 1v1 before they can get off the ground from his knockdown. Regardless of class. Hell there was 5 of us on him today in a match ( I am a commando) and we could not kill him. Someone was healing him and within @ 12-15 seconds he killed all five of us. Do not try defending this class and claiming it is not overpowered.
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I'm talking about how Operatives are the burst from stealth class. Crying will not help. Learn how to counter it. Anyone who says it's impossible to counter it is bad.


Anyone who can't see it needs to be toned down is stupid. I don't see anyone saying it's impossible to counter.

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LOL yall are very funny. IA on our server named Backtap very regularly kills people 1v1 before they can get off the ground from his knockdown. Regardless of class. Hell there was 5 of us on him today in a match ( I am a commando) and we could not kill him. Someone was healing him and within @ 12-15 seconds he killed all five of us. Do not try defending this class and claiming it is not overpowered.


QQ, learn how to kill the healer first morons.

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I actually am a geared 50 Scrapper.


The Scoundrels/Operatives saying that you can't kill someone in the opener...totally false. If I have a temp buff up (adrenal/relic/expertise) I can and do frequently drop a lower level character or poorly geared 50 in the opener. Generally this requires at least two of my abilities to crit, but it's not that rare to kill someone before they can react (without popping the CC Break).


A well geared 50 on the other hand, that's a whole different beast. I've done it before with all three temps up, and almost always bring them below half unless I'm unlucky with crits. It differs from class to class. An unshielded Sage is by far the squishiest, though if the shield is up, I am NOT going to kill him alone in the opener. If he has gear I'm probably not bringing him below half. Assassins are also fairly squishy, though probably the most annoying for me to fight in a 1v1 for whatever reason. Mercs are surprisingly easy to kill as well, they just can't get away that well and are a dangerous target if left alone. Snipers too. But anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The only way I'm going to even get close to killing a geared 50 in the opener is with multiple temp buffs and everything crits. This DOES happen, and I can usually bring them decently low if I'm unlucky, but I rarely kill them in the opener.

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LOL yall are very funny. IA on our server named Backtap very regularly kills people 1v1 before they can get off the ground from his knockdown. Regardless of class. Hell there was 5 of us on him today in a match ( I am a commando) and we could not kill him. Someone was healing him and within @ 12-15 seconds he killed all five of us. Do not try defending this class and claiming it is not overpowered.


Maybe you and your 4 dumb cohorts should think about targeting the healer while he's freecasting heals on the guy. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...


This post is the perfect example of why 90% of MMO players are terrible and their opinions are worthless.

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Anyone who can't see it needs to be toned down is stupid. I don't see anyone saying it's impossible to counter.


It's so crazy how the stealth burst class is the king of 1v1. This is a new development in the history of MMOs.


Then suddenly when it's a group vs. group scenario where gear and skill are equal, our usefulness diminishes a bit, and we just become a good single target DPS class.


I have yet to see 1 good player from any decent guild in any of these nerf threads complaining about Operatives. Crazy how that works.

Edited by Sevvy
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I actually am a geared 50 Scrapper.


The Scoundrels/Operatives saying that you can't kill someone in the opener...totally false. If I have a temp buff up (adrenal/relic/expertise) I can and do frequently drop a lower level character or poorly geared 50 in the opener. Generally this requires at least two of my abilities to crit, but it's not that rare to kill someone before they can react (without popping the CC Break).


A well geared 50 on the other hand, that's a whole different beast. I've done it before with all three temps up, and almost always bring them below half unless I'm unlucky with crits. It differs from class to class. An unshielded Sage is by far the squishiest, though if the shield is up, I am NOT going to kill him alone in the opener. If he has gear I'm probably not bringing him below half. Assassins are also fairly squishy, though probably the most annoying for me to fight in a 1v1 for whatever reason. Mercs are surprisingly easy to kill as well, they just can't get away that well and are a dangerous target if left alone. Snipers too. But anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The only way I'm going to even get close to killing a geared 50 in the opener is with multiple temp buffs and everything crits. This DOES happen, and I can usually bring them decently low if I'm unlucky, but I rarely kill them in the opener.


Finally a scrapper/conceal that is able to formulate a coherent thought and is reasonable. I think what most people are complaining about is the opener may not out-right kill a geared player but causes so much pressure that it leads to more unrecoverable situations than any other class in the game. On top of which, the multitude of tools they bring to a fight beyond their damage.

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