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When did you fall in love with Star Wars?


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When this game launched, how sad is that? I hadn't watched a single Star Wars movie, ever... So recently I bought the Blu-Ray set after playing the Beta, ALL OF THESE YEARS I'VE MISSED OUT ON :(


Look on the bright side... you're no longer missing out of what's yet to come. :cool:

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When this game launched, how sad is that? I hadn't watched a single Star Wars movie, ever... So recently I bought the Blu-Ray set after playing the Beta, ALL OF THESE YEARS I'VE MISSED OUT ON :(


My advice, mate. Watch the Original Cuts on that pack you bought. Han was the ONLY one who shot in that cantina scene with Greedo. Everything after that is tampering. :D

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So true... Cannot actually wait! I only watched Episode 3 last night, I think I've been living under a rock my whole life.


It's not for everyone, but when those who love it discover it, it's like a kick in the teeth and rips you out of your seat and takes you for the ride of your life. :D

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My parents took me to see the original all most every weekend when I was a couple months old. Some how it stuck. Also took me a bunch of times to see Empire several times when I was like 4 or what ever. It was one of the first if not the first movie I remember seeing. Others were The Shining and Cujo.
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I fell in love with Star Wars when I saw ROTJ for the first time in 1993. I was about 6 years old and from then on I read every book/comic book I could. Also had an extensive collection of action figures, legos, and...well pretty much anything else with a lightsaber or a droid on it. Favorite period in SW history is the old republic after reading the Tales of the Jedi comic books. Have read them many times over and it made my life when I found out I could be a pureblood sith in TOR. Can't wait for my email invite. Pre ordered in July and refreshing my email constantly to continue my SW addiction =)
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I got taken to the premier of Episode IV in London in 1977 when I was 8 years old by some friends of the family who lived in London and managed to blag some tickets. The whole night was awsome for an 8 year old. Made perfect when the Corillian Corvette flew overhead. Then blitzed when the Star Destroyer flew after it! That thing just went on forever!.


Oh, and had my first ever cheeseburger that night too as the first British McDonalds opened up just round the corner. I still take the ghurkins out now :rolleyes:

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When i was a wee lad back in the early 1980s and Empire Strikes Back was coming to the cinema. It really is one of my first memories, some TV program showed scenes from the battle of Hoth, the AT-ATs , snowspeeders, courageous rebel troops fighting back, i was hooked:) It has always been my semi-secret love, even when girls and alcohol came in the way:p
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I remember my grandmother tried to get me to watch Star Wars as a small child but I would never sit still long enough to watch it all the way through. I think I fell in love with it around 4th grade(Around the turn of the millennium) when I actually sat down long enough to watch it all the way through. In my defense though I really didn't sit still long enough for ANYTHING, cartoon or otherwise....except for Power Rangers... lol.
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When I was 5, and my father got the original trillogy for me on VHS, hellz yes. :p


Growing up, I wanted to be an x-wing pilot. xD Oh, those were the days.


I wanted to be a Jedi growing up. I even had those horrible plastic swords, though since I'm a girl, no one would play with them with me. No boys in my house and my sister thought it was dumb. My friends at the time never liked that kind of stuff.

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I wanted to be a Jedi growing up. I even had those horrible plastic swords, though since I'm a girl, no one would play with them with me. No boys in my house and my sister thought it was dumb. My friends at the time never liked that kind of stuff.


I still get giddy watching the Battle of Endor. xD Wedge was my childhood hero. Never really was much of a Jedi fan, the non jedis always seemed to be more interesting and unpredictable. :) (except for Wedge, it was predictable he'd be a ****** wherever he went <_< /nongayfanboyrant)

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I remember being 8 years old and thinking "I haven't seen Star Wars in a long time!" So I'm not sure when I first started liking Star Wars - it's always been a part of my life. But the 1997 re-release really turned that love into an addiction. I had a car and little responsibility so I spent a lot of time at the movies and bought a lot of books about spaceships and architecture. That love has continued into adulthood despite Lucas's never ending pursuit to ruin my childhood!
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I still get giddy watching the Battle of Endor. xD Wedge was my childhood hero. Never really was much of a Jedi fan, the non jedis always seemed to be more interesting and unpredictable. :) (except for Wedge, it was predictable he'd be a ****** wherever he went <_< /nongayfanboyrant)


I hear ya on not being a Jedi fan. I wasn't too big on them either. Wedge is awesome. Minor character that plays a key role in all 3 movies. I will end up rolling a Jedi Knight in TOR, though. Just because Solid Snake does his voice. :D Ultimate bad*ss there. :D

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That love has continued into adulthood despite Lucas's never ending pursuit to ruin my childhood!


I think he deliberately tried to troll us with the blu ray changes. <_<


The Krayt call in a hew hope sounds like they just took a sound clip of some of the stage hands frightening RuPaul -.-

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I remember first seeing the Trilogy on American TV during the summer holidays aaaages ago! I liked the films, although they didn't make that big of an impression on me as a child. It was only until later, when I realised that the parts I had thought were boring as a child were actually interesting (and the story suddenly made a lot much more sense -.-), that I actually fell in love with Star Wars and everything related to it... :)
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I hear ya on not being a Jedi fan. I wasn't too big on them either. Wedge is awesome. Minor character that plays a key role in all 3 movies. I will end up rolling a Jedi Knight in TOR, though. Just because Solid Snake does his voice. :D Ultimate bad*ss there. :D


... more Jedi and Sith for me, muruseni. :D And by all means go on, nyehehe. You might see the appeal in this game, yet. ;)

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... more Jedi and Sith for me, muruseni. :D And by all means go on, nyehehe. You might see the appeal in this game, yet. ;)


Rakkaani, as long as I can play as Snake again even if he's wielding a Lightsaber, I'm down with trying for a Jedi Knight as long as you wanna roll a lightsider too. :D I'll be running my Bounty Hunter with your Inquisitor, though. ;)

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I hear ya on not being a Jedi fan. I wasn't too big on them either. Wedge is awesome. Minor character that plays a key role in all 3 movies. I will end up rolling a Jedi Knight in TOR, though. Just because Solid Snake does his voice. :D Ultimate bad*ss there. :D


doh, totally missed this post! Wedge is awesome, but Admiral Piett was my favorite for some reason, prolly because hes just sitting there bull******** vader like the entire time in the 2nd and 3rd movie. xD


That said, yeah, I'll be a guardian. x.x The irony. Space is going to be the biggest thing i miss from swg, thats for sure. x.x

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Speedin' around on Tattooine, taming Bantha's I believe it was when the real spark ignited my desire for more.

During my days, I can say I've seen my share of space movies/series, and tbh the original princess Leia never really gave me that special tingly feeling in the lower regions, and I honestly think Luke wouldn't have looked awkward in the YMCA band.

Series like Blake's 7 were much more exciting, almost horror-like, like dr.Who still felt like when I was 8 or so.

But playing the sandbox as a SW character firsthand, sparked me. The wildlife, from womprats to deathskull klik'niks made me feel at home.

Perhaps I shouldn't play as a character, but as a random mob :)

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1978. Saw Star Wars for the first time at a local drive-in theater when I was just a wee lad. Back when Star Wars was just "Star Wars", not Episode 4...


Same here. Pretty much changed my life and turned me into a dreamer and science geek from that night forward.

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1977, my mom was a hardcore religious type who would never let me go see a movie in the theater. So while my mom was at church, my dad snuck me out on opening weekend to go see it. The closest theater was about an hour away. I kept the secret for about 4 hours when I went crazy when a commercial came on TV and I started blurting out about how cool Artoo was.


3 years later Empire was the first movie we camped out for overnight to see on opening day.


3 years after that, I rode my bike to the new (much closer) theater 12 hours early to be first for Jedi (but still was 2nd in line).


So yeah. Started at 6 years old.


Flash Forward to 1997, the 20th anniversary re-releases - I drove about 4 hours to pick up my dad and take him to go see the re-release of ep 4. (the theater we'd seen it in had been long since torn down, but the sentiment was there)



Now I'm a jaded fan who hates the PT, loved KotOR, likes 50% of the EU, and lives by the "Star Wars Fans Hate Star Wars" article. But still... my daughters requested and got lightsabers for Christmas, so I must be doing something right.

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My moms friend had the original trilogy on VHS. I was REALLY young and I was bored and I kept complaining about how I wanted to leave.

She grabbed Star Wars, sat me down, and told me to shut up and watch.


And my love for Star Wars began...


I also went to go see them when they came back into theaters in the 90's

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