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Assassin shields, and lack thereof?


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Anyone have any difficulty getting ahold of shields?


I'm an artificer, meaning i can make a vast menagerie of shields! yay! perfect as i'm leveling as a tank specc'd assasin and dark ward/charge is a lifeline in most things i do, i need a good sturdy shield..


only.. apart from the occasional ones i see in quests.. there aren't any with Endurance / willpower, they're ALL either Strength based, which isn't ideal stats, or worse, has aim, cunning or tech power on it.. and the offhands that do have willpower? they're all focus's!


where are the willpower shields in artificing? you can't get them from commendations or pvp, you can't make them through artificing.. so how are we supposed to get them? Till now i'll make do with a strength shield as that's not a -huge- difference (at least it keeps my melee up) but it seems counterintuitive that theres nothing there with an assassins main stat on what is pretty much the second most important piece of gear for a tank assassin! (with first being your double bladed lightsabre)


so yeah.. am i just being stupid? or is there a distinct lack here?

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They simply forgot to add them when they changed us tank assasins from str to will at one of the betas. I am an artificer aswell and would love to be able to make an offhand I can use, not just ones my companions can use.


Been using quest rewards and BoE versions as much as I can, thankfully my guildies have been nice enough to save them for me when they come across tradeable ones. Other than that, I guess your best bet is to stalk the GTN.


Hopefully they add them at a patch sometime soon, I would not hold my breath waiting tho.

Edited by TeLakka
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I am sure they will get around to this.


For now it is NOT a HUGE issue, sure we miss out on a small amount of force dmg/crit but at least we still get the melee bonus/crit from STR shields.


If 1 month down the road they don't correct this then it would be more of an issue. (when everyone here is in endgame i mean)

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I find biowares laziness/forgetfulness regarding this unexcusable.


If it is "unexcusable" (sic) that means you're not playing the game anymore? It's an oversight. It's 2 weeks since launch, there ARE shields available, just not craftable. It's an inconvenience, not game breaking.

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No... I disagree that this is "Not a big issue"


Sorry, but they change stuff, then don't catch up to their own design changes.

AND this was known well before formal launch.


We are about 1 month after "pre-launch"; We are on our second patch


Truely overall this simply reinforces the perception that Tankasins aren't "Real Tanks"

Eventhough in many encounter designs we offer a superior combination of range/melee


So, yea, get to it.

Copy/Paste the exact same thing for Sith Warriors

But substitute STRENGTH for WILLPOWER

Just like the DPS foci are.

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I debated on necroing or starting a new thread, but figured we didn't need a new one.


So I am raiding Saturday and wondering, blue level 50 WP shield or Epic str one? The Epic STR has much better survivability stats, but I assume I lose some threat stats.


I am inclined to go with survivability. What are others doing end game until they find an epic WP shield?

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