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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I'm sorry where in my post did i call anyone stupid? I recall saying that i overestimated SOME peoples intelligence (not 'quite a lot') but in no way that is calling anyone stupid. For all you know it means i thought everyone on this thread had an IQ of 200 and i've come to find its 120.


You know what? 120 is good. I often find people with this iq number saying very sensible things. Anyways ad hominem arguments are common but not very convincing.

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Here's a good video made by somebody else that clarifies some "problems" somebodies are having. It's a over 10 min video, but I hope many would watch it, as it may show you guys that some problems you thought you had, are NOT connected to the ability delay. :)


Try using one spell (for example deliverance) few times. In my experiance after 2-3 casts my animations bug each other and my character goes avocado and pineapples.

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I am in full agreement on the severity of this issue. I play a Gunnery Commando who is now level 37, but started as a Jedi Sentinel that I leveled to 23. What I have noticed on my end was that specific abilities have often been the culprits of this lack of responsiveness.


On my Jedi Sentinel the following abilites bugged.


- Riposte was an extreme offender. Sometimes you can just click and click and it just won't cast. It literally caused me to stop pressing this button. The games system caused me to completely stop using a high damage attack because it simply misfires most of the time.


- Saber Ward. Saber Ward itself wasn't the problem, trying to cast other abilities after it was sometimes the problem. I feel this particular issue is the whole "previous cast is still animating" problem.


- Cauterize. I had many many instances where I would hit this ability, watch the gcd scroll by, and the ability wouldn't cast. Sometimes it would do this multiple times.



On my Trooper, the following abilities bug/aren't responsive:


- Reactive Shield/Full Auto: This particular issue I noticed when trying to use these 2 abilities in this order. For some reason when you put up reactive shield, the game does NOT want to let you cast Full Auto right after it. Or even for quite awhile after it. Your gcd will start, but it simply doesn't cast.


- Full Auto. I'm sure tons of people complain about this, but the ability doesn't even start firing until sometimes over half the cast is finished. Even if this is a visual bug and the damage is already applied to the mob, I need to SEE and experience this to feel connected to the ability.


- Mortar Volley. This is pretty much the same issue as Full Auto. The ability hits 3 times but the first of those 3 hits doesn't go out til the cast bar is half way or more done. This simply doesn't make sense.


- Grav Round. Mostly this ability works fine, but like all activation time abilities, sometimes it simply misfires but still activates the gcd forcing you to wait a full second while your character does nothing.


One thing I will say, and I have to wonder how Bioware coded it, but High Impact Bolt on my Trooper is absolutely always instant when I hit the button under every circumstance I've come across. It's the only instant in the game I've seen without the issue and maybe that's simply because it has a basic almost non existant animation.


So it appears that the overall underlying problem is the game's need to prioritize animation over user input, but it only seems to be a problem with CERTAIN abilites. I'd be curious to see a list compiled of the offending abilites so if nothing else Bioware could change specific ability animations instead of a core mechanic(which they may never do).

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Is it just me or the Delay is far worse after today's patch? I keep interrupting my INSTANT abilities such as Blade Storm, I press it, character starts doing the animation but stops after a second and I end up having to spam the thing many many times, no, not just this ability, all instants. And I am on 40ms.
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Is it just me or the Delay is far worse after today's patch? I keep interrupting my INSTANT abilities such as Blade Storm, I press it, character starts doing the animation but stops after a second and I end up having to spam the thing many many times, no, not just this ability, all instants. And I am on 40ms.


It's worse for me...but that may be due to the 1-3k ms i've been having all day...maybe...

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There won't be too much of an effort to fix this problem.


I was speaking to other people in the game, and they stated that they couldn't see it. Or they told me I had bad lag.


Maybe the game will be able to carry on if enough people can live with the herky jerky play. Good luck to them and BW.


The game story and everything is nice. But the delays cause me to pull my hair out most times. There are a few times I tab out from attack on an NPC and I want to heal a group member, my heal hits the NPC instead. NICE.



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There won't be too much of an effort to fix this problem.


I was speaking to other people in the game, and they stated that they couldn't see it. Or they told me I had bad lag.


Maybe the game will be able to carry on if enough people can live with the herky jerky play. Good luck to them and BW.


The game story and everything is nice. But the delays cause me to pull my hair out most times. There are a few times I tab out from attack on an NPC and I want to heal a group member, my heal hits the NPC instead. NICE.




Well, a friend of mine says its a big problem to him. So maybe its just bad luck or maybe those people of yours are bad players and clickers, for example. Or there's another reason.

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... really?

If you have 1-3k ms, your opinion on the responsiveness of this game is completely worthless.


...really? if you didn't notice the word 'day' your opinion of my post on this forum is completely worthless.

Edited by Zeetofox
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it's just a perceived delay due to the way animations and ability recovery work. everyone is so used to twitch-based combat that the combat in swtor can seem a little unresponsive and slow.


I wish i knew how to respond to this D: i guess all i can say is...watch the vids in the OP? It is what it is there is no way to say that it's recovery a delay is a delay.

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it's just a perceived delay due to the way animations and ability recovery work. everyone is so used to twitch-based combat that the combat in swtor can seem a little unresponsive and slow.


That isn't the sole problem of this issue.

At first, I thought it was just animation delay like you say. I've seen things register immediately but the animation wouldn't match it.


But there are also times when abilities simply don't go off or are actually delayed significantly before registering. People aren't just making this up.

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I wish i knew how to respond to this D: i guess all i can say is...watch the vids in the OP? It is what it is there is no way to say that it's recovery a delay is a delay.


a few of the videos show characters having to wait a split second for animations to finish (as the developers intended) and one of the videos shows a guy casting a heal and moving a bit before the heal takes effect. it looked like a connection issue.


everyone is comparing the combat to wow and it's clear they can't handle the more cinematic approach to combat that bioware took.


and i wish people would stop saying those who lack a competitive edge or skill are the ones who don't notice the problem because i'm pretty good at games, i've played hardcore MMOs, and swtor isn't exactly the most demanding game.

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a few of the videos show characters having to wait a split second for animations to finish (as the developers intended) and one of the videos shows a guy casting a heal and moving a bit before the heal takes effect. it looked like a connection issue.


everyone is comparing the combat to wow and it's clear they can't handle the more cinematic approach to combat that bioware took.


and i wish people would stop saying those who lack a competitive edge or skill are the ones who don't notice the problem because i'm pretty good at games, i've played hardcore MMOs, and swtor isn't exactly the most demanding game.


Until someone that is saying they don't have the problem proves they have achieved a high rank in PvP in a credible MMO i cant believe it.

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Oh I dont even have to read the whole first post and I know what you are talking about.


The rediculous unresponsive abilities which seem to get activated but sometimes you have to push them 10 times over before they respond. And to make things worse, my Ping/latency is not to blame.


There doesnt seem to be a proper mechanic which actually keeps it in memory and doesn't get send to the server properly. Isnt there some sort of queuing system where you are at least certain an ability gets activated no matter what? I could understand it could occur when having high latencies, but even then a proper check system would resolve this.




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Wow, I thought I was the only person that saw this issue when I was playing, so I never said anything about it.


The GCD is just killing me... sometimes literally.


They give me an ability on my Shadow that lets me run up and stun someone for 4 seconds. Well that would be great except I run up, stun them and then stand there with my lightsaber up my hind parts waiting 1.5 seconds for the GCD to finish before I can actually do some damage to the stunned target.


In other words, it might as well be a 2.5 second stun, which is damn near worthless considering I can only get one attack off during that time and then I'm waiting for another GCD to finish.


The fluidity and responsiveness in this game is just absolutely horrid. Great story, yes, but the gameplay is abysmal at best.

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