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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Tiron: Nope, sorry Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.

XCore: Of course he was

Tiron: Nope, he wasn’t... you lose

XCore: Of course he was, he was the star

Tiron: Nope you’re wrong, look it up

XCore: I don’t have to look it up its common knowledge

Tiron: Nope

XCore: He was on the cover...

Tiron: Nope

XCore: ...of People Magazine

Tiron: Nope

XCore: ...when the movie debuted

Tiron: No

XCore: Everyone knows...

Tiron: No... No...

XCore: Kevin Bacon was the

Tiron: No... No... No...

XCore: star of FOOTLOOSE....

Tiron: No... No... No... No...

XCore: It was a huge Movie....

Tiron: No... No... No!!!

XCore: He was the lead

Tiron: No... No!!!

Tiron: No... No... NO!!!

Tiron: NO... NO... NO... No... HEEE HAW HEEE HAW HEEE HAW!!!!!!!!




Tiron: Thank you for lending me Footloose

XCore: Sure <sarcasm>

Tiron: So that’s Kevin Bacon huh?

XCore: No, thats John Lithgow

Tiron: Nope, he wasn’t in Footlose

XCore: Were watching it RIGHT NOW!!

Trion: Nope you’re wrong, look it up

XCore: I don’t have to look it up its common.....




My take, I could care less if the server is viewing my attacks as hotdogs be tossed down a hallway or a fat chick jumping on a trampoline. How it is viewed and feels to the player matters the most.

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How exactly is anyone supposed to adapt to this problem?

There is nothing I can do to make the ability go off when the problem I described happens.

Maybe you are fine with your abilities not going off randomly because you play slower than a turtle but this is a very annoying issue for the majority of the gamers.


High rated arena player from WoW, i can deal with it and get used to it until it's fixed because i'm not terrible at this game.

Edited by LexiCazam
Insult - quote
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So is anyone in this thread playing a video game, or should i assume you want this to be a spread sheet?


I mean god forbid you cant choose all your abilities at the start of the fight and be ready to collect your free purples faster.


This isn't WoW.


If you want third party programs to help your lack of skill go unnoticed get out. Playing a game here not working a part time job.


Maybe you should learn to read because this thread isn't even about add-ons.

Rofl. ******* will be *******.

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If the bug gets you killed every day, more than once a day, and you're paying for the service, and you're paying your in-game repair bills as you play, you're gonna rant.


Every time I die because my abilities don't go off an angel loses its wings.

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High rated arena player from WoW, i can deal with it and get used to it until it's fixed because i'm not terrible at this game.



LOL. EVERYONE can deal with the problem. It's called playing the game.

There is no work-around solution for the problem. The abilities simply aren't going off when they should. You aren't doing anything different from others to "deal" with it or get used to it.

It doesn't make you a good player just because you have chosen to ignore the problem or aren't bothered as much by it.

In fact, this problem would be more noticeable and bothersome to a good, attentive player.

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Exactly this. Either fix it or tell us it can't so I can stop looking at this game. I already cancelled my sub but will keep a very close eye to see if they actually fix this problem so I can return to the game. If not well then that's it I guess.


You've already answered your own question, they won't tell you, so you will keep waiting and paying. I question whether or not they can even change this if they wanted to, due to the engine, I also question whether they would even want to, due to their egos. Look they already decided to make it this way, because they thought it would be super "epic." And they've been able to see the problem or "epicness" for years now.


People wrongly assume that since Bioware can make a story game, that it somehow translates into them being able to make proper gameplay, they've never proven that, and I don't see why we should be expecting it from them now.

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LOL. EVERYONE can deal with the problem. It's called playing the game.

There is no work-around solution for the problem. The abilities simply aren't going off when they should. You aren't doing anything different from others to "deal" with it or get used to it.

It doesn't make you a good player just because you have chosen to ignore the problem or aren't bothered as much by it.

In fact, this problem would be more noticeable and bothersome to a good, attentive player.


I'm speaking towards the crowd saying PvP is UNPLAYABLE and saying interrupting is IMPOSSIBLE.

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Since the thread about people not having the issue was closed as I was posting, I'll post it here.


The issue seems to be impacting players for a variety of reason, and also not impacting players for a variety of reasons. I'll clarify on the latter.


If you watch the center of your screen, i.e. your character, when in combat then folks are probably not impacted by this because the problem *seems* to stem from the cast bar not syncing up with the animation time. Personally this is a huge issue for me. It's easily replicated by mounting up and moving after the cast bar completes. It drops me off the mount. I have to wait a second before I move. This same thing happens when I cast Healing Scan (or anything with a cast time) and then move. The cast bar shows the ability as completed. I move and the ability is interrupted. Sometimes it shows CANCELLED in the cast bar and the ability still goes off. Sometimes it doesn't show cancelled and the ability completes as normal. A lot of times it just interrupts the ability. That's a big big problem as far as I'm concerned. If the cast bar is done, there's no way I should be moving and having a heal interrupted that showed as complete.


I also have issues with fps, gcd sync, and ability lag (upwards of 2-3 seconds sometimes) when I'm in pvp or other large scale fighting that doesn't happen in small scale stuff. That I think is caused by my out of date hardware that I'm upgrading as soon as the parts arrive, so I'll wait until I get them and test to pass judgement on that =p

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Here's a good video made by somebody else that clarifies some "problems" somebodies are having. It's a over 10 min video, but I hope many would watch it, as it may show you guys that some problems you thought you had, are NOT connected to the ability delay. :)

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As I've said in every iteration of this thread:


People are affected. People are not affected.


That alone is worth discussion and investigation.


Worth noting (or not), since I dropped my BH, Sniper, and Shadow for a Scoundrel, I haven't had the problem as much, if at all. Certainly noticeable when I do go back to them.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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It appears i overestimated the intelligence of some. So i will attempt to spell it out as well as i can. So here is a scenario 1v1 healer versus me, healer gets down to 25% so logically i'd assume he is going to try to heal himself, normally i would just lay into him and use my interrupt when it comes up not worrying about getting stuck in an animation. Due to the ability delay i slow down spamming abilities so i drastically lower my risk of getting stuck in an animation. Once i interrupt the heal i continue spamming abilities, so that is what adapting or modifying your play style to avoid this means.
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It appears i overestimated the intelligence of some. So i will attempt to spell it out as well as i can. So here is a scenario 1v1 healer versus me, healer gets down to 25% so logically i'd assume he is going to try to heal himself, normally i would just lay into him and use my interrupt when it comes up not worrying about getting stuck in an animation. Due to the ability delay i slow down spamming abilities so i drastically lower my risk of getting stuck in an animation. Once i interrupt the heal i continue spamming abilities, so that is what adapting or modifying your play style to avoid this means.


So, quite a lot of people in this thread are stupid in your opinion?

Edited by AlexRose
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I never read the whole thread sorry but as a Merc it's super easy to reproduce this problem. Just get tracer missile and spam it on an elite mob and you see what I mean. The ability constantly miss-casts and the animation screws up.
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So, quite a lot of people in this thread are stupid in your opinion?


I'm sorry where in my post did i call anyone stupid? I recall saying that i overestimated SOME peoples intelligence (not 'quite a lot') but in no way that is calling anyone stupid. For all you know it means i thought everyone on this thread had an IQ of 200 and i've come to find its 120.

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I never read the whole thread sorry but as a Merc it's super easy to reproduce this problem. Just get tracer missile and spam it on an elite mob and you see what I mean. The ability constantly miss-casts and the animation screws up.


Yep. And you get to hear the sound play twice all the time as you start a cast and then immediately start the cast again.

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