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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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i said QUICKBAR recovery. at any rate, it's not the same as an ability cooldown.


and i didn't say you have to wait for your abilities to recover. i said the opposite.


Apologies I am on phone and auto correct is messing with me. What is this "quickbar" recovery?

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I think the thread idea is fine. Gather relative information to help the developers. However the style of the OP isn't about assisting. It's about attacking. Numerous comments that are to bolster his argument just end up being far more like a child whining. "Professional Gamer?" really? Game is unplayable..... there are over a million people playing.


The OP should redesign his argument to be more assisting with defining the problems than being aggressive.

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EA i just a publisher... they have nothing to do with this issue.


If you think that EA is merely a publisher and that they don't have people heavily involved with this MMO, or any other project, you're misguided. EA has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into this MMO, to not be involved would be gross mismanagement on their part.


Dr Ray Muzyka and Dr Greg Zeschuk are both part of the EA management team btw. Go Google them.

Edited by Trimethicon
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it's the panel where all your abilities are slotted. i guess quickslot bar is the common term.


what is everyone's ability queue set to?


Have you done anything else except Single Player ? Any Warzones at all? Any Flashpoints?


Riposte is one of the best examples given here. It's an ability that doesn't trigger GCD, so you can use it in the middle of another one, yet it very often does not work. You have to spam it quite a lot, and it can interrupt your other instant abilities. Yes, I said instant...

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I think the thread idea is fine. Gather relative information to help the developers. However the style of the OP isn't about assisting. It's about attacking. Numerous comments that are to bolster his argument just end up being far more like a child whining. "Professional Gamer?" really? Game is unplayable..... there are over a million people playing.


The OP should redesign his argument to be more assisting with defining the problems than being aggressive.


The OP was written 5 threads ago, at that time "no-one" was mentioning this issue at all clearly because we collectively had no idea how to properly define and express it. The OP I believe served its purpose far better than expected. It is in no way aggressive... Simply assertive and attempting to raise awareness.


You know, I really dont understand why people are so offended by "Pro Gamers". Would you be offended if we were here discussing a racetrack and Michael Schumacher came along and gave you his "firm" critique? Or would you value it higher than the average Joe's because his ability to perceive the very hard nuances is far greater?


The OP will be updated, not edited in content to suit the progress of the thread...

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So THAT's what has been going on. I chalked it up to my lack of experience with this type of game. The other game that I play (CoX) was my first MMO, and I had gotten used to actions when I hit the button. I thought I was just hitting them too fast here (and apparently I am). There have been plenty of fights where my character starts an attack, then starts it again, and again like he's trying to fake out his opponent.


Now that I know what the issue is, and reading that response, I am beginning to wonder...

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it's the panel where all your abilities are slotted. i guess quickslot bar is the common term.


what is everyone's ability queue set to?


It's called the GCD "Global Cooldown", so my original reply to you is accurate. You believe that the issue is that people have to wait to hit their next ability until the GCD concludes. The problem is abilities still delay by at least .5 seconds or missfire completely.

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I've been aware of this thread since the original version and never really payed it too much attention. I've been pvping since prelaunch and though I was vaguely aware of the problem happening to me - something last night really snapped in PVP on my Operative, I'm not sure why it stood out so much last night, but boy did it really stink up my level of fun.
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So THAT's what has been going on. I chalked it up to my lack of experience with this type of game. The other game that I play (CoX) was my first MMO, and I had gotten used to actions when I hit the button. I thought I was just hitting them too fast here (and apparently I am). There have been plenty of fights where my character starts an attack, then starts it again, and again like he's trying to fake out his opponent.


Now that I know what the issue is, and reading that response, I am beginning to wonder...


Personally, I think that it's a separate issue from what most people on this thread are talking about (OP included). For me, I guess I can get used to the delay (but it's stupid if one of my interrupts is an "instant" ability but takes almost 1.5 seconds to actually interrupt, which is enough time for another class to get certain abilities that I was trying to interrupt off).

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It's called the GCD "Global Cooldown", so my original reply to you is accurate. You believe that the issue is that people have to wait to hit their next ability until the GCD concludes. The problem is abilities still delay by at least .5 seconds or missfire completely.


i did not say people have to wait. i said the complete opposite.

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i did not say people have to wait. i said the complete opposite.


Once again. Are you denying that certain skills, if you hit another button before the GCD expires, will just cause the skill to cancel that animation and have you stuck doing the wind up animation over and over again?


Or, in the case of riposte, an off GCD skill not firing because you pressed a button more than once?

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Even if the issue is latency related... other games like WoW don't have these responsiveness issues with the connection speed that people are having these problems with in SWTOR. Is there something I'm missing because either way I see this as a problem. Requiring the best machine and connection has always been a problem with PC gaming in my opinion, and developers should consider those without the means to enjoy this game at its fullest. BTW that's only if the issue is indeed related to latency. I personally think the issue is related to the queuing system. I turned it off and everything has been fine for me.
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i did not say people have to wait. i said the complete opposite.


Ok so you agree with the issue on ability delay and avatar responsiveness? If not, explain the Smuggler Grenade video or any other one listed.


Why is this an issue?.:


1) Stunned - Use PvP Trinkets (Instant, doesn't trigger GCD)

2) Cover - (Instant, doesn't trigger GCD)

3) Knockback - (Instant, triggers GCD)


Why does this this take 3+ seconds if its all instants without GCDs? It should be 1.5max...

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Even if the issue is latency related... other games like WoW don't have these responsiveness issues with the connection speed that people are having these problems with in SWTOR. Is there something I'm missing because either way I see this as a problem. Requiring the best machine and connection has always been a problem with PC gaming in my opinion, and developers should consider those without the means to enjoy this game at its fullest. BTW that's only if the issue is indeed related to latency. I personally think the issue is related to the queuing system. I turned it off and everything has been fine for me.


i wasn't a fan of the queue system in swtor so i left it at default and everything works fine for me.

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Once again. Are you denying that certain skills, if you hit another button before the GCD expires, will just cause the skill to cancel that animation and have you stuck doing the wind up animation over and over again?


Or, in the case of riposte, an off GCD skill not firing because you pressed a button more than once?


Dude, he's trolling you. Give it a rest. I know people like him. People that just "know better" and will fill you with lies. Honestly. You have the issue, I have the issue. He doesn't have it or just feels like just wants to show he's smarter then the rest, mostly by using obselete words like "quickbar recovery". Let it go.


We have the issue so why even having this conversation?

We do not have to prove it to other players. This threat is so Bioware can understand, not you or others. This is not a debate on whether the problem is real or not.


I will not suddenly say "oh... you were right all along" because you are very, very wrong. I tried both mashing the buttons and queueing the abilities patiently. Both of these solutions have the delay.

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The game is displaying a channeled ability in the form of multiple shots. Do not forget, this is a channeled ability, and the fact that 3/4 of the graphical shots fired is irrelevant.


Think of Mind Flay in WoW. You can't cast the next ability until Mind Flay is completely finished casting, or you interrupt it.


I would say it is working as intended. The problem is that in WoW, there are no channeled abilities that appear graphically as bursts, i.e. blaster shots. If you think of Unload, and similar abilities as Mind Flay, it will make more sense to you.


Actually, charged burst is cast-time, not channeled. You'll note that it only has one damage pulse despite firing four shots, and that it doesn't do a THING until the castbar finishes.


Also: Channelled abilities have the castbar start full and count DOWN. At least the two I have do...


Gives me an idea to play with them and do some lag testing.


Anyway, the problem is that castbar abilities(the two I've seen tested so far anyway) seem to have a substantial 'hitch' at the end of the castbar: it appears to be the client waiting for the server response that says 'yes, you're done, you did this much Damage/healing'(not necessarily but that's what it suggests).


That's a problem in an of itself, but the BIGGER problem is that it apparently locks out starting a new ability while it's hung up, even if the GCD is finished and the ability is off cooldown.


Apologies I am on phone and auto correct is messing with me. What is this "quickbar" recovery?


I think he's talking about the visible cooldowns on the quickslots. Which I've said I don't know how many times don't have the lag the animations or flytext do. :)


But that doesn't help the hitch on the end of castbar spells, non-GCD spells sometimes failing to go off (possibly respecting the GCD) when even the CLIENT apparently thinks they should (the twitching animation is the result of this), or the action-queue activation delay: all three of these show up on the UI too, if you look closely enough.

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you're still stuck on a game that came out 7 years ago. WoW has never been good and it's certainly not the be-all and end-all of MMOs.


swtor doesn't use auto attacks or animation clipping so stop blaming your problems on a design flaw. set your ability queue to 0.5 or fix your network issues.

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you're still stuck on a game that came out 7 years ago. WoW has never been good and it's certainly not the be-all and end-all of MMOs.


swtor doesn't use auto attacks or animation clipping so stop blaming your problems on a design flaw. set your ability queue to 0.5 or fix your network issues.


Actually the ability queue induces a delay if used: it doesn't fire the ability at the exact end of the GCD but in fact waits for a fraction of a second after to activate the ability.


Network latency also doesn't have anything to do with abilities that are off the GCD failing to activate (even though they start animating!), apparently respecting the GCD.


It also can at most only partially explain the hitch on the end of castbar spells: such hitch is something that could, and should be, much more compensated for than it is if it's just latency. And the hitch should NOT be preventing new abilities from being activated in any case whatsoever!


And then there's at least one healing ability that simply breaks and stops doing anything if spammed...

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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you're still stuck on a game that came out 7 years ago. WoW has never been good and it's certainly not the be-all and end-all of MMOs.


swtor doesn't use auto attacks or animation clipping so stop blaming your problems on a design flaw. set your ability queue to 0.5 or fix your network issues.


70 ms and having issues oh yea 0.5 is the defualt i toyed around with it and it didnt do anything so thanks for the useless post and this game does have design flaw paericularly with melee

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