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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Wow thank god I'm not the only one. This was the VERY, very, veryyyyyyyyyyy first thing I noticed when I picked up the game. Coming from WoW the difference was extremely noticeable. It also didn't help that I was playing a class with "Cover" which compounded the sluggish/wonky feel of the combat.


Good news is that the game is obviously new so there's plenty of time to fix, and I really hope they do because it's the only thing in the game that keeps me going back to WoW. :(

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Wow thank god I'm not the only one. This was the VERY, very, veryyyyyyyyyyy first thing I noticed when I picked up the game. Coming from WoW the difference was extremely noticeable. It also didn't help that I was playing a class with "Cover" which compounded the sluggish/wonky feel of the combat.


Good news is that the game is obviously new so there's plenty of time to fix, and I really hope they do because it's the only thing in the game that keeps me going back to WoW. :(


There are plenty of people here that feel the same way that you do....although I can't say that I'll ever go back to WoW. Furthermore, a lot of people notice the sluggishness, but can't quite put their finger on why combat feels the way it does. This thread does a great job of highlighting the problems specifically. We have concrete evidence supported by a number of constructive posts. Hopefully we're screaming loud enough.

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I think the problem lies in people setting the ability queue to (0.0). At this setting the game will overlap abilities, leading to spells clipping and canceling early. Once I set the queue to 1 sec I no longer had any problems. My abilities have not clipped or bugged out since letting the game prevent ability queue for 1 full sec after using an ability. This fits in between the 1.5 sec global cooldown so nobody should have a problem.
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Did we need another thread about this? Apparently people posted in the last thread that it was being looked at. So, I'm pretty sure creating/bumping old topics is just a waste of your time.


This isn't 'another' thread. It's the fifth reincarnation of the single most important thread on these boards.


For the record, I'm glad that this doesn't bother a number of people, but to those of us that want a more fast-paced, competitive gameplay experience, fixing this issue is priority number one.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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I agree this is an important issue. Currently the game feels clunky and this very much distracts from the overal experience. It's like someone constantly tapping you on the shoulder saying "you're pressing buttons that send bits of code that tell your computer to light up certain pixels". Of course I already know this, but being reminded of it constantly is, well, annoying.


And that's not even touching upon the actual effect on playability, especially in FP's and WZ's and such...

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There's an entire genre of video games based on crisp, clean animation/ability activation. Fighting games are DESIGNED around this core design principle.


C'mon Bioware, please fix this before you get enough 50's start their raiding careers. The horrendous delay on Trooper stuff in particular is really worrisome for me - what if I get to 50 and suddenly everyone's all like "we'd rather take a more reliable healer - it has nothing to do with skill, I just don't want to have to worry about one of your heals getting clipped and our tank going down."

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I just hit the cancel button on my subscription because of this issue. I find the game very frustrating and stressful to play, I want to enjoy it but I can't. I might consider coming back if this issue is resolved to a satisfactory standard and there is non-face roll end game content.


I haven't viewed these forums since I started playing, but I'm quite relieved that a big deal is being made out of this issue.


Note: I'm a gamer, not an RPer or Star Wars fanatic. I think if you play because you are either of those then you won't care so much this issue.

Edited by Xilentor
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To Devs, this also effects the way classes play.


As a person that has played a high level operative and high level scoundrel I can tell you the operative has a huge advantage in terms of how they play.


Dirty Kick for example is just clunky as hell compared to the Operative's ability. Try using Dirty kick on the move and tell me it isn't clunky and not instant compared to the Operatives.

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I always respect a straight shooter. My real life job is a walking bullcrap detector, and you might as well rename the Dev Tracker to Bullcrap Tracker because other than a few informational posts on patches and server issues, that is all it is. I'll give an example:


The ability delay issue response can be summed up as: "This is a complicated issue that we are talking about so we aren't going to say anything about it yet." Instead of this CRAP, let us IN on our product! Be frank, say that you've experienced it in game, admit that it was a concern, talk about what the lead combat designer believes the fix might take, tell us what the heads are thinking, talk about the engine a little bit and give us some insight on how the engine prioritizes skill triggers, animations, and cooldowns. BE OPEN. You don't have to set dates, and you are only GAINING respect from an INTELLIGENT community. By not being lucid you are pissing people like me off.



This ^^

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To Devs, this also effects the way classes play.


As a person that has played a high level operative and high level scoundrel I can tell you the operative has a huge advantage in terms of how they play.


Dirty Kick for example is just clunky as hell compared to the Operative's ability. Try using Dirty kick on the move and tell me it isn't clunky and not instant compared to the Operatives.


Well, its much harder to kick while moving... realism... :D

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Crazy. This is the fifth iteration of this thread. They've had to re-open new ones because the previous 4 all hit their post limits (1,000 posts). That means we're well over 4,000 posts and counting.


I think an outpouring of customer reaction like that indicates that this issue quite possibly needs to be priority #1 for the dev team. This issue has been seriously hamstringing my enjoyment lately. I didn't notice it in the earlier levels of the game, because my ability selection was limited and, quite frankly, I didn't understand my class yet. But now that I've got a full arsenal of abilities and an understanding of my class that has allowed me to start stringing together abilities and utilizing the synergy of those abilities, this issue has reared its head and become absolutely back-breaking.


It's like a gigantic roadblock in the middle of your ability sequence. For a class like the Sith Marauder, it's absolutely crucial that we be able to string together our abilities with pin-point accuracy. I can't count the numbers of times I've hit an available ability, or an ability that's off the GCD, only for the ability not to trigger. Sometimes I'll hit 6 abilities in sequence, and half of them won't work. So I'll end up 5 or so seconds into the fight without any bleeds or defensive abilities active. That puts me way behind the eight-ball in a tough encounter, and leaves me scrambling to compensate.

Edited by Mavajo
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The last thing I'd like to talk about is directed at the Community Manager or the PR Department for Bioware/EA. I will be clear and quick. WE ARE NOT ALL CHILDREN AND VERY FEW OF US ARE LAWYERS. BE CLEAR AND LUCID AND YOU WILL GAIN MORE RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING FROM THE COMMUNITY THAN YOU CAN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH.


I always respect a straight shooter. My real life job is a walking bullcrap detector, and you might as well rename the Dev Tracker to Bullcrap Tracker because other than a few informational posts on patches and server issues, that is all it is. I'll give an example:


The ability delay issue response can be summed up as: "This is a complicated issue that we are talking about so we aren't going to say anything about it yet." Instead of this CRAP, let us IN on our product! Be frank, say that you've experienced it in game, admit that it was a concern, talk about what the lead combat designer believes the fix might take, tell us what the heads are thinking, talk about the engine a little bit and give us some insight on how the engine prioritizes skill triggers, animations, and cooldowns. BE OPEN. You don't have to set dates, and you are only GAINING respect from an INTELLIGENT community. By not being lucid you are pissing people like me off. I like to know what is going on when I care about something and I really want this game to succeed. Even if there is no news on a fix for these issues I'd resub if there was even just a change in communication between Bioware/EA and its customers.


Quoting this for absolute emphasis... the entire post was accurate but this part needs highlighting.

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Crazy. This is the fifth iteration of this thread. They've had to re-open new ones because the previous 4 all hit their post limits (1,000 posts). That means we're well over 4,000 posts and counting.


I think an outpouring of customer reaction like that indicates that this issue quite possibly needs to be priority #1 for the dev team. This issue has been seriously hamstringing my enjoyment lately. I didn't notice it in the earlier levels of the game, because my ability selection was limited and, quite frankly, I didn't understand my class yet. But now that I've got a full arsenal of abilities and an understanding of my class that has allowed me to start stringing together abilities and utilizing the synergy of those abilities, this issue has reared its head and become absolutely back-breaking.


It's like a gigantic roadblock in the middle of your ability sequence. For a class like the Sith Marauder, it's absolutely crucial that we be able to string together our abilities with pin-point accuracy. I can't count the numbers of times I've hit an available ability, or an ability that's off the GCD, only for the ability not to trigger. Sometimes I'll hit 6 abilities in sequence, and half of them won't work. So I'll end up 5 or so seconds into the fight without any bleeds or defensive abilities active. That puts me way behind the eight-ball in a tough encounter, and leaves me scrambling to compensate.


If you look at the threads, the first has about 1,700+ posts... etc. We're well over 5,000+, 500+ pages, 200,000+ views etc. I think Bioware needs to adress the issue more directly. Everything has been incredibly vague. The lack of insider communications also leads to a lot of confusion, guess work etc.


We dont even have a timestamping combat log to help us...

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Hello everyone. It is early morning (pst) and I am sipping coffee, trying to wake up completely, and reading the recent posts on this thread.


There is nothing for me to say that I have not said before so will just say - bump, keep this important issue on the first page. It is important to many players that the combat issues be addressed and fixed so that the game will be the winner that we all (at least most of us) want it to be. It is important to BW to understand that the combat issues exist and should be fixed because millions of dollars in sub (and new player) revenues are dependent on the resolution.

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