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See this game wont go F2P


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SWTOR will die because of it's core design flaw


SWTOR is a WoW clone with less areas and more linearity. The question you have to ask is, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't? Voice over? REALLY? And i don't know if you've noticed but the cinematics and overall gameplay is TRAMPLED by actual single player games. In single player games, the world changes because of your actions. In SWTOR everything remains the same.


So SWTOR fails as a single player game AND as an MMO, either way you have to pay 15 dollars a month


Plain and simple. And i don't know if you've noticed, but peak times have gone from 16 full servers to 2 full servers.


Oh BTW, don't worry about SWTOR going F2P, EA is too proud to do something like that. Look at Warhammer for instance


This here be the truth.

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Its new and hasnt been ruined by too many level cap raises, new classes, gear becoming obsolete over and over, and so on and so forth.



Regardless of how "clean" you may think WoW is the fact of the matter is that its a watered down, mudflated, shadow of its former self.


MMO's all have a shelf life and naturally degrade as more and more content is released.


There is no way around this.


You bring up a good point, but in a few months that's going to apply to Guild Wars II, The Secret World and who knows what else?

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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


What does size have to do with linearity?


WoW has a linear quest path just like TOR (well, two, to be fair). You go from a quest hub to another as your level progresses. How is that not linear?


Also, nobody got banned just by going to Ilum. Stop propagating this.

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Its new and hasnt been ruined by too many level cap raises, new classes, gear becoming obsolete over and over, and so on and so forth.



Regardless of how "clean" you may think WoW is the fact of the matter is that its a watered down, mudflated, shadow of its former self.


MMO's all have a shelf life and naturally degrade as more and more content is released.




A fresh new MMO always has the edge.


Uh, sure. Unfortunately for SWTOR, it offers nothing new besides more talking which is a DETRIMENT to a lot of people.


What you're seeing right now is the "honeymoon" stage of an MMO where everyone will valiant defend SWTOR and say "Just be patient!"


Well eventually, peoples patience will wear off, as a lot already have. Think about it, even Rift that offered dynamic, world changing events, couldn't hold even half of their subscribers DESPITE the fact that they release content almost every month


What makes you think SWTOR, which has nothing new to offer and whos content release will be slowed BECAUSE of voice over, will survive?

Edited by Blackwater
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You bring up a good point, but in a few months that's going to apply to Guild Wars II, The Secret World and who knows what else?


Thats why I give a new MMO a 3-4 month chance to basically bring itself up to speed.



SWTOR isnt as polished as it could be but I'll give it a fair shake before I move on to the next big thing.



Uh, sure. Unfortunately for SWTOR, it offers nothing new besides more talking which is a DETRIMENT to a lot of people.


What you're seeing right now is the "honeymoon" stage of an MMO where everyone will valiant defend SWTOR and say "Just be patient!"


Well eventually, peoples patience will wear off, as a lot already have. Think about it, even Rift that offered dynamic, world changing events, couldn't hold even half of their subscribers DESPITE the fact that they release content almost every month?


What makes you think SWTOR, which has nothing new to offer and whos content release will be slowed BECAUSE of voice over, will survive?



Im not saying it will but I (like millions of others) are waiting for a WoW replacement, id rather gouge my eyes out that go back to that game.


So in the meantime I remain hopeful, I play the new game as if it will be successful, if it fails then it fails but I'm not just going to write it off in its infancy.

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What you people don't seem to consider is that it's not "Oh look at how fast BioWare is working to remove these bugs!" when the fact of the matter is that these were problem fixes from the beta that were kicked down the road in order to get the game to release. The point is, they've had a lot longer than half a month to fix them, so let's not get too impressed too early. When the patches and fixes go from a nice letter to the players from the developers to actually being patched on the live server, that's when we can start to get a feel for things.
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or it could be subscription is simply an outdated business model and going ft2 is simply the more profitable path.


wow got away with it so its the benchmark.... wow released with 1 ageing competitor EQ. the market today is not the same, odds are BW would make a lot more money with the "expensive as you want" or as its inaccurately called f2p

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Uh, sure. Unfortunately for SWTOR, it offers nothing new besides more talking which is a DETRIMENT to a lot of people.


What you're seeing right now is the "honeymoon" stage of an MMO where everyone will valiant defend SWTOR and say "Just be patient!"


Well eventually, peoples patience will wear off, as a lot already have. Think about it, even Rift that offered dynamic, world changing events, couldn't hold even half of their subscribers DESPITE the fact that they release content almost every month?


What makes you think SWTOR, which has nothing new to offer and whos content release will be slowed BECAUSE of voice over, will survive?


Rift lost a large amount of their playbase due to their shoddy security.

Edited by Bdatik
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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?


wow zones are WAY smaller than swtors planets. -1

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wow zones are WAY smaller than swtors planets. -1


Really? Talk a walk on Ord Mantell and then go to Dun Morogh then get back to me.


I'm not being fair of course since there ARE planets in SWTOR that are bigger than some WoW zones, but guess what, in WoW there is no LOAD SCENE when you walk into another area (Which BTW COMPLETELY scatters immersion and the feeling of this game being an MMO)

Edited by Blackwater
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Really? Talk a walk on Ord Mantell and then go to Dun Morogh then get back to me.


I'm not being fair of course since there ARE planets in SWTOR that are bigger than some WoW zones, but guess what, in WoW there is no LOAD SCENE when you walk into another area


There are no load screens in WoW?

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There are no load screens in WoW?

Sure, when you switch CONTINENTS. I can't walk 2 feet in SWTOR without hitting a personal phase or a load scene. This is a MASSIVE design flaw


This game might be fun to solo play for a while, but people will get sick of rerolling

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Sure, when you switch CONTINENTS. I can't walk 2 feet in SWTOR without hitting a personal phases or a load scene. This is a MASSIVE design flaw


Seriously, what is with all of your hyperbole? It only hurts your arguments.

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Really? Talk a walk on Ord Mantell and then go to Dun Morogh then get back to me.


I'm not being fair of course since there ARE planets in SWTOR that are bigger than some WoW zones, but guess what, in WoW there is no LOAD SCENE when you walk into another area (Which BTW COMPLETELY scatters immersion and the feeling of this game being an MMO)


Ord Mantell is a starter zone, and it's easily the size of Dun Morogh, if not a little larger.


Later planets are the size of 2+ WoW zones.


C'mon man, there's a line between fact and fanboyism.

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Ord Mantell is a starter zone, and it's easily the size of Dun Morogh, if not a little larger.


Later planets are the size of 2+ WoW zones.


C'mon man, there's a line between fact and fanboyism.


Uh, no. You need to go to Dun Morogh again, it's AT LEAST 3 times the size of Ord Mantell. You're arguing against FACT.


And I've consceded the fact that SOME planets like Hoth, Tat, and Alderaan are larger than most WoW zones. But guess what. When you have 21 planets, 3 of them being large isn't a very good number

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Are you suggesting that SWTOR ISN'T riddled with load scenes?


Take these orbital stations for examples. They're literally load scenes for the sake of load scenes.


No, what I am saying is:


I can't walk 2 feet in SWTOR without hitting a personal phase or a load scene.


Is flat out false and you know it. Go look up the definition of hyperbole.

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Are you suggesting that SWTOR ISN'T riddled with load scenes?


Take these orbital stations for examples. They're literally load scenes for the sake of load scenes.


Orbital Stations exist because certain starter planets (or other planets) don't have individual docking bays.


Also, the transition from station to ground is seamless.

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Uh, no. You need to go to Dun Morogh again, it's AT LEAST 3 times the size of Ord Mantell. You're arguing against FACT.


And I've consceded the fact that SOME planets like Hoth, Tat, and Alderaan are larger than most WoW zones. But guess what. When you have 21 planets, 3 of them being large isn't a very good number


Sure, go online and bring up a map of Dun Morogh and compare it to Ord's map.


Keep in mind the scale too.


At this point, you're arguing for the sake of arguing, and no amount of fact or logic is going to change your mind.

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I agree with SWTOR never going F2P due to EA. But seriously: WoW is non-linear? It's linear as hell man... I'd indeed MUCH rather have voice-acting and 1 main path while leveling, than having no story what-so-ever and having sometimes 2(!!) different level 40-50 areas and crap like that.


How many times have you actually laughed whilst leveling during WoW? 10 times tops? Due to funny bugs, ganks, or crazy quests (especially later expansions). I've LOL'd a whole lot more during my leveling in SWTOR so far.


PVP isn't better or worse, both need tweaking.


And in every other aspect its not ''more'' or ''less'' MMO than WoW ever was/will be. It just has less content, which makes sense.


just put him on ignore, he is spouting the exact same crap in every thread.

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