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SW:G Player Bounties


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I, for one would LOOOOVE for them to bring this back. Man...it was so awesome a feature in Star Wars: Galaxies. Talk about immersing the character into his roleplay.


It was genius!


Now, to make it fair.... you could have the completion of a player bounty on a 1 week--> 1 month cooldown (marketing ploy). You could also have the rewards for completing a player bounty be worth experience, money, loot (PvP gear) and....a title after you accrued a certain amount of PK's... All of which smack of "awesomeness"...


Anyway, decide for yourselves.



Vote now!!!!

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Bounty hunting in SWG was amazing. especially when you lost xp for dying (prema death even made the game amazing). frankly, what is the point of having a bounty hunter in the game if they cant bounty hunt? as in SWG i would expect this to be added eventually as it greatly improves gameplay and overall immersion in Star Wars lore.
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Bounty hunting in SWG was amazing. especially when you lost xp for dying (prema death even made the game amazing). frankly, what is the point of having a bounty hunter in the game if they cant bounty hunt? as in SWG i would expect this to be added eventually as it greatly improves gameplay and overall immersion in Star Wars lore.


yet it doesn't work too well in a themepark.


And whats the point of it if there really is no punishment for being killed?


And whats to stop someone from just camping out on their ship or in an instance, or another phase? Or in the city?


TOR isn't designed for something like that to be implemented well, unless it was a gimmick in a BG, kinda like APB does where you have to defend x person from dying so many times, before you kill y number of baddies

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There was a system like this in Eve Online, are you talking about the same thing? You place a bounty on a person through the game system and the bounty amount is displayed underneath their name as they are moving about.


Another good idea is to get proof of a kill. I know in Eve Online you can loot their corpses of the remains and it would say the player's name. Maybe off the dead bodies you could loot something like "JackNimbyl's Dog Tags".

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Loved throwing up my BH tag in a jedi grind spot and watch the padawans scatter to their safe houses to avoid xp loss from a BH kill.


Loved stalking my mark across planets, learning his movements, watching his habits then BAM - whacking him in the cantina while his guard is down.


Yes player bounties would need to be completely re thought out but if implemented correctly this would be so cool.

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This must be work in two ways because BH is an Empire Side class, you need to select a class on Republic side too. Maybe Trooper, because Smuggler not equal to BH -Smuggler most likely equal to Agent they are Healer/DPS, BH is Tank/DPS-. This is a good idea but must work both ways.
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1. Have person kill you or alt.

2. Place bounty on them.

3. Go grab bounty.

4. Load into Restuss.

5. Kill the person that just killed you.

Totally an awesome system :/


red : yes i love that system who wanna tried to kill me i was enojoyed a lot

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1. Have person kill you or alt.

2. Place bounty on them.

3. Go grab bounty.

4. Load into Restuss.

5. Kill the person that just killed you.


Totally an awesome system :/


The solution to that is a bounty system that doesn't create money out of thin air but where it is the player who placed the bounty who pays.

Something like you place a bounty and the money is deduced immediately, and when someone kills the guy he receives that money through mail. And you get your money back if you rescind the bounty before the target player is killed.


It would avoid the issue above. There would be no point in exploiting it, except perhaps to transfer money across factions but it doesn't sound like a big issue.

Edited by Zlodo
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Maybe. It was stated that in the future the space system is going to be redone to be up to par with developers expectations and that the current space system is a stand in. It would be neat if bounties were added in the future also, but the method it would be added in... that would take some thought. Of a surety it can't be done in the same manner as in SWG, but if some method for involving the system could be devised by the development team that works with the setting of this game it would be an interesting and immersive feature.


There are more pressing concerns for the moment though, which are both easier to implement and on a much more important scale than bounties.

Edited by Krie_Marina
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Yes yes, we know. SWG was so awesome. Why don't you go play it right now?


Oh, what's that? It no longer exists? Perhaps because it sucked.


It was up for like 10 years, it had to die sometime.


Plus the license obviously transferred. Cant have two Star Wars mmo at the same time.


You know what truly sucked though? Star Trek.

Edited by MookieFett
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Players from Anarchy Online would pay lots of credits for screen shots of killed players. The bounties were usually posted in the trade forums.


An unofficial bounty system can work if its run by the players.


Eve had em' too, and they were awesome. (Though death/loss of a ship carried a little bit more weight than TOR's death system.)

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Not going to happen. Everyone seems to have forgotten that pvp and pve servers are basically the same with just flagging options. A player bounty system could never work on a pve server since you cant pvp a unwilling player. I do not see BW developing some thing that would not work for both server types.
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I, for one would LOOOOVE for them to bring this back. Man...it was so awesome a feature in Star Wars: Galaxies. Talk about immersing the character into his roleplay.


It was genius!


Now, to make it fair.... you could have the completion of a player bounty on a 1 week--> 1 month cooldown (marketing ploy). You could also have the rewards for completing a player bounty be worth experience, money, loot (PvP gear) and....a title after you accrued a certain amount of PK's... All of which smack of "awesomeness"...


Anyway, decide for yourselves.



Vote now!!!!


If you like that play sandbox-mmos like Eve online...

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