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So lets see, level 50 brackets.


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On Juyo it's usually 8 imperial 50's vs 1 republic 50 and the rest 20 and lower, most of just given up on warzones on the republic side. Sick of facing someone who takes 300 damage from my 1500 min damage abil


Well count me in the number of those giving up. The other side had only 48-50's , we had 1 50 and a lot of 11-20. The disparity in skills is too great.


Why did they not make bracket of level for PVP ?


I certainly have written off PVP totally. I see no reason to queue as 50 if it is to beat other low elvel guy in the same situation as I am now but in a few week.

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As time goes by and more people are fully geared freshly turned level 50s will be in for a nasty surprise in the 50 only bracket.


The solution is not to get rid of brackets but to get rid of expertise. Better stats, sure. I-win button just because you showed you can stand a grind? That's so 2005. One would think MMOs can evolve somehow and not repeat obvious crap just because.


Actually, if you PvP while you level you can build up a level 50 PvP set to the point where you will have a fighting chance as a new 50 toon, and with this new bracket system it's going to do nothing but encourage pre-50 players to PvP more often. I will be in with my alts far more often for sure. Gaining commendations and valor isn't a rough grind. :)


Expertise is fine how it is. The only qualm I have is the completely random RNG for tokens from Champion Bags; that sort of system needs to stay in a PvE environment where it belongs.

Edited by Xansyn
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Let the teeny boppers who got to 50 in Early Access fight themselves.


The amount of 50's on the Sith faction on my server is absurd. in %50 of the Warzones I participated in, %50 of the enemy team was level 50.


Let's see the Republic win its fair share of matches now!

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Not even sure why this thread as been made really.

Fact is, a level 50 has more skills available to use + better gear that makes a significant impact.


Why should lower levels suffer this massive disadvantage simply because they didn't play the game/level as hard as you? The game has to accommodate as many people as they can, and the 50s currently are the minority, but this WILL gradually change as it is is inevitable.


My personal experience as a level 45 Sorc against a 50 Sorc = my chain lightning ticked at about ~350 damage, whereas he, using chain lightning also, ticked at 1000+. Like seriously. ***. I'm not saying I dislike the person/level 50s in general, I'm just saying it doesn't make any sense to pit a chihuahua against a pitbull!

(also a second time where a level 50 merc was outhealing my damage on him lol. I just gave up, went naked, danced next to him, and awaited my inevitable death.)

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I love this new MMO... but it seems the same BS I've heard in that "Other MMO" is all the same!!!!


I am currently leveling 2 characters... Repub Jedi Guardian and Imp Bounty Hunter. Im currently level 26,24...

Ive done a ton of PvP and yea at times it gets old being stomped by 50s, but the rewards at the end of each match are far worth it!


I cant believe the credits you get for matches! and to mention the huge XP... Makes it fun and worth doing PvP for people leveling.


I assume this is by design. Devs wants a lot of people queued up!

So enjoy people...

So what you get stomped by a 50... does it hurt you in anyway? Nope!

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Goodbye insta-queues.


Low levels QQing about not being able to destroy level 50s because every other MMO is like that :/


PvP at low levels is a side-activity not a "I have to win at everything because it means something".


"I have to fight people my own level, wah!" That's the strangest complaint ever.

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