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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware has no choice


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Bioware will eventually *have* to address Imp heavy pop balance. Absolutely no choice in the matter. Get all frothy and white knight and deny it if you like but it is absolutely necessary.


The only question is, how should they fix it?


Why would anyone white knight it? This is like the 5 millionth thread saying this.

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why not just eliminate all parameters on warzones? Let every one of the warzones be fightable by same side factions, sith vs sith, republic vs republic everywhere. Story doesn't matter in pvp but at least this can get the queues rolling. There isn't enough of a compelling reason for people to play republic, the stories of the two classes I played were not in the least as interesting as the equivalent classes on the sith side.
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There are dozens of ways.


Force login thresholds to be within a 1.5 to 1 margin.


Temporarily eliminate same-side warzones to smoke people out.




That would cause more people to quit the game than anything.


Just offer free faction changes for level 50's, don't deny people access to the game. That wouldn't be a good move on Bioware's part.


The empire side of things is just done a lot better, you can tell the Devs are major Imperial fans over Republic.


A good example is the Taris quest lines or Coruscant/Dromund Kass. The Imperial side is so much more interesting.


With that said, I for one am choosing to reroll Republic.

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There are dozens of ways.


Force login thresholds to be within a 1.5 to 1 margin.


Temporarily eliminate same-side warzones to smoke people out.




If they start doing things like, then they had better get a lot refunds ready for people. The problem can't be fixed, it had to be prevented and they completely failed to do so.


If they start brand new ratio locked servers and allow people to switch their toons over there for free, and offer something like an XP boost to play the unpopular faction, that would work.


But they won't do that, because Blizzard didn't do it.

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That would cause more people to quit the game than anything.


Just offer free faction changes for level 50's, don't deny people access to the game. That wouldn't be a good move on Bioware's part.


The empire side of things is just done a lot better, you can tell the Devs are major Imperial fans over Republic.


A good example is the Taris quest lines or Coruscant/Dromund Kass. The Imperial side is so much more interesting.


With that said, I for one am choosing to reroll Republic.


I guess those players will have to enjoy their forgotten, niche game in a few months.


Your victory will earn you the ultimate prize: Warhammer Online 2.


I've done my duty and joined Republic, so this isn't on me when it goes down.


But hey, you rode the game to hell with a red lightsaber, right?



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Aion despite being a horribad game, had a way to address faction imbalance, when a server was becomming to lopsided, it just wouldnt let you create the overpopulated faction on the character select screen. Whether or not that would work here, I have no idea.


And despite all that, on most servers one faction absolutely butchered the other in world PvP. So much so that the underdog faction never showed its face in the Abyss.


Moral of the story is, just because population numbers are even, doesn't mean the number of PvPers is even, or their skill levels, or the time they play each week, etc., etc.


There IS no solution to this. Never was, never will be. It's human nature at its best - can't beat them, join them. That's why dual faction never works, you need a third faction as a wild card.

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I guess those players will have to enjoy their forgotten, niche game in a few months.


Your victory will earn you the ultimate prize: Warhammer Online 2.


I've done my duty and joined Republic, so this isn't on me when it goes down.


But hey, you rode the game to hell with a red lightsaber, right?




If you're not going to read posts before posting, just don't post.


People playing Empire will not kill the game. They can't force people to play a certain faction, that's incredibly stupid. Think about it.


You just finished leveling to 50 and you try to log on: NOPE SORRY, YOU CHOSE THE WRONG FACTION LOL, BETTER REROLL CY@

Edited by KhealThar
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I guess those players will have to enjoy their forgotten, niche game in a few months.


Your victory will earn you the ultimate prize: Warhammer Online 2.


I've done my duty and joined Republic, so this isn't on me when it goes down.


But hey, you rode the game to hell with a red lightsaber, right?




I don't understand people like you. Calling Empire players "idiots" because they play the faction they want to and not compromise just because of bad game design just makes you look foolish. This is 100% Bioware's fault and not one bit of blame can be placed on the players. They should have seen the lopsided population balance in beta and put in safeguards for release to ensure a proper game experience for all, but they didn't.

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They should have seen the lopsided population balance in beta and put in safeguards for release to ensure a proper game experience for all, but they didn't.


Beta is a poor example. I know a lot of folks who were going to go Empire at release NEVER played as Empire in beta just so they wouldn't spoil the story for themselves.


Where I think BioWare came up short is general Republic design. Quests are boringly generic, classes are unimpressive. I mean, look at Sage and Inquisitor. The latter shoots lightning from his fingertips. The former throws pebbles. Which do you think people will want to play more? Take Bounty Hunter - be your own man, make money, slaughter your enemies. Now take a Trooper - the storyline (at least as far as I got) is "yes, sir! no, sir! thank you, sir!" If I wanted that, I'd join the army.


I just get zero incentive to play as Republic. I don't like the classes, I don't like the stories, I'm not crazy about the companions or ship designs. At leas in WoW Alliance was straight-backed and pretty, while Horde (at least the males) suffered from scoliosis.

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The problem can't be fixed, it had to be prevented and they completely failed to do so.


They didn't cause this problem, the community did. You all made this problem. You all knew before launch this would be a problem, you could of prevented it then. You all can fix it now.


If this games world pvp fails, its everyone's fault. The community should take some responsibility.


Its like wow private servers, hundreds horde standing around waiting to dogpile on any alliance they see, its stupid and pathetic.


I rolled republic specifically to be part of the solution. Besides, sith psychopathy is just plain retarded in this game.

Edited by _Scattered_
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I trust this never will happen!Locking servers or anything similar is just bad buisness,people should be free to choose where and what to play!

However i dont know why all this love for empire!I personally find only the bh and warrior a better design respect the repub ones but however

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I don't understand people like you. Calling Empire players "idiots" because they play the faction they want to and not compromise just because of bad game design just makes you look foolish. This is 100% Bioware's fault and not one bit of blame can be placed on the players. They should have seen the lopsided population balance in beta and put in safeguards for release to ensure a proper game experience for all, but they didn't.


Fine. Keep on doin' what you're doin'


Don't say I didn't warn you.

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There are dozens of ways.


Force login thresholds to be within a 1.5 to 1 margin.


Temporarily eliminate same-side warzones to smoke people out.




Great idea, make 60% of the imp players quit to make balance.

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lol theres no way to fix it.


I'm inclined to agree. How are you going to prevent people from playing a new class. The game is going to thrive on alts due to the unique class stories. I don't see a fix, at least not one that is as simple as preventing people from creating characters in that faction.

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There's not a lot Bioware can do to convince people to roll republic who are all "WEEE PURPLE LIGHTNING I'M A BAD GUY YESSSSS"


I mean, when you have such a large population who's all lulzevil about things, you could make empire statistically 10% worse in every area and empire might still be overpopulated by comparison.


It's just the "cool" thing to be the bad guys, the evil guys, the guys that shoot lightning and have force choke. That's the hip thing to do.


So be one of the many or one of the few. But you get the perks for being underpopulated, if you choose to shoot yourself in the foot by rolling up on what many *knew* would be overpopulated.....well I sincerely have no sympathy for you.


You'll find little sympathy from Republic players for your nonstop Huttball queues.


I for one am looking forward to when they population throttle Illum and only 10% of Empire can get in. Enjoy THAT.

Edited by Vlaid
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They didn't cause this problem, the community did. You all made this problem. You all knew before launch this would be a problem, you could of prevented it then. You all can fix it now.


If this games world pvp fails, its everyone's fault. The community should take some responsibility.


Its like wow private servers, hundreds horde standing around waiting to dogpile on any alliance they see, its stupid and pathetic.


I rolled republic specifically to be part of the solution. Besides, sith psychopathy is just plain retarded in this game.


Have leveled a consular and inquisitor a bit. Sith inquisitor storyline is better. I like going light side on my consular to just give every npc who disrespects me in the game credits. Saying that bioware had no part in the imbalance is reaching. Blizzard did the same thing is cata. The new horde questline>alliance questlines.

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I for one am looking forward to when they population throttle Illum and only 10% of Empire can get in. Enjoy THAT.


On my server Empire has already resorted to creating characters on the Republic just to ask people to go to Illum and cap the points. Empire are just camping Illum waiting for someone to cap them so they can cap them back. Currently the faction that has the lower population has the advantage on Illum. I mean it is about capping the points for the daily, and if you always have control, then it's slow going to cap what you already have them capped.

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