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PVP Relic Suggestions?


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So I play a Rage Jugg, although I pvp in Soresu with a shield generator for the survivability. What do people suggest I get for my Champion Relic? I was thinking of getting one offensive and one defensive - to use as the situation called for.


I'm torn between Power versus crit for offensive, and shield versus defense for defensive. What do people think?

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Aren't those unique to each other?


Anyway, if they are unique, get a power relic. You can stack it with an adrenal and really go all hulk smash on kids.


Second this. Imo, since you're running a shield generator, get one shield/absorb relic and the other +power. That way you have a defensive one to help you soak damage and an offensive one for dropping big Smash.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm assuming by relic shards you mean the matrix shard one? Also, is Power really better than crit? Cuz the crit one gives crit and surge. I haven't done the math but might when I was looking at surge it seemed I may get a bigger bonus from that. I think the bonus surge equates to like 20% more crit damage whereas the power is only like +100 damage.


Has anyone actually run these numbers?


Shield definitely is better than defense in people's opinions?

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm assuming by relic shards you mean the matrix shard one? Also, is Power really better than crit? Cuz the crit one gives crit and surge. I haven't done the math but might when I was looking at surge it seemed I may get a bigger bonus from that. I think the bonus surge equates to like 20% more crit damage whereas the power is only like +100 damage.


Has anyone actually run these numbers?


Shield definitely is better than defense in people's opinions?

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THe big thing I've heard is that defense gets pretty diminishing returns at 30%, while shield/absorb works reasonably well.


I picked up the shield one, and well, while I'm really not specced that well, hitting that relic causes me to jump to about 45% shield proc rate and 45% absorption.

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For anyone interested I ran some of the numbers... This is assuming a base Smash - totally unmodified - of about 750. I have about 90% crit damage with talents and I'm assuming all of these are after a charge so gauranteed crit...


Basic Smash with 4 ticks of Choke:



With 330 Power relic you get 70 bonus damage:



With 220 surge from relic you get about 45% more crit damage:



Seems to me like the crit/surge trinket would be the better option... Plus you get the bonus of crit working for both force and melee skills whereas power only helps force abilities... Can anyone see any flaws in my logic?

Edited by Shaitin
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