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What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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Ethavan Crowe is the first of the Crowe family to start a lucrative smuggling trade. Malrath Crowe is his half-brother, who was raised by Allix Crowe, their father, a staunch, fanatical Republic military man who is fiercely loyal to the Republic, and Allix's methods of furthering Republic agenda is often-times met with raised eyebrows.


Malrath Crowe saw the hypocrisy in Republic enforcement and politicians through his own father, and chooses to be loyal only to himself, though the Empire pays better, and most of his bounty hunting jobs are for them.


Ethavan, on the other hand, was raised on Tatooine by his mother and step-father. As a child, he could only find fun, when he wasn't working, by building pistols and plinking at womprats. Thus, his ability with pistols has been honed since childhood. Tiring of working his fingers to the bone for miniscule profits, he used his uncanny natural ability at probability and averages to win a starship in a game of pazaak, and he set out from there.


My forum name, Jeramie Crowe, is a smuggler, from this long line of smugglers started by Ethavan, that plied his trade during the time of Luke Skywalker. (Character in SWG.)

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Initially I tried to go for a "meaning", looked up nautical terms.


Banyan was one of the first that caught my eye - it's a term for a short period of rest.


Somehow I stumbled then over Bayan which has quite a few meanings, for example "dawn" in kurdish which really intrigued me. Buyan (khan), aka Bayan was the Khan of the Blue Horde. It just did not really roll off my tongue with my first names.


From there I found Orda Ichen, who is credited for founding the Blue Horde and some of that family (can't remember) came from a region along the Onon river.


Orda and Onon both sounded kinda starwarsish to me, but Onon being a bit too close to Ono for my taste - I went with Orda.


Short, sweet, kinda neutral (Empire/Republic), works good with other names (imho).

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