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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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You produce pages really fast.


Errathe - Reducing choices will be bad. There must be the middle ground for those who don't really need an item and those who don't mind taking it for sale if nobody else decides to need it (because he/she doesn't need it). Companion button would help to clarify the whole issue, because right now some people use Greed to gear companion and some use Need.


Being communicative solves a lot of would-be problems before they can occur. I have to say that I see a lot of people here who have common sense, even if their view on the matter is a bit different. I think we could talk things through or - at worst - part in peace and understanding.


My opinion is that the community itself will filter bad behaviour very soon. Nobody like chaotic evil players who destroy fun for the rest in any way. I remember plotting about killing our team member in live RPG session because of his approach...

Edited by Maccaroth
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lol some of the ignorant response on here justifying gearing up a companion over a real PC is just more reason why I will avoid PUG's at all cost.


Just a bit of a reality check. PCs aren't any more real than companions.


The only thing "real" are the players.

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Just a bit of a reality check. PCs aren't any more real than companions.


The only thing "real" are the players.


That's right, and this real player thinks Mako needs some purple gloves.

Edited by rylixav
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I think it boils down to is that when you group with someone, TALK ABOUT THE LOOT RULE FIRST!


I will only need for my companion IF my companion is out and playing (i.e. 3 man group + 1 companion) if it is a 4 man group, then I won't need it since I have no clue if she needs it or not :)

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It is slander ,if the person in question sets up the whole community against one person for it


When BW investigates, and they see you rolled "need" for an item your character (not companion) can't use, they will ignore your complaint about slander.


It's been made very clear by this thread two important points I hope everyone is aware of:


1) There's a significant amount of people who are basically unequipped to deal with social content. I've seen comments about "grouping being distasteful", about people equating a NPC to a real person as having equal importance, etc. The bottom line is that there are people who do not respect other people who group with them and have entitlement issues. These people are not going to do much, they clearly are only joining a group to achieve loot and not because they actually like playing with others, and they clearly see the game a single player game that entitles them to imply that they can need on whatever they like.


Don't group with these people. If they pull this stunt, drop group immediately and let them finish it with their precious companions they care so much about. Do not argue with them, calmly and quietly identify them on the forums and in-game as ninja-looters. Ignore, disengage.


We need to isolate these people now, before they destroy the community with arguments that make no sense.


2) There is a logical disconnect in the very idea of looting "rights" for anything but the PC you are currently playing. You could apply the same "need" logic to companions, or your alts, or your alts companions, or a guildy, or a buddy. The definition of "need" in any need or greed setting has always been "I need the item to improve my current character" or "I could use the item, but if someone could use it more than me that is fine".


Deviating from this basically destroys the entire integrity of the Need or Greed system. What these people fail to realize is that doing so means pugging becomes impossible. For some of us in strong guilds, that doesn't seem to be an issue. But it *should* be. We should never have to avoid PUG's because we're worried of people who will act like ingrates. Not everyone is blessed with having a good guild. Not everyone is comfortable with being able to group. Some people, believe or not, are shy even in an MMO.


The ninja looters won't lose , and the people in guilds won't lose. The casual player who only gets on 4 hours a week loses, and that is unfortunate.


I'm sure someone will respond with some inane rambling about how their companion is part of their character. Neither I, nor most of the community based on responses to this thread, want to hear it. Again -- if you wish to loot gear for your companion, you should discuss it PRIOR to entering the FP. If you fail to do so, you're going to be called on it, and as other MMO's have shown, being blacklisted is VERY effective.


Appealing to BW will not do anything as they are savvy enough to realize that supporting the 1% who feel this way could cause them 8% to 12% of their members. Quite frankly, you aren't worth the money.

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Just a bit of a reality check. PCs aren't any more real than companions.


The only thing "real" are the players.


Thanks Sherlock, then let me be more specific, for the cartoon that you control 100% of the time when you log in from start to finish.


No one has one companion out, always. Whether it be for raids, maxed out FP groups, or riding your speeder bike.


More clear for you? Loot all you want for whatever cartoon you want. As I said, this just reinforces my detest of most people in PUG's for their selfishness and greed and trying to justify it was just good game playing.

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If everyone is rolling for companions, maybe rolling for companions is the new normal and you are just stuck in the past?


It isn't ninja looting, catch up with the times.




In every single group I have ever been in, it is concidered douche baggery to roll need for companion

And it in fact, is douche baggery to do so.

this just reinforces my detest of most people in PUG's for their selfishness and greed


We run FP's to gear our player character. Not companions. Do that on your own time.

With the mindset that if you can use it in any way what so ever, need it, you would be needing on every single thing that ever drops.


Come on people, grow up.

And if I think I could really use a piece of equipment (not just equip it personally) I'm going to roll need. You can always ask for it if you felt you needed it.


Awwww geeee, that sure is nice of you. Oh whats that you say? it's boP? it's bound to you now? :( grats on the loot.

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Reading some of the responses in this thread leads me to the conclusion that this game may have the worst community of any MMO period.


Not sure if you play but I've noticed a stark contrast between the forum posts and the people in game. Most people I've come across in game are really great and helpful.


Sure there's jerks... I had a container defended by a boss looted on me by a passerby while I tried to fight the boss, kind of lame. But in the end I think most people are reasonable.


What I have noticed though is that there are a very vocal number of people who post on the forums saying how the game should be played and what mechanics should be implemented or something else. Some of these posts have some really good ideas, others are just someone demanding that the game fit their preconceived notion of what it would be like.


And if I think I could really use a piece of equipment (not just equip it personally) I'm going to roll need. You can always ask for it if you felt you needed it.

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Every game I have played that has the need/greed machanic has pretty much followed the same rule: if you "need" an item it means that 1) it is better than the current item in the slot, and 2) that the gear will be immediately equipped for the benefit of the group.


Mostly it just comes down to making sure everyone is on the same page, but I have to agree that I wish there were restrictions on rolling need based on PC class.

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Look at it from a RP point of view. If your character is in a romance with someone - is it really reasonable for them to consider the needs of their partner less than those of a group of strangers?


Those of you who are in relationships should realize exactly what would happen if your mate said she needed something and you said, "No. This other guy is more important than you." :rolleyes:


Wait... someone accompanies you on a raid into the powercenter of a dark lord of the sith, braves blaster fire, explosions and the force. The man stares death in the face by your side all so that you can steal the shirt off the back of some uber-powerful demigod and you are telling me that you think it's ok to take that from him so you can bring it home to your wifey who is currently cooking dinner on your ship?

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If that is the way that you choose to play the game then that is your choice and no one can stop you. However, community by its very definition is a group of people that get together under common rules that the majority agrees to follow. You may not agree with a law, but if the majority of the community decides it is the law, then you either follow the law or suffer the consequences. Part of the underlying discussion in this thread is what the majority thinks the need/greed rules should be and entail.


FWIW, that is not the way I play. I generally don't care about my gear and will pass on stuff I can use. I'm an explorer, as long as the thing I'm fighting dies before I do, I care about little else.


However, we're not talking about play styles here, we're talking about basic human nature. For every rule without consequences and real enforcement, there will be those who will take advantage of it. This is the Need/Greed system, it relies on everyone following a set of rules that there has ALWAYS been disagreement on. I've seen more groups break up because someone abuses Need than I have for bad behavior. It is a source of completely unnecessary contention because it is totally based on a flawed concept that has never been definitively defined. If you don't agree, go back and read thru the 60 pages of this thread (and the 20 just exactly like it or the 1000s in every other game board).


Simple is almost always better, Need/Greed is a totally useless concept because it will never been enforced and will always be abused.

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but you can't group with them because I my alts and friends would have called you out,


See what Im saying?



Not writing this with a evil measn by the way ^^ just trying to get my point across


Just where are you going to call them out? The forums? There is no server forums here and never will be. Even if there was most forums have a no name and shame policy. Even if they didnt the average percent of player base that visits forums is 2% at best.


General chat? Sure like i am going to trust what i hear random person number 14563 says in general chat.


Face the faces in the large player base that ends up on servers in todays mmo's you are never going to effectively blacklist anyone.

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Simple is almost always better, Need/Greed is a totally useless concept because it will never been enforced and will always be abused.


Abuse, is rolling need for companion. With that mentality, you will likely roll need on every single thing that drops.


Some people cut people off in traffic, speed through cross walks, and don't hold doors open for the person behind them.

Expecting some people to pass for a player character over their companion would be total bonkers for them.

Whaaa? think about whats fair? no, numero uno is what matters!! kill or be killed! me me me me me me me.

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dont group with those people. um make your own groups and kick people that do that. spell out the loot rules in the very beginning. join a guild to run with. run with friends that dont do this. so many solutions to this. or better yet, most of the time the gear from flashpoint dont matter for your main, it will be replaced in a couple of levels so its better for companions anyway.
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I would say it depend on your class and class of your companion.

For example me as sentinel prefer to gear up T7 to better tank for me.

If I am playing tank then I would prefer gear up myself.


I am not saying making need for companion gear is 100% fair, but same can be said for greeding gear you need for companion when others greed same for just selling it to vendor.


Or do you think you you would pass on everything just not to steal gear that others can use for their companions ?


I agree that players should have higher priority over companions, but at same time companions have same priority over plain greed for money


BW needs to step in and do some changes to loot system and so far best advice was to add need for companion option that would silence both sides.


Just simple Need/Greed system will never work as long as companions are important and necessary part of gameplay.


Yup there really isn't a perfect system and even though you and I are roughly on the same page there still isn't a system that will allow the priority of loot that we agree on (companion before vendor). Throw in the fact that others put companion gear as equal to player and it really reinforces the need to establish what system the group will use based on the tools we have (need/greed) right at the outset of grouping.

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I'm thinking most people that think it's ok to do this are likely American.


Wow. That's classy.


They do things like cut people off in traffic, speed through cross walks, and don't hold doors open for the person behind them.


Spend much time in sourthern europe? The traffic in Italy/Spain/Greece is much more rude and chaotic than in the US. :eek:

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Abuse, is rolling need for companion. With that mentality, you will likely roll need on every single thing that drops.


I'm thinking most people that think it's ok to do this are likely American. They do things like cut people off in traffic, speed through cross walks, and don't hold doors open for the person behind them.

Expecting them to pass for a player character over their companion would be total bonkers for them.


Lets go off the path with misguided and ignorant bigotry.


This has nothing to do with who is from where. You find rudeness and bad drivers in every country. You find ninja looters from every country.


Go drive in one of the Caribbean Islands and get back to us about the civility you find on their roads.

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Funny, because My wife and kids do a simple trip to Port Angelis for a week, and she had nothing but stories about this.

People were absolutly shocked when she held the door open for someone, or let someone reach a item on a shelf when they were shoulder to shoulder.


Sounds common place.


Point is being courteous apparently is a foreign concept to some people. Completly alien.

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The last 5 random groups i have gotten into have some guy rolling need on krap he cant use but his "companions" can so he needs it, then a huge fight breaks out, the group splits up game over.


The loot system needs to be addressed, people who use heavy armor should be the only ones who can roll need on it, the same for medium, light and weapons.


It's getting out of hand, the companion system is just dumb it has George Lucas written all over it,


A stoppid npc with bad ai does not enhance my game experience, it's a frickin Massive Multiplayer Game.


if you want a healer you just find a REAL PERSON to heal, or to tank, why not just make a game where only 1 guy can play on a server then everyone else is a npc with ai and you can charge them 15 bucks a month to play it, yeah thats over the edge but this is just ruining the fun.


and you can say just "get into a guild" but you can't always run things with just guild members and you cant even guarantee a guild member will not pull this bull krap.


GEORGE LUCAS needs to get the hell out of the designing of this game, and go make movies, I bet George is the reason we cant play wookies or driods in this game.


fix the dam loot system, who care if one quest in the level 50 zone dont work, 100% of your people are trying to have fun in groups


I make sure I am the group leader, and I kick people who need on gear their character does not need.


I don't argue, I don't complain, I just kick and then put them on ignore

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Abuse, is rolling need for companion. With that mentality, you will likely roll need on every single thing that drops.


I'm thinking most people that think it's ok to do this are likely American. They do things like cut people off in traffic, speed through cross walks, and don't hold doors open for the person behind them.

Expecting them to pass for a player character over their companion would be total bonkers for them.

Whaaa? think about whats fair? no, numero uno is what matters!! kill or be killed! me me me me me me me.


What's your problem with Americans?

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