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Republic Ghost Town


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Official response from a German CM !!




roughly translated:


Concerning the faction population imballance, we are unable to do anything since we will not dictate which faction players choose.



time to reroll guys :(



Bioware, would you like to confirm or deny that this is still your stance? That you are going to let the Republic players rot because you don't feel like balancing your game and ensuring its longevity?

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Give world pvp a reason to happen and it doesn't matter what side you roll. Better yet fix client to allow cross server grouping or worlds the issue also goes away.


The problem is that the game is sharded or instanced to hell it looks and feels like a single player game. Without a reason there can be no cause. Pretty much sums it up.


I'm not sure who they hired from Mythic but I sure hope it isn't the crack heads who designed Warhammer. The boys and girls from retial DaOC had their act together and could fix this. Anything later than say Shrouded Isles and we are doomed. There will be no fixing it and the only people left are those who actually enjoy the game for what it is.


I am by no means saying the game is broke or bad. I'm saying pvp has issues that will drive that set of player away and it isn't just warzones. The only thing you get from a kill in world pvp is a short lived thrill. Nothing else.

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The population imbalance is pretty simple. Would you rather shoot lightning or throw rocks? Would you rather have a blindfold over your eyes or be a darth maul look alike?


The Empire options are so much better than the republic and it's not even close.

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please make sure to also add a reason for why you cancelled and mention faction imbalance.


Everyone should do that, one day you might want to come back and find the game in a better state because of your feedback!


I unsubbed and linked to both of the threads in my sig.



I actually unsubbed 4 days into the game due to the pvp lag, and said that. However if I had another opportunity I would state that the faction imbalance is perhaps *the* main reason.


I can't believe how pig-headed BW are being over this. They will kill their own game when there are very simple fixes to the problem.


They still have the opportunity to make a statement and turn the situation around. Because for now it's not looking good at all for them, as they're shunning half of their game and a big bunch of their playerbase (and ensuring world pvp dies by letting the republic faction dies out).


Well if everyone rolls empire then the game will die, and i am pretty sure Bioware doesn't want that to happen.


They need to address this problem, not shove it under the carpet and wait for it to fix itself, because that wont happen.


Imbalance is much larger on some servers than on others and if nothing changes Republic people will start asking for character transfers to servers who aren't plagued by this problem, and if that isn't provided as an option at that point then people will quit.


The only actions they're making are actions that make the empire side more attractive, and thus the republic side less attractive as their numbers are still dwindling. I'll believe they care at all about the Republic faction once I see them implement at least ONE change that benefits the republic side instead of the empire side (which they have only done the opposite of so far).


you can thank the bioware bias for less republic. i dont know what they thought they were doing.


It's undeniable as far as republic players can be concerned. If you've played both republic and empire content, it's clear which side Bioware plays. Or, if you've read the interviews, it's FACT which side Bioware plays - they've said themselves they play Empire characters.


They are adressing the problem by introducing new same-faction warzones.


Sorry, I meant accelerating the problem :p


Incentives, cool exclusive alien race, better armor design etc.

Much can be done really to increase players interest regarding a specific faction.


Precisely. Bioware's not on board yet but hopefully they change their mind about what side deserves the MMO experience (currently Empire is the only one receiving a proper mmo experience, with an economy and lots of people and able to form groups).


I think most people starting the game don't know much about class balance, so I wouldn't read too much into the exact details of 'imperial ability is 0.25 seconds faster'.

Wrong, I know MANY people ingame, in person, and especially on the internet (gamebreaker.tv, youtube lets plays, TotalBiscuit, people on this forum, etc) who reroll their initial Republic character to Empire after realizing the differences between them.


IE: slower animations, stories (the agent story has recieved endless praise by all players. No republic story has done this), gear (many a consular and jedi have switched after seeing their level 50 gear), experiencing the Republic Ghost Town (low pop republic on 'full' servers'), etc.


To illustrate:

It might be ridiculous, but when I finally got some centurion/champion armor on my Jedi Knight, I almost quit Republic and rolled a Sith Warrior. Seriously - it's that bad.


Many players share the same sentiment.

I doubt any empire players switched factions because their armor was designed as badly as the JK or JC.



Also a good illustration of how Bioware is causing a huge portion of Republic->Empire faction changes directly due to design and appeal of the Republic and Empire factions.



The only solution I can see solving this problem is cross-server pvp, sadly, but true.


If you know anything about MMOs, this would further kill the Republic side to a pulp. Please do not recommend faction-suicidal things such as this.

Edited by Auxili
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If everyone is eventually forced to roll Empire because of the imbalance, first the game should be completely renamed right before it dies considering it would be nothing but Empire vs. Empire completely destroying World PvP. Edited by Kizah
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To add to my long post on the previous page, I bet Bioware will implement Empire v Empire Ilum before they do anything for the Republic in this game. I think is a fair prediction seeing how much they've done for the empire side during marketing, beta, launch, and the march update. Edited by Auxili
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I will make two predictions:


1: "Adding more same-faction Warzones" is a roundabout way of saying they plan on adding more Huttball environments.


2: A year from now there will be more Republic players than Empire.


In my experience, a ton of people are switching from Republic to Empire in order to participate in the game. It's that simple.

Some people switch to Republic to play WZs other than hutball more often, but imo not many people. And this won't happen once they add more empire-v-empire warzones.


Quality of life is so much better on the empire side due to numbers and numbers alone. It's nice being able to actually participate in an economy because Bioware incentivized the Empire side a TON.

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Max group is 4 players. It isn't that hard to find for FPs imo. Make some friends for a change and get a static group going if you like. Much more fun playing with 3 other close buddies with tactics you know than a gamble PUG of misfits that could wipe @ the boss b/c someone is picking their nose. Just my .02
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Bioware, would you like to confirm or deny that this is still your stance? That you are going to let the Republic players rot because you don't feel like balancing your game and ensuring its longevity?


he did say something else in a later post.


roughly translated:

Obviously they are just as unhappy with the faction balance as we are and people are working on it.


Well but for now more same-factions WZs are announced so... I don't know :(

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he did say something else in a later post.


roughly translated:

Obviously they are just as unhappy with the faction balance as we are and people are working on it.


Well but for now more same-factions WZs are announced so... I don't know :(


That doesn't sound very promising.

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In my experience, a ton of people are switching from Republic to Empire in order to participate in the game. It's that simple.

Some people switch to Republic to play WZs other than hutball more often, but imo not many people. And this won't happen once they add more empire-v-empire warzones.


Quality of life is so much better on the empire side due to numbers and numbers alone. It's nice being able to actually participate in an economy because Bioware incentivized the Empire side a TON.


Not in mine, in mine it is the opposite. Republic is growing a LOT faster than Empire on my realm. I think this is because Republic wins more WZs and has better raid progression on my realm (Shadow Town West Coast PVP). It used to be a huge difference, 3 Sith for every Republic, now it's almost even.


It is very easy to get groups for heroic quests and flashpoints as Republic, the economy is robust as Republic, and so on. The quality of life is identical for both sides on my realm.

Edited by Moitteva
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Not in mine, in mine it is the opposite. Republic is growing a LOT faster than Empire on my realm. I think this is because Republic wins more WZs and has better raid progression on my realm (Shadow Town West Coast PVP). It used to be a huge difference, 3 Sith for every Republic, now it's almost even.


It is very easy to get groups for heroic quests and flashpoints as Republic, the economy is robust as Republic, and so on. The quality of life is identical for both sides on my realm.


BTW, OP, if you don't play Republic then shut up.


Republic on my server (Infinity Gate East Coast PvP) is having a higher Sith ratio atm but I have a feeling it will change soon (I hope). We are normally only around Standard size so we'll see if the server continues to grow and balance out.

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Since when is the Republic side a ghost town?


You joking? I play on Fatman, one of the more popular servers.


Finding groups as Republic is at least 10 times harder than Imperial. Republic zones are empty, and no one uses general chat. Imperial Zones are FULL and there is a lot of action, people talking etc...


I don't see how the game could have turned out any worse by this point to be honest. And it is too late, populations are already screwed and there is no way to fix this without forcing people to switch factions, which isn't happening.


In conclusion, I blame George Lucas for giving Darth Maul the double saber in Episode 1. That is what started all this Sith bandwagon nonsense IMO.


Now you see the results. Darth maul wannabees everywhere you look. Seriously...did you think these kiddies would really pick a Smuggler over a Sith?

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he did say something else in a later post.


roughly translated:

Obviously they are just as unhappy with the faction balance as we are and people are working on it.


Well but for now more same-factions WZs are announced so... I don't know :(


"Working on it", meaning "getting everyone to switch to the Empire so faction balance won't matter anymore".


wonder how many devs play empire.. where have i seen this before?


The ones that were interviewed all play Empire characters and are excited about the Empire faction in general. Hardly any excitement was shown for the Republic as a faction during the past 4-5ish months compared to the Empire, which can be seen through what they chose to spend their marketing money on.

Edited by Auxili
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"Working on it", meaning "getting everyone to switch to the Empire so faction balance won't matter anymore".


Two things will happen for me:


1.) I'm not re-rolling Empire because its overrated and I enjoy Republic

2.) I quit if they ever try to force me to, which I doubt.. but it may be passive-aggressive force.

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