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Republic Ghost Town


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On the PvE server I play on, the republic fleet rarely breaks the 60 player mark. I made an empire guy and got him to the empire fleet to see the pop on their side and whenever I look, it's constantly almost 3x the amount as republic players. I would change to empire but my friend insists on sticking with republic.


The downside on being republic on this server is obvious. Lack of players to form groups with, worse economy because less people use the auction house, etc.


One thing I would like about being empire is when you fight empire vs empire pvp, you can talk to the people you just fought. That was something I always wished I could do in wow.

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Yet they could still make a statement that at least acknowledges the critical issue as soon as they'd like. But they've refused to do this.


I agree, I haven't heard/seen much from their end.. at least not yet, but you know. :s

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I agree, I haven't heard/seen much from their end.. at least not yet, but you know. :s


All they've said so far is that they've aware of the "empire gets a lot of huttball" subject. They've done this by saying they're adding more same-faction warzones to make the empire zerg happy, at the republic playerbase's expense.

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From top of my head - the animations. On my sentinel, bladerush looks soooooooo lame - its worse than lvl 1 strike ability - I mean have you seen it? Terrible!. I look at Marauder footage n Youtube - its freaking awesome. I mean pebbles or UNLIMITED POWER?!!??!?! It goes on and on. They made Empire far more cooler, so when playing Republic you just go "meh...." - playing Empire you go "awesome!!!"


That's the deal for me anyway.

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From top of my head - the animations. On my sentinel, bladerush looks soooooooo lame - its worse than lvl 1 strike ability - I mean have you seen it? Terrible!. I look at Marauder footage n Youtube - its freaking awesome. I mean pebbles or UNLIMITED POWER?!!??!?! It goes on and on. They made Empire far more cooler, so when playing Republic you just go "meh...." - playing Empire you go "awesome!!!"


That's the deal for me anyway.


I know what you mean lol. Having seen the Powertech animations vs my Vanguards animations even I was like "Damn". :p


Which is funny because just the slight difference in animations is some of the reason a bunch of people rolled Empire.

Edited by Kizah
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Ok, couldnt be bothered to read through all the previous posts...26 pages is long!! But what about instead of empire v republic only pvp...why not introduce lightside vrs darkside pvp? Allow jedi and sith on the same side (only for one or two warzones) dependent on their light/dark leaning. Dunno how many "lightside" sith etc there are out there...but it would be kinda fun.


Just a thought


Sitting back and waiting for the flames :D

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Ok, couldnt be bothered to read through all the previous posts...26 pages is long!! But what about instead of empire v republic only pvp...why not introduce lightside vrs darkside pvp? Allow jedi and sith on the same side (only for one or two warzones) dependent on their light/dark leaning. Dunno how many "lightside" sith etc there are out there...but it would be kinda fun.


Just a thought


Sitting back and waiting for the flames :D


That would be interesting I won't lie.. but I think it would be awkward to design something like that.

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Ok, couldnt be bothered to read through all the previous posts...26 pages is long!! But what about instead of empire v republic only pvp...why not introduce lightside vrs darkside pvp? Allow jedi and sith on the same side (only for one or two warzones) dependent on their light/dark leaning. Dunno how many "lightside" sith etc there are out there...but it would be kinda fun.


Just a thought


Sitting back and waiting for the flames :D


Doesn't change republic economy, republic pve, and ilum.

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Why would I wanna play kindergarten+highschool aka emopire ?


I think you are making an ironic statement making childish remarks without and logical base while using it in a sweeping generalization. If anything you are making the republic look bad :/ People roll different things for different reasons. In contradiction to your statement I have met far more children and immature people republic side on my server than I have empire.


You cannot read peoples minds and know why they chose empire. I chose empire because during Beta I got tired of how tamed a lot of the storylines were on republic side and decided to tryout the empire during EGA. Empire has more engaging story for me for two reason. One reason is you can just be total darkside and kill everything or taunt/torture/mindscrew people at will. Second you can play lightside or neutral and completely and utterly confuse people or make things go in a 100% different direction everytime. When you play a lightside sith it makes all the Jedi you encounter look like foaming at the mouth zealots who are completely disregarding their own teachings. This dichotomy I find to be very attractive and I can't quite find it playing republic.

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Yeah Warzones aren't the problem because those are evenly matched, the only thing that changes are each faction's wait times to get into the Warzone. Except more same-faction Warzones, that can cause a problem on a population sloped server.


I was hoping this game was going to have some well-balanced faction ratios but I kind of saw this coming with all the promotion of the Empire we've seen in cinematics and such, gear designs, races etc.

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This is not about "why do people roll empire?"

We know why, it's because Bioware designed them to have more appeal. Simple as that.


Blizzard was able to give horde more appeal in TBC, where they once had so little appeal the alliance outnumbered them greatly. Why did alliance outnumber the horde? Because they looked cooler. Just like the empire in swtor.


Bioware has to speak on this issue that they've created. The republic experience on pvp servers is that of living in a ghost town, especially compared to the bustling and busy empire experience.

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This is not about "why do people roll empire?"

We know why, it's because Bioware designed them to have more appeal. Simple as that.


Blizzard was able to give horde more appeal in TBC, where they once had so little appeal the alliance outnumbered them greatly. Why did alliance outnumber the horde? Because they looked cooler. Just like the empire in swtor.


Bioware has to speak on this issue that they've created. The republic experience on pvp servers is that of living in a ghost town, especially compared to the bustling and busy empire experience.


I know what you mean, when I started playing WoW in the end of Vanilla and start of TBC, I was Alliance because I wanted to play a shaman and my friends were Alliance, so space goat it was. Anyways, we had a very adundant server on our side. It seemed like Horde was dry or non-existant at times, and the only time we had real fun with them were in Battlegrounds (cross-server, obviously).


There was some World PvP, but it was stagnant at best.

Edited by Kizah
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I play on a heavy population PVP server on the West Coast called Shadow Town. The faction imbalance is not that heavy on my realm. It's like 1.5 / 1. If you guys want to play Republic side, give my realm a shot. We have a lot of Republic players and my Republic guild has many level 50s in it, we raid and run Flashpoints and PVP as a guild frequently.


If you do want to roll on my realm, my character's name is Ganoes and I'm usually on fairly late at night.

Edited by silkforcalde
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Bioware has to speak on this issue that they've created. The republic experience on pvp servers is that of living in a ghost town, especially compared to the bustling and busy empire experience.


This is not true at all on my realm, Shadow Town PVP West Coast. The Republic experience is fine, I get into heroic groups and flashpoint groups with ease. I have characters on both sides of Republic and Empire and it's really not that different. Fleet populations are pretty close, starting world populations are pretty close, Dromund Kaas typically has 200 compared to 150-180 on Coruscant, and so on.

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well I think the imbalance does have to do with a few things.


1) Republic is ugly. Get it out of the way...the outfits are horrible, don't look right in some situations. I don't know about you but yes I like to look at things while I play. I don't want to stare at scenery all day and yes I spend lots of time looking at my toons backside cause well...that's the camera view when we move about.


2) Republic is boring. You have more diversity of play with a empire person vs a republic person cause *gasp* empire people don't have morals.


3) Empire is evil...republic is good. People like being A-holes on the internet and in fantasy. Well what screams A-hole more then being the bad guys who in sterotypical fashion should be mean, rude, murderous, lecherous, flirty, and more.


Basicly the game has fallen into sterotypical borderlines and poor design issues. Now to fix this here is what I suggest:


1) Get designers working on better outfits for republic players. seriously when people are saying "dancer and social uniforms at level 50" on jedi's....you might have an issue. I do like these but goes to show how much the jedi's like thier clothing choices.


2) Provide a unique skill to both sides of the force and for neutral scorers on both factions (6 total if one skill each). this would encourage people to try diverse options and if offerings are done right could be used to encourage people to roll a toon they wouldn't normally play.


I know when I am on late at night (I play till 8 pm - 4 am CST many nights) Dreshdae Cantina server is down to single digits on most planets on republic side. Barely enough to do a heroic IF everyone was doing it and you MIGHT have a rounded party (which is hard during max times).

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You want more republic? Ill solve that problem for you.


on imbalanced servers give republic chars a 10% bonus to valor and commendations and maybe even XP.


that will atleast serve as incentive for some to reroll and the extra perks will help balance out being dominated in world pvp


Add 10% bonus to drops, crew mission results and increased loot or w/e from OPs/FPs and you might start a huge shift over. Would only need to do it for a few months till the factions get closer to being balanced.


That and fix the delay in damage from Republic abilities compared to Sith ones. The Consular abilities feel sluggish.

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One of the main problems that made me switch republic to empire is the damn hoods.




If you play a knight you're stuck wearing a hood 90% of the game, even if you turn off helm it's still there because its part of the robe, which isn't so much a robe as some sort of ugly pink shirt with a wierd cape (see ugly armors mentionned above).

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Add 10% bonus to drops, crew mission results and increased loot or w/e from OPs/FPs and you might start a huge shift over. Would only need to do it for a few months till the factions get closer to being balanced.


That and fix the delay in damage from Republic abilities compared to Sith ones. The Consular abilities feel sluggish.


Yup, it's all up to Bioware to say something. As it is now, they're allowing Empire to reap all the benefits, and are developing content almost solely for them to experience.

This is the opposite of what we want to happen, so its a LONG shot that they'll actually start doing something to help the republic faction for once.


This has been happening for MONTHS in beta, and they didn't do anything back then. One might say "what can you expect, Bioware themselves confessed they play Empire characters", but that would be in poor taste. Of course.

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One of the main problems that made me switch republic to empire is the damn hoods.




If you play a knight you're stuck wearing a hood 90% of the game, even if you turn off helm it's still there because its part of the robe, which isn't so much a robe as some sort of ugly pink shirt with a wierd cape (see ugly armors mentionned above).


As has been said, beta testers have given feedback to these things for months and months and Bioware hasn't changed anything of the sort. We've got a battle ahead of us - the Republic playerbase has to fight for Bioware's attention. Empire gets it by default for being the zerg faction.

They don't have slow animations that dont activate for an entire second (project, riot strike, dirty kick, mortar strike, ion pulse, backblast), they don't have a depressed economy, and they dont have sub-100 players in their fleets. They don't have these problems, the republic does.

Which side do you think Bioware plays and self-tests during their own gaming time?

For example, do you think the Smuggler's 30+ second cooldown on flash grenade would have gone unnoticed if a Bioware employee played the class?


I bet we could see these problems get fixed if Bioware's designers rerolled Republic. ;)

I'm being tongue-in-cheek, of course.

Edited by Auxili
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I agree with the above poster. Bioware should say something on the matter.


Agreed. Community interaction, even if it is just 'we are looking into this matter' on big issues help keep communities interested, particularly with how negative game forums are a general rule.


Mirror classes should be mirrored.. you know the damage delay due animations on some republic abilities need to be evened out. Make the Imp ones delay or put the damage upfront and ignore the animations.


Faction balance is important and contrary to many posters quoting articles about random distribution, faction imbalance snowballs as it is not random. People make decisions based on flavour, impressions and wanting to have at least a fair chance at objectives. Not able to find groups for FPs, not standing a chance in world PvP zones or objectives and missing out on getting stuff is not fun and will drive more people to the favoured faction increasing the snowball effect.

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Agreed. Community interaction, even if it is just 'we are looking into this matter' on big issues help keep communities interested, particularly with how negative game forums are a general rule.


Mirror classes should be mirrored.. you know the damage delay due animations on some republic abilities need to be evened out. Make the Imp ones delay or put the damage upfront and ignore the animations.


Faction balance is important and contrary to many posters quoting articles about random distribution, faction imbalance snowballs as it is not random. People make decisions based on flavour, impressions and wanting to have at least a fair chance at objectives. Not able to find groups for FPs, not standing a chance in world PvP zones or objectives and missing out on getting stuff is not fun and will drive more people to the favoured faction increasing the snowball effect.


Agreed. What matters is if Bioware cares. They're implementing changes that directly benefit the zerg faction tomorrow, and are doing the same thing in March, so I doubt they care at all about faction balance.

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