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Vette made the news!


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I'm more or less shocked of all the evil things you can do in the game, this is the only thing they picked up on? Not the fact that my righteous republic trooper can threaten to kill a kid to get the information I want? Not the other frequent bouts of torture? The beheadings?


Geez. They've really dropped the ball on calling this game evil if all they can figure out is that you can treat Vette poorly.

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Well since my parents actually raised me then rather then rely on "role models" to raise me, so I have the ability to understand that what happens in a video game might not be appropriate for real life.


Now be right back my freezer is making screaming noises again.

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I love Vette, and she loves me. I only zap her when she deserves it...


Or if it will give me more Darkside points...


Or if it suits the narrative...


Or if I just feel like it...


Great post.


And what a stupid article. Women gets abused in fictional story by an evil character!

Edited by Culveren
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Considering it's the Daily Mail which is a UK "news" outlet I would say it has less to do with the evils of torture etc so much as using that as another excuse at thinly veiled man hate. I read the article and unless I missed something I see no mention of the fact that female characters let alone female players could be doing this as well. Surprising, almost as surprising as Sean Hannity not acknowleding that 200,000 jobs in December is substantial on Fox news in the gym locker room today...but I digress.


Ummm...ok, but those 200,000 jobs you quote. 3/4's of those were only seasonal. You do realise that..right?


Anyway back on topic....


I better start a Sith Warrior before some Politically Correct Exec. at EA decides to take those options out of the game.

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Ummm...ok, but those 200,000 jobs you quote. 3/4's of those were only seasonal. You do realise that..right?


Anyway back on topic....


I better start a Sith Warrior before some Politically Correct Exec. at EA decides to take those options out of the game.


Its not politically incorrect to depict a fictional evil character... Even though i know you were being facetious.


What a waste of an article.


Funny though.

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Happens to every game. Suprised peta hasn't ripped into the front lines yet. If your gonna try to censor any violence in games, might as well shut the whole internet down and tell the media they can only report stories of happy bubble blowing pandas and gumdrop houses.


...also, you'd have to get rid of csi and ncis, thus putting 1000's of overpaid "c" list actors on the unemployment lines.


Whats wrong with bubble blowing Pandas?!:eek: jk. They fail to realize it is a game and most healthy players realize it as such. I doubt a bunch of people are saying "HEY! This is a good way to control people. Where did I put Rex's shock collar. I'll show you pre-nup":p

Edited by jtrook
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Sad that they would talk about Vette and not the countless games in which you slaughter countless enemies or other players..


But torturing a Twi'lek as per the role you are playing.. Now that is news worthy??


Give me break!! That isn't news.. That is just pathetic.. :(

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Vette never made sense to me anyway. When playing my Sith Warrior I kept feeling like I was supposed to be nice to her to open a romance option, but then that did not make any sense because if she is my slave, and I am an evil murderous Sith dirtbag, then wouldnt I just Force myself on her. Is that not what the Sith Empire does! Why are you trying to gain the affection of your slave? If you liked her that much wouldn't you free her, and if you were that good of a person, why are you a dark lord. It just does not fit with the story at all.


So Bioware if anything played it safe and censored the player from doing things that would make complete sense given the story, but be considered outrageous by public perceptions.

Edited by Sttm
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Considering that all of them are failed 'A-list" actors, they really are not.


A-list actors are generally A-list actors becuse their looks put butts in seats, not because they can act, necessarily. Plenty of TV actors have shown they can act when in film, TV is a whole different medium that is shot and filmed much quicker than a production film.

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Sad that they would talk about Vette and not the countless games in which you slaughter countless enemies or other players..


But torturing a Twi'lek as per the role you are playing.. Now that is news worthy??


Give me break!! That isn't news.. That is just pathetic.. :(


Yeah, it's a lot like that idiot Cooper Lawrence whose claim to fame is that she was run over by the gaming community for calling Mass Effect p*rn.

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