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We Hate Huttball


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Actually all you need on Voidstar is one operative with a good sense of timing :)


Oh forsure I play a sith sin and tell all the stealth classes to go one way while everyone else goes the other way. Just by typing this in Voidstar games raises the chances to win dramatically.

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I'm sorry teamwork is hard for you.


Do you like playing all of the following rugby,football,basketball,volleyball,badminton 2s, tennis 2s, cricket,rounders, baseball? Or only a few? Teamwork is easy but not everyone likes the same things, now stop being silly with your poorly thought through comments and get some humour.

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Do you like playing all of the following rugby,football,basketball,volleyball,badminton 2s, tennis 2s, cricket,rounders, baseball? Or only a few? Teamwork is easy but not everyone likes the same things, now stop being silly with your poorly thought through comments and get some humour.


Why, you trolling about how you don't like huttball isn't remotely funny. Adding in the choice to queue only for specific warzones only insures people flock to alderaan because of how easy it is. Hopefully they'll add bonuses to queuing for random warzones, I'd hate to play turret defense all day because people are dumb.

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I don't hate Huttball, I just hate when 19/20 PvP matches I queue up for are Huttball.


That's my exact feeling! It's an okay experience and if I got it roughly 33% of the time as you might expect when queueing for 3 warzones, I'd have no problem. When I get huttball 80%+ of the time, then I have a problem! :mad:

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I love Huttball.


A well coordinated Huttball team is a beautiful thing to see, even if they're the opposing team. In all the MMOs I've played, I have never enjoyed a battelground/wargame/scenario/warzone etc as much I enjoy Huttball.


I'd like an option to queue for *only* Huttball tbh.

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I did hate Huttball in the beginning, but after playing umpteen matches I have come to like it. As others pointed out Huttball is the one 'warzone' (what's it got to do with a war?) two or three coordinated players can win a match while the mentally retarded slug it out in the middle wondering what the glowy globe that appears from time to time does.
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I can't stand Huttball....

/signed for a checkbox next to each warzone atleast


It may however get better with lvl 50 segregation however, but as to why i despise it

the reasons are as follows


1) Powertechs who think their pr0 by camping fire traps, waiting for it to glow orange, running onto it and pulling people into the flames with their ripcord pull move


2) Stupid amounts of knockbacks make melee awful, unless your high lvl and you can shrug off hits/cc, every time you jump at someone on the bridges, they AoE KB you off and own you, or just run off


3) Op/Sin solo or combo who think their pr0 stealth camping the goal line, they gank the last guy out/only respawner, and just wait for the ball to be thrown at them


4) Ranged classes camping bridges with said AoE knockback


5) Sprint skill on 50s, especially with pvp armor


6) Sorcs who can sprint with a bubble up and score (bubble speed restriction please)


7) The jump platforms for being utterly terrible and unreliable, herp derp middle of the map next to the ball dispenser you go...


8) Playing against a 50 ball carrier who can tank 4 guys, sprint and score


9) idiots who farm kills, especially lowbies, being chased around by a pair of 50s at 22, rofl... took then 20 ish seconds to kill me, in the meantime we score..


10) ball throwing skill, period. try stopping dual sin/sorc or sin/sorc offensive combos, bubble > sprint > throw to cloaker > score, or just bubble > sprint > throw > bubble > sprint > score


11) playing 50s period, even if i jump them at half health with all my CD, they solo me, sure i dont expect to kill someone double my level easily, but its futile. and if i manage it? herp derp, got myself targeted and being singled out and ganked by said raging 50


12) being forced to play 3 Huttball matches in a row, then 4 later that night against a certain clan on my server, who run PT PT sin OP, doing 1) 3) and 9) , who also like to emote on your corpse.


I came to play republic ffs



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I should roll Empire. Huttball is my favorite. And as a Vanguard I get to play it about 1 out of 10 queues. 5 out of 10 is usually Alderaan, which I find boring already. Voidstar is good, but just not as much fun as The Pit :D And yes, I love pulling people into the hazards.
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TBH, if you like huttball good for you but get out of the thread.


We are just asking for an option to queue for the other maps without queuing for huttball LIKE EVERY OTHER MMO.


Why do the bioware fanboys feel the need to limit the options of the game...I'll never know....

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TBH, if you like huttball good for you but get out of the thread.


We are just asking for an option to queue for the other maps without queuing for huttball LIKE EVERY OTHER MMO.


Why do the bioware fanboys feel the need to limit the options of the game...I'll never know....


Because everyone knows we're going to be getting that option eventually and crying about it not happening yet is as pointless to us as us liking Huttball is to you.

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I lol at poor empire .. "everyone rolled us so we have to play huttball."




this is a natural effect of population control.. if they (BW) alleviate it, the factions will never be close to balanced.


Reroll or play Huttball... they KNEW empire was going to be imba and have higher queues, yet they still rolled it... and now they want to complain. lol


They will allow you to choose soon, but you will have long queue times just like imba Alliance did in early WoW days whereas Horde got insta-BG action... that's the price you pay for your night-elves/sith ... yes, the same type of players gravitate to those race/classes.

Edited by Bigaus
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Huttball is the best Warzone but it needs 2 little tweaks imo.


First the most important about the "jumppads", you will get randomly shot somewhere and often dont land on top which gets so annoying if it happens a few times in a row. You should always fly in that direction which you were moving to while going on it.


And the second, I think the frequence of which the fire comes should be somewhat lowered like at 30% or something. Right now the fire is almost always up, also gets a bit annoying.


But thats really it, otherwise the warzone is fun.


Alderaan is most boring one with just 3 spots and really not that great designed.

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Because everyone knows we're going to be getting that option eventually and crying about it not happening yet is as pointless to us as us liking Huttball is to you.


So because you like huttball and ASSUME this change is inevitable without people voicing their concern you troll the thread? nice

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there is a simple fix.


have a list of all the war zones with boxes by their names you can check the ones you want and leave the ones you don't want unchecked, problem solved.



and for the morons that think only empire are tired of huttball, Smuggler here and I loath it.

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