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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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Then you have no claim for judging me by that logic. Which is exactly what you barged into this thread to do as I can see.


Also, If you're not sharing your justification you have nothing to show as proof for your argument.


Oh yes. My harsh and harrowing judgement of asking why you're doing this. I'd better take it somewhere else and apply it to a more useful purpose. Such as play Mah Jong Solitaire or arrange my sock drawer. :rolleyes: Enjoy your SW:TOR experience - everyone.

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That's funny, because the entire basis of this thread is you attacking others who left WoW for this game and have a different taste than you.


I mean, you called the reasoning anyone had lame, just because it was different than what you believe.


Really? Because I've seen some excellent posts of people defending their reasoning for wanting to play TOR over WoW. Unfortunately, most of them are not.

Another person ignoring Systam's posts I see.

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well COME ON WOMAN! :p


Thing is alot of the Posts in the thread are just saying with some candy coating on it PANDAS POKEMON TOO EASY KIDDIE GAME LUL




As immature as that sounded just trying to show a really what alot of it is.


Thing is This thread if its not derailed would be a good Read for BW tbh. It gives reasons why people don't enjoy tor and why people leave the biggest mmo FOR tor. While yes alot of posts are very dumb nd non constructive in any sense there's a fair amount in here that are. He asked a question which would ignite a flame war(of course) but the question is simple.


Why did you guys leave wow for Tor?



what do you expect? the whole panda thing is hilarious. (yes I know it's actually part of the Warcraft lore)


this is a troll topic. why should any of my replies be serious? if the OP wants to play this game, I join in. I really have nothing better to do right now and it's easy entertainment. sure I could troll groups on facebook, but it's just not the same...


I also don't really see how anyone is arguing in honest that this is an adult game (though statistics so far show that the playerbase during beta was about 10 years older than WoW's, that really doesn't say much for the final version or in the long run. after all when people first joined WoW it was mostly Warcraft fans aswell...)


on top of that, sure, there might be a few interesting points hiddin somewhere, but a) as mentioned, there was a ToR vs. WoW topic in beta that was really huge (and more mature than this one) and b) BW repeatedly stated they aren't trying to kick WoW off the throne. lots of people whom I met so far in-game have .never. played an MMO before.


I myself have never played WoW.

I gave up on LotRo for this game. now ask me what I would love to see, because I can assure there there are .tons. of features in LotRo that I really miss in ToR

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Oh yes. My harsh and harrowing judgement of asking why you're doing this. I'd better take it somewhere else and apply it to a more useful purpose. Such as play Mah Jong Solitaire or arrange my sock drawer. :rolleyes: Enjoy your SW:TOR experience - everyone.


your argument was literally:


"WoW is boring, I don't feel like sharing why"


Very good assessment, then tell me that I'm just attacking people for not "agreeing" with me. What is there to agree with me? You don't even know my personal opinions regarding the two games. Seems a bit blindly judgmental to me.

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as someone who played wow at launch let me tell you,


after two weeks i uninstaleld my disks, bought a shovel, and buried that game in the ground, and have my dogs relive them selves there everynight since.



i never looked back. wow was garbage.


These are the types of posts the Community doesn't want too see. What you just described is that the Game sucked because of the Games lack of fixes bugs and such at a launch(seems anytime would also do it for you)


If you want to say XX game is Garbage go ahead but can you please Say why you quit and why you want to come to XX other game? This thread is about WHY you left and WHY you're coming here not to try and sound hipsterish(ik bad word) and say I quit wow before it was even cool to quit wow!

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Oh I never said anything regarding Biggest = Best. But I did enjoy your post, friends are often a good reason to play an MMO. If I still played WoW and most of my guild switched to TOR I have no doubt I would as well want to join them.


Didn't mean anything by the biggest comment, I've read a lot of these threads today and some are running together =D

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as unlikely as it is. If someone came in here and said "WOW IS SO GOOD, TOR IS BAD, IT'S JUST BORING UNLIKE WOW" I would most certainly criticize them for trying to make a point without any sort of backing. I'm not biased towards TOR, however the impression certainly is easy to make come off.
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Why did I leave WoW?


Clearing new raid content on the patch day.

Endless retuning and dramatically changing class abilities.

Community that complained when new content was too hard.

Community that complained when new content was too easy.


Fake Pokemon.

Everyone complaining about the other side getting favored.

Coddled, entitled, whiny, elitist, apathetic players who simply keep playing out of habit.


I got tired of a game with no good vs evil options. Everyone is the kinda-good guy.

I want to strike down my enemy with a righteous fury, knowing I'm destroying evil.

Conversely, I want to slaughter my foes with no illusions about my motives.

I saw Star Wars when I was 6; I read Lord of the Rings when I was 10. I've wanted a lightsaber longer than I've wanted a magic sword.

I want a STORY.

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quiet you i'm watching matlock





I don't like anything except TOR and Matlock


In my day we had to walk up hill, in the snow, both ways just to play Meridian 59! What was I talking about? Oh right, the important thing was I had an onion in my pocket...

Edited by Rilauven
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Enitan's Troll-O-Meter


NO TROLL---------Slight Troll-------Bigger Troll-------Epic Facepalm Troll-----OVERLOAD



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For me wow has gotten stale i might go back to wow Bu *** will be after MoP.


But ZOma can you honestly say that your thrilled about pokemon. that you would rather have pokemon than having restro druid pvp fix hunter fix Frost mage fix.


swtor pvp is soppose to be based on 1v1 aswell

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what do you expect? the whole panda thing is hilarious. (yes I know it's actually part of the Warcraft lore)


this is a troll topic. why should any of my replies be serious? if the OP wants to play this game, I join in. I really have nothing better to do right now and it's easy entertainment. sure I could troll groups on facebook, but it's just not the same...


I also don't really see how anyone is arguing in honest that this is an adult game (though statistics so far show that the playerbase during beta was about 10 years older than WoW's, that really doesn't say much for the final version or in the long run. after all when people first joined WoW it was mostly Warcraft fans aswell...)


on top of that, sure, there might be a few interesting points hiddin somewhere, but a) as mentioned, there was a ToR vs. WoW topic in beta that was really huge (and more mature than this one) and b) BW repeatedly stated they aren't trying to kick WoW off the throne. lots of people whom I met so far in-game have .never. played an MMO before.


I myself have never played WoW.

I gave up on LotRo for this game. now ask me what I would love to see, because I can assure there there are .tons. of features in LotRo that I really miss in ToR


Panda thing is completely different points of view its not much to argue about. I just can't see pandas being so funny when all the races of wow just make me laugh tbh XD


O no not alot of people i believe honestly are arguing its an adult game buts its used ALOT for why to quit and come same with pandas pokemon and all the other Generic repsonses too it.


I honestly never got into Lotro. Friend said it was fun i just have too much fun with WoW i guess. I always loved lord of the rings games which is weird. I think mmos just stray off the path of the background of movies or book series like Lotr and Star wars.


also you are exactly right BW said they aren't! which is why it confuses me so much why people want it so bad. Im convinced people have no idea at all what the want and its what makes designing games so hard. Fact is If TOR became like WoW whos going to compete with them? Blizzard got lazy and its why the game is declining atm but they can make a comeback they have the resources and staff they just have to be careful.


Competition is good and i never understood why in the mmo market alot of people believe in someway shape or form that its bad to have 2 or more mmos duking it out for control of the market

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Why did I leave WoW?


Clearing new raid content on the patch day.

Endless retuning and dramatically changing class abilities.

Community that complained when new content was too hard.

Community that complained when new content was too easy.

Everyone complaining about the other side getting favored.

Coddled, entitled, whiny, elitist, apathetic players who simply keep playing out of habit.


Now wait a minute, that sounds awfully familiar.

I suppose that's something I'll have to let you conclude yourself though, I'm assuming you were not in the beta.

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For me wow has gotten stale i might go back to wow Bu *** will be after MoP.


But ZOma can you honestly say that your thrilled about pokemon. that you would rather have pokemon than having restro druid pvp fix hunter fix Frost mage fix.


swtor pvp is soppose to be based on 1v1 aswell


1) Fair enough


2) Yea, I love Pokemon, It's a great RPG series. Star Fox was a great ace combat series as well and it's in TOR. So to choose between Star Fox and Pokemon is a bit difficult.


3) It's not. Not in world PVP and not in Warfronts.

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I don't like anything except TOR and Matlock


In my day we had to walk up hill, in the snow, both ways just to play Meridian 59! What was I talking about? Oh right, the important thing was I had an onion in my pocket...









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To be perfectly honest. Because blizzard treat their PvP community like crap


They take for ever to fix bugs

Ghostcrawerl is an idiot

They lie all the time. There's a thread on the WoW forum currently about your devs favorite quote.

They ignore their custommer for the entire xpac and show up only when a new Xpac is on the way to make you think they suddendly care now so you buy the xpac just to be ignored after for 1-2 more years.

did you see how they treat hunter currently?

Bias toward certain classes.

PvP balance



Blizzard is the main reason i quitted WoW. Blizzard is also the reason i'm not getting D3. The only way i would go back to wow is if blizzard sell WoW or D3 to arenanet and never touch it ever again.


Sorry my english isn't perfect :<

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For me wow has gotten stale i might go back to wow Bu *** will be after MoP.


But ZOma can you honestly say that your thrilled about pokemon. that you would rather have pokemon than having restro druid pvp fix hunter fix Frost mage fix.


swtor pvp is soppose to be based on 1v1 aswell


btw as a 2700 wrath hunter I can say there is nothing wrong with hunters XD go back to level 29 twinks

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would you kindly stop derailing this thread? It's becoming a nuisance at this point. I'm sure you can make a thread about Matlock if you so desire.

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your argument was literally:


"WoW is boring, I don't feel like sharing why"


Very good assessment, then tell me that I'm just attacking people for not "agreeing" with me. What is there to agree with me? You don't even know my personal opinions regarding the two games. Seems a bit blindly judgmental to me.


lol when somebody Answers you and points out a Valid reason to YOUR Question..you DO attack them.. and when you get it back at you, you get all defensive and then you Go back to 'Square-One' stating how Valid your Original Question was, Whilst at the same time FORGETTING the reason why they Retaliated to your repetitive "oh you guys are amusing" comments.. ?


I hate loopholes :p

Edited by Sakushi
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To be perfectly honest. Because blizzard treat their PvP community like crap


They take for ever to fix bugs

Ghostcrawerl is an idiot

They lie all the time. There's a thread on the WoW forum currently about your devs favorite quote.

They ignore their custommer for the entire xpac and show up only when a new Xpac is on the way to make you think they suddendly care now so you buy the xpac just to be ignored after for 1-2 more years.

did you see how they treat hunter currently?

Bias toward certain classes.

PvP balance



Blizzard is the main reason i quitted WoW. Blizzard is also the reason i'm not getting D3. The only way i would go back to wow is if blizzard sell WoW or D3 to arenanet and never touch it ever again.


Sorry my english isn't perfect :<


Those are certainly personal reasons, but very understandable. Hopefully you'll find something better in TOR.

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would you kindly stop derailing this thread? It's becoming a nuisance at this point. I'm sure you can make a thread about Matlock if you so desire.


Your Trolling has been a nuisance ever since you posted this thread


Just sayin

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Wow needs to upgrade the graphics. If wow updated its graphics and made raiding more like rift, IE harder, then I would consider giving it a go again.


But I'm holding out hope SWTOR can be recovered.


This game really is missing some basic basic stuff. I mean stuff i cannot believe isn't actually in the game yet.


Example, rolls. You can't just do a /random 1 100 or anything like that in the game to decide loot or anything. This happened to a stream guy I was watching, boss went down in a raid, loot jacked up. Everyone wanted to roll for it, and oh **** we can't do it.


Thats probably the worst offender I have seen so far. Really makes me raise my eyebrows and wonder at BW competence.

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