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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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No what he is saying is they have removed it entirely from the game basically...


No Druid Shapeshift quests

No Rogue poison quests

No Rogue Lockpick quests

No warrior Stance Quests

No shaman quests

No pally quests

no priest quests for res


All of them are just handed to you now without having to earn it


it was sarcasm the obvious "what more do you want" should have clued that in :)


I also said "had" and "back in the day"

Edited by Eroex
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uh. not really. apart from that BW is business. business doesn't play by 'free speech' rules and I'm just trying to figure out how long it will take a mod to close this (to be fair, unlike that super-awesome-panda-game, BW actually lets a few disussions about other games pass for a while... we'll see how long your precious topic survives)


I wonder if everyone of us started/had replies full of



World of Warcraft FTW


etc etc maybe they would get to closing this nonsense thread sooner

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"Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?"

I'm not sure, but was that reffering to the amount of content vs WoW has? ToR just released and WoW is on it's third expo.



- I played WCIII and decided to play WoW for the story. For me, the story ended when the Lich King died.


- I'm in SWTOR because I'm really hoping SWTOR will have a more mature community. (less of the a-hole meme, less nerdy faction-fanboyism, more helpful people, etc...) I don't think anyone could honestly defend WoW's community. ATM, TOR's community is looking legit for my preference.


- This is my first Star Wars game. I joined WoW kinda late, and I want to see how it's like to play an MMO since its release and watch it grow.


- Blizz broke my class. (lolz, I'm using that excuse)


- After a few years WoW got repetitive; PvE and PvP. Even some might might call this game WOW: TOR, it's still something a little different and new.


as much as i wish you the best if you're looking for good community your best chance is Eve online. Trust me TOR WILL NOT in any possible way have a good community past the first week. Even that first week will be terrible. If it stays popular that is if it falls down to Profitable but not ridiculously well off MMO like many others you have a chance but even there its a slim chance. Its just how mmos are these days

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Ofc. This. Everyone fanboi says this. Oh I sure love telling the playerbase to this game I love to get out because they have a complaint of this ever so perfect game.


Make your complaint then instead of doing the same ad hominem attacks that you so readily accuse others of and we'll all have a much more agreeable experience with laughs stemming from the memory of this.

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Ofc. This. Everyone fanboi says this. Oh I sure love telling the playerbase to this game I love to get out because they have a complaint of this ever so perfect game.


Dude maybe you should go to bed, you aren't even making sense anymore

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I wonder if everyone of us started/had replies full of



World of Warcraft FTW


etc etc maybe they would get to closing this nonsense thread sooner


probably. lol



I vote to do exactly that next time there's a new WoW vs. TOR topic. (I think the one big one in the beta forums had 100+ pages)

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Ofc. This. Everyone fanboi says this. Oh I sure love telling the playerbase to this game I love to get out because they have a complaint of this ever so perfect game.


you know whats funny is that me and you get bogged down by fanboys all the time...and if you look at the dates we have joined, we have been following this game just as longer if not longer then everyone else... lol


we have a reason to be WAY more disapointed lolololol

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Sup, I played WoW from beta through Cataclysm and I can tell you that this launch is huge in comparison. WoW paved the way for millions of MMO newbies to find their way and now Bioware is reaping the benefits in pre-order sales.


I for one am not a huge fan of the staggered start but its not a big deal. Everyone will have their chance to play on Dec. 20th, and since when did everyone start all at once? Yeah there will be less people playing lowbies on launch but the amount less will be completely negligible, there will still be tons of people roaming around the starting zones trying to find their last stringy vulture meat.


Now that being said, "if" you started when I started in WoW you would know that WoW had absolutely nothing at launch in comparison to this game, no pvp system, no endgame (unless you count upper blackrock spire as endgame) and plenty of lag. Not much more than the skin of the original game at launch is in the game you know now. Star Wars is much better equipped for its launch with a far better, deeper, more involving game at launch than WoW and that's not including the story and full voice which WoW does not and will never have.


WoW was immensely successful and SWTOR may have its bugs and glitches now but they have had a great big brother in WoW to look up to, as well as learn from it in its successes and its mistakes. SWTOR will succeed it has too much potential not to, and you can either stick with it from the beginning or jump back on the wagon later and be behind... your choice.

Edited by Eaden
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Sure wow has a smooth UI but other than that.... They have slowly been taking away choices and class quests. Dumbing down professions and basically turning on easy mode. So Swtor will be a nice change of pace. And if you are goin to complain... No one is making you play. So have fun! :p oh And yes Pandas.....


Yes they have for the sake of balance and many mmos have also done it. TOR will have to sacrifice alot for Balance sakes if they want anything competitive(its EA don't think they won't push them to add arena esque type of deal)


Easy mode is also TOR its just not a good argument anymore. Maybe its harder because its new but in 2 weeks i bet you'll know how each boss works because the bosses aren't very complex. Professions idk what to say i mean TOR actually lets you AFK while collecting sooooo that kinda sounds more dumbed down to me


But anyways Good luck and have fun with the game.


P.S don't use pandas for the end of a rather decent post. just doesn't make you look all that good >.<

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


I hate WOW with a passion, for a number of concurring reasons I`d rather not debate right now.


While I understand I am a very small minority, I don`t care... this game, being more or less a "poorer content WOW with dialogues"... is more appealing to me for some reason... matter of perception and taste.


Never played WOW but this game "feels" better :) . And I did try once on a friend`s account... I didn`t enjoy those 5 minutes.

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Make your complaint then instead of doing the same ad hominem attacks that you so readily accuse others of and we'll all have a much more agreeable experience with laughs stemming from the memory of this.


I'm already having laughs stem from this when as you said earlier "ignoring inconvenient posts" is exactly what all you fanbois are doing to Systam who is making perfectly structured and coherent posts that have actual intellectual backing and aren't one sided.

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you know whats funny is that me and you get bogged down by fanboys all the time...and if you look at the dates we have joined, we have been following this game just as longer if not longer then everyone else... lol


we have a reason to be WAY more disapointed lolololol


*just as long, if not longer



*random comma error

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it was sarcasm the obvious "what more do you want" should have clued that in :)


I also said "had" and "back in the day"


HAHA its 232 in the morning, my sarcasim meter shut off about oooooooh 2 hours ago :rolleyes:


man I remember getting that stupid rogue quest done in westfall back in vanilla and that stupid seal quest at what level 14? where you had to traverse the world to get one little thing and then go all the way back just to get a form, there were no summons or carries on the mount then, boat went from darkshore to menethil and you had to hoof it the rest of the way




Wow I totally just sounded like the "When I was your age I had to walk 3 miles to school up hill both ways in 3 feet of snow"

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Sup, I played WoW from beta through Cataclysm and I can tell you that this launch is huge in comparison. WoW paved the way for millions of MMO newbies to find their way and now Bioware is reaping the benefits in pre-order sales.


I for one am not a huge fan of the staggered start but its not a big deal. Everyone will have their chance to play on Dec. 20th, and since when did everyone start all at once? Yeah there will be less people playing lowbies on launch but the amount less will be completely negligible there will still be tons of people roaming around the starting zones trying to find their last stringy vulture meat.


Now that being said, "if" you started when I started in WoW you would know that WoW had absolutely nothing at launch in comparison to this game, no pvp system, no endgame (unless you count upper blackrock spire as endgame) and plenty of lag. Not much more than the skin of the original game at launch is in the game you know now. Star Wars is much better equipped for its launch with a far better, deeper, more involving game at launch than WoW and that's not including the story and full voice which WoW does not and will never have.


WoW was immensely successful and SWTOR may have its bugs and glitches now but they have had a great big brother in WoW to look up to, as well as learn from its successes and its mistakes. SWTOR will succeed it has to much potential not to, and you can either stick with it from the beginning or jump back on the wagon later and be behind... your choice.


While I enjoyed your post even while disagreeing with some of your sentiments, I do hope you're acknowledging the fact that this game has to compete with modern WoW and NOT release WoW.

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I played WoW regularly until I got my beta invite. A week later I pre-ordered the DDE, after trying to go back to WoW after my first beta phase ended, I realized how boring WoW had become. I canceled by sub and didn't look back.


Then I heard their next expansion was Pandas & Pokemon, and I knew I'd made the right choice!

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wow ..


1: has become boring


2:SWTOR combat accualy feels far more action packed then wow

(if it does not your playing it wrong:P)


3: Wow comunity has gone to **** sins BC hit the shelves


4:Wow raiding and grouping demands are somewhat crazy and stupid and feels somewhat sometimes like mein kampf .. like ->


*(dps meters, to low dps get kicked)

*Can't join a raid couse need gearscore 320 my score was 318 (or something like that)

*Get yelled at called names maybe get kicked and even get badmouthet in general chat for whole server to know if you make a mistake somehow and wiped the group*



well just some examples here most of the last examples i havent had problem with myself raided al long time .. but some time after a big break after bc and also after wrath came and you come back ... and you dont have everything thats needed you just cant play .. i'm not paying for a game that i cant play just becouse some so called hardcore players think they betetr then you becouse they have 1 epic more then you ..


also i probaly cant raid anyway liek i used to so this game is also a plus ...

and i dont know i probaly not plaign this game as long as i have played wow ..

but its better looking then wow combat feel somewhat in my experience better action packed and no autoattack i like it .. deep story , everything spoken , companions crafting is more fun .. i dont wanna stan in a city for 2 hours crafting all my maths i collected that also took 2 days to gather and then create the same iteme 20 times then go on to trainer buy new kills rins repeat then i rather have the dumbed down version as some call it aperently


well enough about wow ... SWTOR FTW now ... and probaly GW2 when it is released ;P

Edited by Genesizs
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probably. lol



I vote to do exactly that next time there's a new WoW vs. TOR topic. (I think the one big one in the beta forums had 100+ pages)


idk if I have the motivation for all that tonight but it will be on my to to list tomorrow :cool:

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uh. not really. apart from that BW is business. business doesn't play by 'free speech' rules and I'm just trying to figure out how long it will take a mod to close this (to be fair, unlike that super-awesome-panda-game, BW actually lets a few disussions about other games pass for a while... we'll see how long your precious topic survives)
The over/under on when this thread gets deleted is Thursday at midnight GMT. I've got 500cr on under. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think hes drunk or high, maybe hes upset because he didn't get into EGA?


Anyway WoW's the best EVER, there maybe this drunk teenager will go to bed now.


I wonder if anyone is actually mad at his TROLLOLOLOL as for drunk or high, I have seen people under all that make much less fools of themselves maybe what we're looking at here is a combination of the two

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