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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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So SWTOR will be boring and left after 2 years? You put all your effort into making constant post/threads trying to get this point across? I lol'd.


SWTOR does have room to grow. I'm not going to deny the logical aspects. However, the fanbase seems to think it will be the thing to overthrow WoW. A few people actually realize both games are so incredibly similar that it's silly to bash one over the other.

You think SWTOR will go on forever? A lot of people in this thread seem to think so.

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I like honest people like you. I'm willing to bet you thought ahead when you were younger and have a decent job now.


o rly? so just because you don't like the other opinions these people are somehow dumber and not being honest?



meeeeh... sooo... I never even played WoW, and I think only 14 year olds who **** to their female characters play that game. .this. game has light sabers, WoW has pandas.




I also fail to see how I should find even a pinch of respect for someone who has to keep pointing out that he bought a CE just to rip off fans later.



you know what's freaking funny? CE does not mean LE. CEs are usually not selling out quickly. in fact, you can still order them.

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Isn't it obvious? He preordered a bit late, and wants people to go back to wow so they don't play the TOR EGA so that he gets in quicker.

That's totally how it works :rolleyes:


At least that one guy read my post earlier where I explained it. Maybe I will buy that Malgus statue off of him.

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Got plain bored of WoW. Yah I know people ask "how can anyone get bored of wow"? I really don't know how I got bored but I just did. I tried raiding but could never find a raiding guild that didn't "require attendance". Of course there was pvp but that got boring too, thanks to arenas. I know SWTOR has similar mechanics but it's a new story and a new atmosphere which is always nice. Edited by Sithstalkerr
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o rly? so just because you don't like the other opinions these people are somehow dumber and not being honest?



meeeeh... sooo... I never even played WoW, and I think only 14 year olds who **** to their female characters play that game. .this. game has light sabers, WoW has pandas.




I also fail to see how I should find even a pinch of respect for someone who has to keep pointing out that he bought a CE just to rip off fans later.



you know what's freaking funny? CE does not mean LE. CEs are usually not selling out quickly. in fact, you can still order them.


Nice Ad Hominem. You accomplished what now?

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SWTOR's launch, so far, is one of smooth pings, crisp gameplay, adequately populated areas...


Ya, for all 11 paying customers they sent invites too. Great business model! We'll make 1% of our paying customers happy and completely enrage the other 99%! Brilliant!

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WoW's launch was one of massive queues, crashed servers, lagfests, day-long server maintenance outages and 5 people occupying each square metre.


SWTOR's launch, so far, is one of smooth pings, crisp gameplay, adequately populated areas... and a forum full of entitled people ************ about how they want to play so hard that they're going to cancel their pre-orders.


At least the forums are similar!


That was WoW's everything. What's going to happen on the 20th when throttling the population won't be an option anymore?

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SWTOR does have room to grow. I'm not going to deny the logical aspects. However, the fanbase seems to think it will be the thing to overthrow WoW. A few people actually realize both games are so incredibly similar that it's silly to bash one over the other.

You think SWTOR will go on forever? A lot of people in this thread seem to think so.


Nope. I would be surprised if they even maintain 1 mil subscribers after 3 months. Either way, I just want to play KOTOR 3 which this game is.

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Actually I dont really have a problem with the xpac, nor do i care because i dont play anymore. The game as a whole is old and boring. Im sure blizzard's sub number will go up by at least 1 million with this xpac, it's just im a vanilla vet, the game is not what it used to be.


Yeah i've played since vanilla also about 3 months after release but never got into past MC in vanilla since i was so young. I've encounter 2 times where i just burned out and that was this January-march then resubbed and still playing strong and Back in ulduar which i shoot myself for now i just got too bored of playing so i quit and came back at end of Uld and was so sad i couldn't see half the content in there :(


Games get old Honestly its CRAZY wow is running as well as it is. Even with the Sub losses its still pretty crazy for a game that old to have that many players



@ Zottle Honestly of course it is! i mean cmon a game released 7 years ago shouldn't be a better launch than one 7 years later. BUT TOR isn't competing with WoW of 7 years ago its competing with wow of NOW its a big difference.

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- Pandas...

- Pokemon...

- Endless tinkering by Greg Ghostcrawler Street in the name of balance resulting in classes becoming less distinct and funnily enough, no real balance...

- Chuck Norris adverts...

- 2004 character models...

- Class journeys (if I'm a rogue, who cares, I don't exactly do roguey things in my quests)...

- In fact, the same quests almost everywhere from levels 1-80 whatever class I choose

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Nope. I would be surprised if they even maintain 1 mil subscribers after 3 months. Either way, I just want to play KOTOR 3 which this game is.


fair enough. I respect that. Wanting to play KOTOR 3 for what it is is a decent reason.

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I picked this because of the Pandas. That and Blizzard failed and made Well of Eternity a 5man? And didn't have a 3rd tier of raiding? Yeah.....that's lame.


Oh, and did I mention they're re-gutting ALL their classes the most they've ever re-gutted their classes before?


To be fair, they should have finished their game's storyline out with a 3rd tier of raiding (ultimate bad guy inserted), and just stepped up production of Titan. It looked like to me all the talented people got reassigned to Diablo III. THAT game looks phenomenal for revamping the tired-*** 3rd person RPG makret with F2P access online.


Just....Blizzard is re-prioritizing their production due to some mysterious demographic only they have access to, and it was headed in a direction I wasn't. Nothing personal, just not my cup of tea no more.

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WoW got boring. With swtor I can get story without reading a wall of text. The people who think that WoW is better are the people who don't care about story.


I have a few friends like that. It's sad to listen to them complain because they don't care about story. If you don't like story then this is your normal run of the mill MMO with a star wars theme. Go cry about it else where.

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- Pandas...

- Pokemon...

- Endless tinkering by Greg Ghostcrawler Street in the name of balance resulting in classes becoming less distinct and funnily enough, no real balance...

- Chuck Norris adverts...

- 2004 character models...

- Class journeys (if I'm a rogue, who cares, I don't exactly do roguey things in my quests)...

- In fact, the same quests almost everywhere from levels 1-80 whatever class I choose


Kill 10 Xs. Collect 20 X fangs.

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Well, first off, I reject your premise that it is just a "version of WoW".


But even if we go by that, it's Star Wars, it's a new game and has time to grow, it has a ton of features which differentiate it from WoW, it is not the same stale seven year old game.


If it has lasting potential will be seen in a month or two.

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- Pandas...

- Pokemon...

- Endless tinkering by Greg Ghostcrawler Street in the name of balance resulting in classes becoming less distinct and funnily enough, no real balance...

- Chuck Norris adverts...

- 2004 character models...

- Class journeys (if I'm a rogue, who cares, I don't exactly do roguey things in my quests)...

- In fact, the same quests almost everywhere from levels 1-80 whatever class I choose




Ghostcrawler = wow ruiner

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Ya, for all 11 paying customers they sent invites too. Great business model! We'll make 1% of our paying customers happy and completely enrage the other 99%! Brilliant!


Well I would say 50% of the people who pre ordered TOR.. were paying very close attention and following the game on a daily basisi.. these people actually took the time to read the directions and were prepared. And those people got in on day 1. It was much higher than 1% of the pre orders.

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Hints that hes a troll.


1 wont listen to reason

2 Disagrees with valid points just to disagree

3 responds to far more posts than he needs to, many are the same thing being restated.

4 Acts as if this game is just a reskined wow and its a new thing, The same exact arguments were levied against WoW when EQ was popular


"EQ is a better game"

"EQ has better content"

"EQ has better support"

"WoW is just reskined EQ"

"WoWs launch sucked it won't last" a few servers had to be restarted after the first few days of play and all characters were lost forcing players to reroll

the list goes on


Just let him go, he knows all these things and he is trolling.

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Hints that hes a troll.


1 wont listen to reason

2 Disagrees with valid points just to disagree


I've only listened to the reason on this thread and agreed perfectly fine with the valid points. And at least respected one ones that were well stated.

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