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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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Haha I really didnt know, was kidding XD. Im out of sandwhich materials so I really had them whichs on the mind.


don't they have these open 24/7 shops in the US? go get your sammich. maybe you find a girl to make you one on the way

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This dude asks for our opinion, not for facts...

just saying, i like the new stuff this game has to offer instead of new mounts/gear ever 3-4 month's. Not to mention all the recycled instances & raids blizz gave us lol


fair argument, hope you're impressed with TOR, guess we'll have to see how their content releases go.



I left WOW because it was full of people like the OP.

But I'm here on the TOR forum am I not?

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I quit WoW for swtor.



-WoW will have pandas & pokemon

-content doesnt last as long anymore (raids too easy + gearing up too quickly)

-revamp of the talent and spec builds, turning all sub classes into one basically

-got boring

-loved swtor in the beta, with that in mind it was only a beta which means much more will be improved on in future

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SWTOR is WoW upgraded. It's what Blizzard should've done with Cataclysm all along. Full Voice over + more.


Their original intention WAS to copy WoW. What's the harm in that ? Because it is WoW in 70% of the design (not counting the setting or the story). The WoW system is itself is an amalgam of many mmo systems put together in a neat package. Don't fix what's not broken, and WoW is not broken...is just...a bit old :)

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I see. Well why didn't you just explain this initially? I may not agree fully with you (I myself being worried that TOR will have a lot of those issues) but your post is well thought out and understandable as to where you're coming from. Honestly, if people would stop trying to attack eachother and stick to the initial discussion this thread would go much more smoothly.


Because I asked you a perfectly valid question which you chose to blow over in the hopes that you could get as many laughs out of this thing as possible, pulling the nose of every "hopeless fanboi" and "fangirl" who is drawn to your tone? That's so far the only motive I can think of with you constantly contradicting yourself. I disapproved of it. For the sake of all parties involved.

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