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I don't understand the complaints about champion bags


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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?

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You are really lucky and grats to you, but to many other people the RNG is really unfriendly. Personally I've opened 34 bags and gotten 1 pieces of gear, another guy in my guild has opened 30 and gotten the same head piece 3 times.


People want to be rewarded for the effort the same as the next guy, the randomness prevents that from being true. If they want gear to be exceedingly difficult to obtain they should just make it cost a ton and just leave the option for the random bags for those willing to take a chance.


Also, It's just an added frustration that doesnt lend itself towards a feeling of character progression, it feels more like cheap luck when you get a new piece of PVP gear as opposed to an accomplishment that you earned.

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The only time people are not rewarded for their effort the same as the next guy is in small sample sizes. For any meaningful investment, the reward is the same.


However, I have heard rumours about valor rank affecting roll %s, which is rather bad, if true.

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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


Because you are a low valor rank u get the items . for us who leveld in pvp we have high valor and get nothing

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I've opened pretty close to 100 bags now, still missing 2 pieces. Just went a stretch of about 22 bags with nothing. Did finally pick up my light saber though. Did find about 8 chest pieces though.


Should note I'm at valor rank 59, so yeah maybe the higher you get the less items you get.

Edited by Evilmog
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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


Because **** you very much, buddy.


In the last 38 bags I've opened, I've received one unassembled piece - a nice pair of boots.


The complaint is there are people like you claim to be. And there are people like me. Too much of a divide.

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I just hit 50 last night and opened 3 bags. I got 2 of the same chest and some token. I think people are forgetting that the armor is a BONUS and the thing you are after is the tokens. If you open a gazillion bags and got nodda then you would have enough to get everything you needed right?
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I just hit 50 last night and opened 3 bags. I got 2 of the same chest and some token. I think people are forgetting that the armor is a BONUS and the thing you are after is the tokens. If you open a gazillion bags and got nodda then you would have enough to get everything you needed right?


Except that apart from the expertise stat the Centurian gear you can buy with the tokens is garbage, it's a downgrade from both crafted and PvE gear. You can't get the Champion tokens until valor rank 60 when realistically you'd be wanting the battlemaster gear anyway.

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I've opened 8 bags thus far (I got level 50 on Sunday from Questing) and I've gotten 4 pieces of gear. Earpiece, legs, bracer and offhand. Thankfully I'm one of the lucky ones! Yes, I have low valor rank from not PVPing much while leveling. I think I'm around valor rank 20.
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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


People are asking for their time and effort to actually reap rewards that they desire.


The PvP bag system is an utter abomination and needs to be removed immediatly.


There is no defending such a horrible way of gearing up for PvP.


There is no reason for centurion gear to even exist. It's a filler for a terrible, terrible, horrid, absolutely atrocious RNG gearing experience.

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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


While I'd have to say you've had some exceptional luck - grats btw - I agree that the overall tone surrounding champion's bags is pretty whiny (see above poster). And yes, it does seem that people expect a 100% chance, I guess they missed the whole "random" part about them.

Edited by Celebrus
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While I'd have to say you've had some exceptional luck - grats btw - I agree that the overall tone surrounding champion's bags is pretty whiny. And yes, it does seem that people expect a 100% chance, I guess they missed the whole "random" part about them.


yes he is a low valor rating means high chances to drop gear.


For us that are high valor ranks we open 30 bags and get nothing .


SO its broken rng not just rng

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Nobody wants free gear or a 100% chance for bags to have an item.


People want there to be no bags at all.


People want a clear goal to set out for (i.e. I need to do 50 more warzones to get this piece I really want).


People DON'T want a system where they may never get the piece they want/need because of RNG.


People DON'T want a system where a fresh level 50 can instantly out gear someone who has spent a week or two grinding PVP after doing a weekly and daily quest once. (My friend hit 50 a week after I did and is already as geared as me).


I've been really lucky with the bags myself, not as lucky as some, but lucky enough. I think the system is terrible. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see the pitfalls in the system regardless of their personal experience with it.


Let's look at WoW's old PVP system as an example of how to do it better than this. You attained rank through grinding and then purchased pieces with badges obtained through winning specific battle grounds. This may not have been the BEST system ever, but it was a hell of a lot better than this piece of crap. The vanilla WoW system allowed you to plan ahead and have a clear goal in mind for gear. You would know if you were going to rank up the next week and could save up badges accordingly. You had a clear shot for gear you wanted.


More recently the arena system allows for similar goals to be set. Say what you will about how quickly you can obtain gear in WoW, this isn't about that. This about the basic function of the system, the length of time required is only set by the price of the items. The system itself is fine. You grind out points doing arena PVP and then spend them at a vendor for the gear you want (i.e. pieces you actually need and not 4 of the same item).


The system in ToR is complete garbage. The fact that the highest tier of PVP gear is only obtainable through sheer luck is ********. You can't even grind it, you are limited to two bags per day (four on Tuesday) and that is IT.



TL;DR: It's not about getting gear quickly, it's about getting gear at all. It's about having achievable goals and not playing the lottery.

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I'm up to about opening 30 bags, and have only got an Implant, Earpiece, and 2 gloves. It is starting to get rather frustrating. In fact, the first 6 bags I saved up only had the centurion commendations which was pretty disappointing even for planning ahead.


I don't really want everything handed me to on a silver platter, but it's really hard to compete against players that have several champion pieces.

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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


You've been lucky so you don't understand? LOL

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I've opened a total of 22 bags thus far, and 13 have contained an unassembled armor piece. Some have been repeats, but the only champion piece I have left to get is 1 implant. I'd say these are petty good odds.

Are people asking for 100% chance to get a champion piece or something?


I got 12 bags and only 1 implant. See the problem here? the problem is called random.

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