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Another useless patch


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The game really shouldn't be releasing with several bugs that take weeks to fix. I really have to wonder why such a laundry list of fairly significant bugs that detract from gameplay, from poor graphics performance to skill lag, are in a release game in the first place. I could understand if these issues weren't being complained about by beta testers all the way back at the beginning of 2011, but these are all well-known issues.
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yo man, those big bugs as u call them take time to find and fix. Just because someone reports a problem doesnt mean they can fix the problem just from a report. They have to replicate the problem and determine if it is server side or client side. Think of all the code a developer has to go through when looking for the problem.



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Who exactly are we talking to? Because unless you are president Obama, i could care less. Or hell i couldn't care if you were him either lol.


Something such as your last statement does nothing to help this post out. You tell him/her to know who they are talking to but yet you don't tell us who we are talking to...

The posted called me a kid, I'm not a kid and I do have patience. But that disappears when Bioware keeps ignoring the issue. I'm not big and mighty, nor am I a master bug fixer but Can't find target and other bugs that are still in this game that stop progress where reported in the beta and they are still not fixed? Something is wrong. More so when you ask Bioware and they outright ignore you.
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I for one was glad to see the cover bug for smugglers fixed. Let's see if that actually is fixed when I play tonight.

The commendations received in mail taking up my bag space and not being added to my currency was another bug I was glad to see fixed.

However, with that said I'll admit the bug fixes are lacking on this patch and it looks like they recycled a lot of the patch notes from the previous patch. They have the money, they've got a buttload of subscriptions. I suppose we should be patient since this is only the very beginning of the game but there sure are a lot of bugs and I expect as a customer for them to rally to it and get them fixed. With the exception of the two items I mentioned I was rather disappointed with the patch notes.

Maybe the notes are missing a lot of little fixes for example I ran into 2 scavenging nodes on Alderaan last night that I could not harvest.

Edited by aironeousb
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there you go


They've had literally months to fix many of these issues. Sorry, but Bioware can't pull the "these things take time to fix" card when most of these issues have been well known for months and in some cases from right at the start of beta.

Edited by Mannic
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They've had literally months to fix many of these issues. Sorry, but Bioware can't pull the "these things take time to fix" card when most of these issues have been well known for months and in some cases from right at the start of beta.


Are you a programmer? Do you have direct knowledge and experience of fixing bugs in a program this large?

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SO while Bioware continues to ignore big bugs and gamebreaking bugs like can't find target and things that stop continuation of a character, they fix little things? Really Bioware? I'm very close to doing an unsub because I can't continue my main character, I have to play my trooper while my agent collects virtual dust because you guys continue to ignore these gamebreaking bugs.


do you really want them to shut down the server for a week? if it take 8 hours for the small things think about how long the real issues would take!

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BW seem only to fix the things they want, not whats needed, they tend to take the path of least resistance, for me they just seem lazy.


Simple things like staying in group after a pvp match, having a guild panel that actually works, just 2 of the many things that bug gamers.


Never mind the more than useless PvP arena system, that a only a total moron idiot would think was a good way to go. erm lets see, yeah we will make expertise Armour for pvp, then we will let him against a a level 10 guy with limited skills but hey we will boost the level 10, so its a fair fight, yeah right! .. even my 10 year old son could have told them its plain dumb!!, but then its easier and less work, so yeah thats the way we will go!!

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SO while Bioware continues to ignore big bugs and gamebreaking bugs like can't find target and things that stop continuation of a character, they fix little things? Really Bioware? I'm very close to doing an unsub because I can't continue my main character, I have to play my trooper while my agent collects virtual dust because you guys continue to ignore these gamebreaking bugs.


Translation: I have no frigging idea how software development works, but you better fix this cause my mommy hasn't changed my diapers and it is making me CRABBY!

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SO while Bioware continues to ignore big bugs and gamebreaking bugs like can't find target and things that stop continuation of a character, they fix little things? Really Bioware? I'm very close to doing an unsub because I can't continue my main character, I have to play my trooper while my agent collects virtual dust because you guys continue to ignore these gamebreaking bugs.


the big bugs take time so all the bugs they can fix they patch it up while they still work on the bigger bugs


you gotta give it time its only 2 weeks in

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the big bugs take time so all the bugs they can fix they patch it up while they still work on the bigger bugs


you gotta give it time its only 2 weeks in


WRONG WRONG WRONG...........Dude, its been months that they have known about a great many bugs and yet here they all still are screwing up players.

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And hey, this patch also removed the ability to get decent starter PvP gear!


So, if you're just starting PvP... too bad for you! Welcome to getting curbstomped over and over so you can spend 800 badges on a CHANCE to get some loot!

hehe what? :p you can still get gear easy enough, early on... you don't need the best of the best btw. unless you can't figure out how to play your class the right way. :eek:

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hehe what? :p you can still get gear easy enough, early on... you don't need the best of the best btw. unless you can't figure out how to play your class the right way. :eek:




could you at least pretend you know what you're talking about?


You *cant* get gear any easier early on than later, that's the point. THEY REMOVED THE GEAR VENDOR. And "you dont need the best of the best tw" - you're right. I dont WANT the best of the best. I want access to the worst PvP gear there was, basically, that was removed for.. who knows why?


My only options now are to get the best of the best because that is all that is available now... through the RNG, 800-com loot bags.


I play my class just fine. In games against other, similarly geared people, i do well, (top 2 usually) in games against people who won the RNG Loot Lottery already, i do half the damage i'd normally do and cant kill anything, because they are taking 15-20% less damage from me, + additional armor (Sniper damage is very easily mitigated by armor) and are doing 15-20% more damage TO me, and they are getting 15-20% more healing in.


It's absurd. At least previously, you could get a basic set of Expertise gear from the level 50 blue vendor - nothing special, but at least enough to net you 9-11% expertise.


Now, nope, gone.


Your option is... get stomped while you grind bags, that MIGHT give you loot. Or they might not, and you get almost nothing for all that time spent. And if you didn't get loot, you continue to get stomped by people that did.

Edited by Noctournys
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