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Naming is one of the biggest issues:


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Most of the people responding to me in this thread obviously have ulterior motives.


I'm not biting.



Not one person has issued a valid counter-argument to: "name-locking on all servers is bad... and not fair... and Bioware should have had a plan in place to prevent it."



So whatever. Carry on trying to bash me... or get a rise out of me. You're wrong, I'm right. <shrug> Don't bother me none.



You lost the race to the name fair and square. Note that you don't get to dictate when the race starts.


But I like how none of this "bother you none" and yet names bother you a ton. I find that quite... amusing.

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Hate to double post but this.. Sorry man but SWTOR stuff has been around everywhere on the internet and if your into MMOs and gaming i am sure you herd some buzz even within a month or 2 after the EGA was announced


My 1st... was born just under 2 years back. There wasn't much computer or hobby time for this hombre. I literally heard about SWTOR maybe 2.5-3 months ago.



But I don't fit into that perfect easy to bash entity that you want me to be in. Remember? It's MY fault... it's ME... it has nothing to do with this fail safe and perfect system, right?


No... it's late... so I'm gonna hit the hay... but I still feel pretty strongly about this whole release. It's not looking so good for me and MMOs I guess. Maybe I'm just getting too old and have a certain unwavering view on whats right and wrong. Holy ****. I'm turning into my dad. :eek:

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You lost the race to the name fair and square. Note that you don't get to dictate when the race starts.


But I like how none of this "bother you none" and yet names bother you a ton. I find that quite... amusing.


but mommmmmmmmmm


he wasn't readdddyyyyyyy

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I don't know if this will help. But a few people might find a spark of hope in it. One, if you have a friend that is in, see if they can secure your favorite name. I have played the same name in every game since Diablo, so I understand the frustration, but you can use: ' in a characters name as well, and add a neat little tag on after it. Example, you want to play a guy named Tallon, but its taken, you could always be Tallon'sur or Tallon'vos. That extra syllable can add some real character, and if you are a role player, maybe even some storyline. Maybe its a clan tradition on your homeworld. Maybe its a nod to a famous hero or relative, or both.


That tiny little ' can open a lot of avenues, and should result in more people finding at least some satisfaction if their name of choice isn't available. It got me through in beta.

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if ur best ideas are banker, auctioner or similar


I hate players with stupid non-reaéistic character names in any mmo (by the way im not a roleplayer) but more hate when ppl crying, cuz their idiotic names are locked


I dont want to see hundreds of "xxxObivanKenobixxx" , "obyvanKenoby", "-obivankenobi-" and so on


Try to be a bit more creative

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Right... but do you really think that is a true test of the Genre? What about Everquest... Ultima Online... Everquest2... WoW... DAOC... Age of Conan... Warhammer... Rift... any popular MMO.... no. None of them had pre-release.
Thinking about this... Rift had a head start period for those who pre-ordered as well.
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