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PCGAMER rates SWTOR 93/100


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you really think some of the dogs turds of games that score 90+ deserve that>?



Do you know the definition of the word "subjective"?


Do you understand that videogames, like music and movies, appeal to different people in different ways?


I probably think your favourite band sucks. You probably think my favourite food is disgusting.


Games are no different.


Even reading a review makes you a moron.


Do you take Rolling Stone's advice on what music to listen to? I sure hope not.

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play the game for a month, then review it.




This review and MMO reviews in general are a MASSIVE JOKE.


Reviewers usually play just half the game or even less. I still remember AoC reviews that also praised the game. Yep, except Tortage was awesome and then after lvl 45 or so there wasn't any content at all so you'd just have to manage to find a way up to lvl 80.


Same thing with SWTOR, less extreme perhaps but definitely the case. Reviewers play to lvl 30 or whatever then think the game is amazing; I thought exactly the same thing. At. lvl. 30.


Now I'm 50, you get a bit more time to really judge and explore what the game has to offer. Conclusion: sub-par, unfinished, unpolished and some very serious threats at the CORE of the game that can't just be fixed overnight (you guys seriously waiting for high definition graphics? Yeah right. They couldn't even implement AA all that time during beta...). Wholly different world than the levelling game, believe me.


That's also why I plead to everyone who isn't max lvl yet and still thinks they know it all better to actually play lvl 50 for a week at least - see how most likely, your opinion changes for the worse. Sad but true. I don't like it this way but I'm not deluding myself either.

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That's also why I plead to everyone who isn't max lvl yet and still thinks they know it all better to actually play lvl 50 for a week at least - see how most likely, your opinion changes for the worse. Sad but true. I don't like it this way but I'm not deluding myself either.


Also, people who got to lvl 50 already are more hardcore gamers, so they expect more endgame content. But I'm just mad about the FPS issues and gamebreaking bugs, the AMOUNT of content at this moment is fine. But I'm mad about the other issues to the point where I'm ready to unsub.


I expect a game to work at launch. DICE also released BF3 unfinished, took them until Return to Karkand to patch the game to a wholly playable state. Seems like EA just forces its developers to release games unfinished. That's one of the reasons why Blizzard was such a good company before being absorbed by Activi$ion, then their games began to be buggy and unfinished (like the Cataclysm expansion, for example).


From now on, I'll wait at least 3 months before buying any EA published title.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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Well from my mmo experience I can say BW;


Does not have good communication skills when it comes to the players


Does not seem to understand emoting from your mount is not as big a deal as the AH bug, or the Locked down UI, or various other bugs people are reporting over and over



Does not follow through with what they say they will do

We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players.


So although it offers some nice things it offers alot of bad things that other MMO's have proven can be addressed and corrected quickly.


It's a new day in MMO's gone are the dark days of players being led blindly



These are my opinions only and should be taken the same as any others opinions


Best to make up your own mind, just be sure to have the facts first

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Does not seem to understand emoting from your mount is not as big a deal as the AH bug, or the Locked down UI, or various other bugs people are reporting over and over




Obviously the same teams working on it right? LOL, people are so funny in their FAUX outrage.

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Do you know the definition of the word "subjective"?


Do you understand that videogames, like music and movies, appeal to different people in different ways?


I probably think your favourite band sucks. You probably think my favourite food is disgusting.


Games are no different.


Even reading a review makes you a moron.


Do you take Rolling Stone's advice on what music to listen to? I sure hope not.


Its not subjective, that only excuses so much.


either these reviewers are so chronically out of touch with what decent games are that they are practically on another planet. or they give in to real life and do this.

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Its not subjective, that only excuses so much.


either these reviewers are so chronically out of touch with what decent games are that they are practically on another planet. or they give in to real life and do this.


Lol man, you are still here? Hoping to spread the negativity around I see...

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Does not seem to understand emoting from your mount is not as big a deal as the AH bug, or the Locked down UI, or various other bugs people are reporting over and over


Multiple time I've seen that example brought up.




I am fine with them fixing small quality of life issues while they iron out the bugs....but I have NEVER seen ANYONE ask for the ability to emote from a mount....not even once. There are so many other little quality of life things that have come up over and over again on the forums (server forums, chat bubbles, mouseovers, UI fixes, the ability to sit in chairs, etc). So it's weird to me that emoting from mounts is one of the first QoL priorities.

Unfortunately, not every part of a game's development is an equal sized task, and we must prioritize fixes as best we can.


To speak to your example, while you may have never seen someone ask for emoting from a mount, it may still have been asked for (either in threads you've not seen, or in bug reports, for example). It's also possible this was a fix that was being worked on before launch, and has only just now made it into the game, or that fixing this bug clears the way for other bugs to be fixed, or that adding it allows other features to be implemented. And sometimes, it's just something we wanted to fix.


While we cannot acknowledge every single post and every single request made on these Forums, we're reading and passing on the desires to the development team. Every major request that's been made by players since launch is being discussed and prioritized. That doesn't mean every feature requested will make it into the game - we'd end up developing a very schizophrenic game if we did that. However many requested features will ultimately end up in the game.


While I'd suggest everyone does check the Dev Tracker from time to time, you should also keep an eye on our new Community Blog, which has already hosted a post from James Ohlen about some future features, and will have more insights as we go forward into additions to the game.


The team is hard at work on improving and where required fixing the game. Not every fix is easy and not every feature can be added overnight, but we'll continue to work to make the game even better.


Just because it was addressed this patch doesn't mean it's a higher priority: it just means it was ready this patch and the other thing wasn't.

Edited by Scar
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Its not subjective, that only excuses so much.


either these reviewers are so chronically out of touch with what decent games are that they are practically on another planet. or they give in to real life and do this.


No, the reviewers have opinions that may differ from you.


It is ENTIRELY subjective.


No different from food or music taste. If Rolling Stone reviews an album as a 9/10, that doesn't mean everyone will like it. Hell, anything Rolling Stone gives a 9/10 on I probably will think is utter crap.


Why do people think videogame reviews are somehow held to level of objectivity that no other art form is?


I love lots of games with bad reviews and I hate lots of games with great reviews.








Do you like the game? Play it.


Do you not like the game? Don't play it.


That's all that should matter.


You people are bloody insane.

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yes I read that too , I suppose I could point to that great typo they fixed in the 10 hour maintenance but that one came to mind so I used it. Point being have you read anywhere from BW they are working to make UI better? Fix that AH? Fix the apparent Bugg (exploit) some found to get large amounts of credits easy?



I have not


Have they spoke to the community and addressed the maintenance issue? Even though well over 1000 post have been made on it? Any word at all..nope



PS: walk softly the fan boys are up and looking for fights, only their opinions seem to hold merit (according to them)


I respect your right to have a different opinion than mine but that does not make you right and me wrong

Edited by Kaarina
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Here's how this works for the trolls:


TOR receives good press.




  • Attack the source.
  • Claim that MMO reviews are never accurate.
  • Imply that BioWare pays for good ratings, press and reviews and/or imply that all game companies do so.
  • If the source is a gaming site, they suck and aren't worthy of being taken seriously. If the source isn't a gaming site, they don't know what they're talking about.

TOR receives bad press.




  • Post the story with derisive commentary- you saw it coming all along, or "I told you so".
  • Attack the credibility of anyone who questions you- use the word "fanboy" liberally.
  • Mock and insult anyone who claims to disagree with you.


Almost the case with every other MMO...so that being said what does this prove? Ah lemme guess the term haters gonna hate right?



But yea this thread ended a long time ago on the first page because Cata got a 93/100 and if you feel the majority thought that game sucked and the majority went to SWTOR you guys should get "real." yea ironic over the internet I know it's hard for many to do this.


Any way IMO true "fans" would be out supporting the issues and hope they get fixed or else we're going to witness a true "LOL I TOLD YOU SO!!!" thread or w/e.


Though if you'd like you can act like this review is a "SWTOR WINS" claim, do you.


I'm not even a WoW fan but I understand that SWTOR has to improve to make a long lasting impact yet again that's IMO.

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They are kidding right?


Yes, it should have been 94/100 :p:p:p


It's their opinion matey. Let me break it to you slowly...Yours is not the only opinion out there. Scary I know :)


You may think it deserves less than 93/100. PCgamer believe it deserves 93/100. I believe it deserves higher than 93/100. We all 3 are right. Tis the nature of opinions.

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Its not subjective, that only excuses so much.


either these reviewers are so chronically out of touch with what decent games are that they are practically on another planet. or they give in to real life and do this.


Sigh, just because they disagree with you doesn't mean it's not subjective. Seriously? No really, i can't believe you actually just typed that.


You ever notice how a bunch of people like MW3 and a bunch of people don't. It's almost like people have different opinions and want different things out of games, What i might like in a game is going to be different than you in a game. Do you understand yet? Seriously how can you not.

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Almost the case with every other MMO...so that being said what does this prove? Ah lemme guess the term haters gonna hate right?


But yea this thread ended a long time ago on the first page because Cata got a 93/100 and if you feel the majority thought that game sucked and the majority went to SWTOR you guys should get "real." yea ironic over the internet I know it's hard for many to do this.


Any way IMO true "fans" would be out supporting the issues and hope they get fixed or else we're going to witness a true "LOL I TOLD YOU SO!!!" thread or w/e.


Though if you'd like you can act like this review is a "SWTOR WINS" claim, do you.


I'm not even a WoW fan but I understand that SWTOR has to improve to make a long lasting impact yet again that's IMO.


I don't see why another game getting the same score is relevant to this game scoring high.


It's quite possible that people liked both games...

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Folks can say that reveiw scores like that don' matter but at the end of the day that is what spurs the second and third wave of sales.


Very few people actually see the teeth gnashing and irrational hate of the forums.


Or they could look at ^metacritic and see the user reviews (1146 users at current count) giving it a 6.1/10 which I would personally agree with compared to the 87/100 average of 18 critics (PC Gamer included in this average).


The game is great for one play through for the story... two if you roll the other faction. But once the story is over... you wait for the DLC (just like every other bioware game) to give you more story.


That's just my honest opinion =)

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Or they could look at ^metacritic and see the user reviews (1146 users at current count) giving it a 6.1/10 which I would personally agree with compared to the 87/100 average of 18 critics (PC Gamer included in this average).


I don't know, if they were prone to do that, wouldn't they have done that for WoW? I mean, check out WoW and all of it's expac's user ratings on metacritic:

  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - 5.1
  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - 6.5
  • World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - 7.0
  • World of Warcraft - 7.0

Not really much to write home about, yet you couldn't keep them on the shelves.

Edited by Scar
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