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What could have prevented 90% of the rage?


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I am aggrivated, but I understand I preordered in November, I honestly had no clue about early access for the game until it was too late to get to the front of the line =/


Almost all the anger and rage on the forums could have been prevented.

How? With any semblance of information before hand.


Every post or news item talking about Early Access has been so vague that they in fact gave hardly any information at all.


I understand they are trying to keep flexability for changes and what not, but I havent seen a single post giving any true details of how they planned to do this.


Was it so hard to just say, "Our general plan is to do (X) number of people on the first day accepting a range of preorders that were placed on date (X) to date (Y), and leave a disclaimer that its subject to change depending on extenuating circumstances?


When you tell people a percentage chance, or any indication of when they can expect to be entered into the game, most people would fall into a submissive acceptance even though some trolls would persist.


Instead the only information Ive seen is vague at best.

You could only get 1 day, but we wont tell you *trollface*

Have fun wasting your days longing for what wont come.




Please dont mistake me for someone posting just to complain, its not my intention.

I wanted to leave criticism of how I wish they handled it.

I am fine waiting.. I just wish i knew for how long.

Edited by DaxFlowLyfe
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I am aggrivated, but I understand I preordered in November, I honestly had no clue about early access for the game until it was too late to get to the front of the line =/


Anyways, my aggrivation is that almost all the anger an rage could have been prevented.


How? With any semblance of information before hand.


Every post or news item talking about Early Access has been so vague that they in fact gave hardly any information at all.


I understand they are trying to keep flexability for changes and what not, but I havent seen a single post giving any true details of how they planned to do this.


Was it so hard to just say, "Our general plan is to do (X) number of people on the first day accepting a range of preorders that were placed on date (X) to date (X), and leave a disclaimer that its subject to change depending on extenuating circumstances?


When you tell people a percentage chance, or any indication of when they can expect to be entered into the game, most people would fall into a submissive acceptance even though some trolls would exist still.


Instead the only information Ive seen is vague at best.

You could only get 1 day, but we wont tell you *trollface*

In fact, we wont even tell you, so have fun wasting your day waiting.


*Somewhere EA executives laugh and kick babies*


It would have been prevented by letting us play.....we've been waiting years.....now they just stopped letting us in even tho they have probably hundreds on staff even now at this time of night.....Tsk tsk tsk........Do i feel a blizz in here.....ooops i meant breeze

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Well first of all the rage we're seeing is wholly irrational. So there isn't much you can to do calm the raging masses. Staggering is bad. Letting everyone in at once is also bad because wah wah BW fix the lag wah wah.


The only real solution would be to shut the forums down until the 20th.

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Have fun wasting your days longing for what wont come.


You do realize that this is totally your choice, right? Assume the worst case and you commute an hour and a half to work like I do. You might <gasp> miss a possible 1.5 hours of the time your could be logged in playing a game... Do your cellphones really make you *that* dependent on immediate gratification?

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What could have alleviated the rage is if they invited waves from 8 am to 12 mindight


Could even be same amount of players as were invited today but the image would have been of them working around the clock to get up and running


Stopping at 3;30 pm est was the ENTIRELY WRONG MESSAGE TO SEND and has honestly caused most of the back lash.


What could haver prevented the rage


Equal access to all - simple


Treat everyone equal and most rage goes away!


Oh sure you will still have a acceptable amount of anger over servers/lag/ even names in some cases but over all, most of this would be gone.


But Bioware/EA made artificail social status for groups and the people have played them to a t


Those in the launch posting here, man you cant get much more self satisfied and arrogent then they been


And some of those out have railled like end of world is happening


they played their social status roles to a T


So what could have prevented 905 of the rage, BETTER CHOICES BY BIOWARE/EA!

Edited by Kalfear
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Nothing will quell it.


They let everyone in at once and they overwhelm the servers? "BRING THE SERVERS UP RIGHT NOW! YOU HAD 5 YEARS TO GET THIS RIGHT AND WE WANT TO PLAY RIGHT NOW!"




No Early Access at all? " THE F Bioware, Early Access would have fixed all this crashing issues. Plus Rift had Early Access!!!! I want in NOW!!!"



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The problem is not about leting not much ppl play but about waves system... thats bad cause it makes ppl w8 all time in ignorance and expectation..... i guess there can be no problem when they let us know diretly when we can acces the game and dont let us w8 like that...


For my own, i dont care when i get in... its few days to play so its ok,,, as u says we w8 years and now its few days so why rage?

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They should have posted a timetable of predicted invites per preorder dates.


They had exact number of preorders and when exactly codes were redeemed. They knew how they wanted to start and what they needed to do to make it right.


They could have made a sticky thread with a predicted timetable and in case some wave might get invited earlier, they could just adjust the information in that timetable.


Would that prevent all the rage? No, but it would prevent a lot of it.

The problem is not so much that people haven't been invited, most of the frustration comes from the fact that no one knows when to expect the invite.

Edited by Dandune
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Nothing will quell it.


They let everyone in at once and they overwhelm the servers? "BRING THE SERVERS UP RIGHT NOW! YOU HAD 5 YEARS TO GET THIS RIGHT AND WE WANT TO PLAY RIGHT NOW!"




No Early Access at all? " THE F Bioware, Early Access would have fixed all this crashing issues. Plus Rift had Early Access!!!! I want in NOW!!!"




Hyperbole, much? They don't have to let everyone in at once, both point 1 and 2 would be mostly taken care of if they told people beforehand when they were getting in or even when they hoped to get everyone in.


Simple communication, all problems solved. Bad communication, despite how strangely and abrasively people are posting their concerns about it, is a legitimate complaint.

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I am hoping its just a under promise and over deliver kind of a thing going on. If i know anything that is what you have to do for great customer service. So I hope they over deliver tomorrow, that is what they need to do in my book. They are not launching rockets like NASA. Its easy they can do it.
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