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So, no medal for 500k damage :(


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But I actually agree with you that 500k+ is a decent achievement. Its not really that easy to crest that kinda damage because of how quickly WZ's tend to end once you start to steamroll the other team.


The only way to get it is to ensure that you're in a team of nubs so that you can essentially hog up the damage on the team.




Wow someone else beat me to it. :(




Anyway, I'm just sick of the forums players using damage as a way of saying that nothing is wrong l2p.



There is alot of bugs and concerns about this class. We are noway over tuned like some people claim. We are in fact riddle with bugs, and core issues that the devs never address in the beta.

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Threads like this are funny, Not even hard to get that much damage if you just jump into groups and smash all the time. Real skill

Let's see you do it. If it was that easy there would be more than exactly ONE thread showing the 500k damage.


It's amazing that any time anyone posts anything remotely positive about his/her character, even in a roundabout way like this thread, there are countless people ready to pounce. The game is less than a month old and already a good portion of this community is as bad as the WoW community.

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What server are you on?


Vulkar Highway.


Btw 5-600k is awesome but doable by any class, especially when the other team by the looks of it got completely rolled and had no 50s.

Solo without pocket heals mara's are just more durable than sorcs. I can take a beating when focused and have numerous ways to escape. Sorcs don't and get crapped on if people pay attention to them.

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Yes an aoe mez that breaks on hit, defensive cooldowns that help with if were being focused (not exactly utility for a group), a 4 second stealth which is good to get in and out of bad situations ill give you this because it has helped me more than once at protecting a node, an interupt which every char should have and im sure others have more than one and a miss debuff that isnt 100%. Now compare our utility to other classes and see how it measures up add into the equation that they are usually ranged and do just as much damage as we do. Not to mention most of their utility helps more than just themselves.


You forgot our group buffs with fury which is our best utility atm.


Have to be honest with ourselves we dont have as much utility as the other classes and they can put out as much damage as we do.


Again im NOT saying were worthless im not saying we are unplayable. Im saying we could use some love in utility department having big numbers doesnt cut it when other classes can pull out more damage. Give me something that makes me a valuable asset to the team besides just hey i pump out high numbers.


People always get so elitist and defensive when others bring up obvious problems in a class. Why wouldn't you want our problems and issues fixed.

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Mobility / stuns / pulls / team pulls / aoe snare hell something that will make me more useful to a team. Even if its just something single target to gurantee a kill on something like a healer or a ball carrier while we are still able to swing and do damage.


The point is other classes can do what we do and then some. Yes you can perform yes you can do well but if you meet another class with your EQUAL skill he will be more useful to his team than you.


There are plenty of things they can do to us to make us more useful. Your right we don't want a knock back it would be a contradiction to what our class should do. Something like 25% more run speed while crippling slash is active on target. Would help a ton in not only killing players but make us useful in things like carrying the huttball or catching a player with it. A .5 second knock down on smash or an aoe slow. Again can help in many ways and be another interupt. A victory rush type move so we can keep the flow moving. I personally like the idea of a force pull more than a charge but there are enough pulls in the game imo.


Now are those ideas pretty op sounding yes because i just thought of them off the top of my head but you can get an idea. While most of the other classes need get off me skills we need more stay on you skills. These stay on you skills can also be get off my team mate skills as well


I just want to be on par with the other classes thats all. Still do love the class and yes i am 50. I will also keep playing the class and ive tried all 3 specs currently rage.

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I guarantee that Marauders would be at least 25% stronger if they fixed all the UI and client-server synchronization problems.


As a general note: let this thread die. The fastest way to get Rage nerfed is to keep posting this **** and keeping it on the front page.

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Let's see you do it. If it was that easy there would be more than exactly ONE thread showing the 500k damage.


It's amazing that any time anyone posts anything remotely positive about his/her character, even in a roundabout way like this thread, there are countless people ready to pounce. The game is less than a month old and already a good portion of this community is as bad as the WoW community.



Uh-huh, why would I waste my time posting thread on damage done when it's so easy to do, and proves nothing about the class? What do I have to prove to you? My knowledge of the flaws with the class, should be good enough.



There is already someone posting BH, and a Sorc in this thread pulling out that type of damage. What more do I need to do? People already proved that Im right. I don't need to lift a finger.

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I guarantee that Marauders would be at least 25% stronger if they fixed all the UI and client-server synchronization problems.


As a general note: let this thread die. The fastest way to get Rage nerfed is to keep posting this **** and keeping it on the front page.




They very fact that you think this is OP makes me chuckle.

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I've tried all skill trees countless times (95k) per reset now lol. But i find annih best for single targets as it bursts them down so much quicker, however as someone pointed out i find rage best for mass kills but its not my play style.
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Hey Kricys, what did you do with your last few points?


- Dual Wield/Def Forms/Def roll/Quick Recovery/+1 random point somewhere?

- Or lose the aoe dmg reduction and buff CoP?

- Or refund from VS?

Edited by getdownsb
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Hey Kricys, what did you do with your last few points?


- Dual Wield/Def Forms/Def roll/Quick Recovery/+1 random point somewhere?

- Or lose the aoe dmg reduction and buff CoP?

- Or refund from VS?


Went for enraged charge and 1 in cloak of annih

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kricys gz mate:) i went rage after i read a couple of your posts and i feel like we have the best class ever!


about the haters: smash cannot be spammed. even IF you have enough rage to cast it, you need to have shockwave buff which means you had to go 1on1 to someone before smash makes max damage. but you wouldnt know with your 1-2-3-4 facerolling classes:)

Edited by Vsagoulis
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They very fact that you think this is OP makes me chuckle.


Did I say I thought Rage was overpowered?



I said that threads like this will be the fastest way to get a nerf.


Honestly, until your IQ gets out of the pre-school level, you should avoid posting.

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Did I say I thought Rage was overpowered?



I said that threads like this will be the fastest way to get a nerf.


Honestly, until your IQ gets out of the pre-school level, you should avoid posting.


Don't question a IQ when you think things get nerfed because of threads like this. I did not think you would post something that dumb, so I really thought you meant you think rage is op.



My bad.

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here is what i want to know ... Kricys ... how the hell do you have 96% crit bonus?


i have mostly champ pvp gear and none of it has surge on it, my crit bonus is 72%


im annoyed i had to ditch surge when i got my pvp gear, where the hell are you getting it from?

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96% crit damage on the char sheet sounds like an Adrenal.


thats what i was thinking, cause i think its what? 2? pvp pieces that have surge, the rest are stacked with accuracy and crit or power


rakata surge adrenal is next on my list anyway

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