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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An even playing field...


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I believe it is somewhat unfair for select individuals to receive a head start in the game when you have the capability to allow many times more people into the game.


Throughout the streams I have seen today, all the servers were "Light" status and the world was void of players.





Edited by jtype_sw
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It's really unfair for select individuals to get a head start in the game.


It's like allow them an extra hour taking a test, or a extra few seconds running a race....






The time to say this was July 21st, when they announced it.

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It's really unfair for select individuals to get a head start in the game.


It's like allow them an extra hour taking a test, or a extra few seconds running a race....






The term "individuals" is inferring that few have been let in, but when looking at the devs post, they have let in more today than many MMOs have in their entire EGA. Get over yourself.

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Yes it is. They can't fit everyone in at once, so a line forms. It makes sense that the people who were here first join at the front of the line, and it builds behind them.


Have you SEEN how empty the servers are? Have you seen how they are all "Lightly" populated from the streams throughout the day? Seriously.

Edited by jtype_sw
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ya its not far....QQ


if you wanted in sooner you should have gotten the game sooner.


we all knew this. (well the ones who knew how to read the info)


its like saying its not far i have to sleep 8 hours and someone else is playing 20 hours.

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No it is not like that.



It doesn't have any outcome that would be bad in real life at all.



Waiting a couple of days to play won't do anything against your gpa or win you a trophy.



In other words probably it would just make cry and cry a lot of men that wear little girl panties.

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Yes it is. They can't fit everyone in at once, so a line forms. It makes sense that the people who were here first join at the front of the line, and it builds behind them.


why can't they fit everyone in at once? we're all eventually going to be in at once, so why not everyone at once?

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It's really unfair for select individuals to get a head start in the game.


It's like allow them an extra hour taking a test, or a extra few seconds running a race....






So when you preordered you wee perfectly fine getting to play the game 5 days before everyone else but when you didn't get to play the game 7 days early and a tiny group of people get 2 more days than you you're suddenly outraged and it's the end of the world.

Grow up.

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I feel bad for all the people that want to play on a pvp server and didn't get in day one



Have you paid attention to how the game is set up?


It's not the huge advantage people are making it out to be. The system even things out on it's own. You're going to have a different experience later on, not an unequal one.

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I feel bad for all the people that want to play on a pvp server and didn't get in day one


Pretty sure they are rolling out new servers too with the next round of invites..so that should alleviate some of the worries of being camped and ganked repeatedly..but honestly most of us that would roll on a pvp server are used to this and are sneaky. :D

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This is not a stress test get over it and you will wait your turn so shut ya pie hole


He has a point all/most of the servers being light is just wasting time. I don't think they should let everyone in at one time but they should have gave out a lot more invites then what they did

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They got in line first, so they reach the front of the line first. Simple.


well by that logic I signed up on this website before you so I should get first crack?


Bioware made a opening for Pre Orders, anyone ordering in that opening should get same amount of time.


I personally have my cut off date, not in by that date and I walk away


Not a threat, not a tantrum, just a reality!


And im not saying the date because Bioware couldnt give me a date when Id be in (see how unfair that is)

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