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Ok all this QQing about Ops/scoundrel need to stop


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You Sorcs QQ'ing over OPs are hilarious.


My last BG, the Sith had 6 Sorcs, and all 6 finished higher than anyone else. Wanna guess why! Because even when I was pounding on one Sorc and locking him down one of the other ones would be constantly healing him.


6 outta 8 empire had Sorcs, guess who everyone thinks is OP!


Yes I main a Scrapper Yes I was the highest damage on the team and kills in that game (was #7). But Scoundrels have nothing on a 1v2 battle as even sleep dart only lasts so long.


Sorcs will get nerfed long before OPs will.

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You Sorcs QQ'ing over OPs are hilarious.


My last BG, the Sith had 6 Sorcs, and all 6 finished higher than anyone else. Wanna guess why! Because even when I was pounding on one Sorc and locking him down one of the other ones would be constantly healing him.


6 outta 8 empire had Sorcs, guess who everyone thinks is OP!


Yes I main a Scrapper Yes I was the highest damage on the team and kills in that game (was #7). But Scoundrels have nothing on a 1v2 battle as even sleep dart only lasts so long.


Sorcs will get nerfed long before OPs will.


If you meet Healer its gettin hard, in one round I almost did give up. People did not focus the healer and it was impossible to down them alone since they healed each other...you waste time an die. :o Maybe I should join the healer faction aswell with some HoTs.

Edited by BobaFurz
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... can three shot fully champed, valor rank 57 heal specced healers through guard and challenge... guess what... that is broken.


that is the purpose for my posts.


As a level 50 concealment operative, I need to come out of stealth to say this is not just a gross exaggeration, this is a blatant lie. The math does not work. Taking just what you said in your post, lets be generous and say this operative crits every hit for record high numbers. Hidden strike hits for 7k, backstab for 4.5k, and the following shiv, lacerate, lacerate for 3k each, and throw in 2000 more for the tics of Acid Blade. This tallies to an impressive 22.5k damage. But after just the reductions you mention (guard and taunt) this totals 7875 damage. This should be around half your geared healer's health. Even if he just stands there and takes it with no attempt to save himself he is still fine.


The number the operative would need to hit to kill the 15k hp healer in 5 GCDs (2 more than the number you give) is 43k. This is utterly impossible.


Addressing the issue in general, our spec is very good at wasting low level, undergeared players very quickly. You may notice other classes at 50 with proper gear will similarly wreck sub-30 players. However, it just happens we do it faster than other classes so it is more noticeable and more frustrating.


I rather agree the spec is too focused on the initial burst and would like to see the damage spread out over the rotation more. But the dramatic nerfs with no compensation that some people suggest would kill the class. We have little utility to offer a team and no staying power in an even fight.

Edited by AngryCow
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Get 50, get gear, learn to play, then get back to us. Seriously.


am 50, have gear, know how to play, you're still broken. keep "adapting"... I hope you have your alts rolled.. once this toon is nerfed "in-line" you'll need to find the next fotm baby-seal clubber.

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If the class has reduced burst they need more surviveability....way too squishy otherwise and everyone is targeting you anyway. Quick in and quick out or you die from other players.


i know a rogue class that has reduced burst from operative... wears lighter armor... can not heal itself.....and has less cc tools. it's called shadow/assassin. the op/scoundrel needs only one thing... nerfbat.

Edited by Mursie
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am 50, have gear, know how to play, you're still broken. keep "adapting"... I hope you have your alts rolled.. once this toon is nerfed "in-line" you'll need to find the next fotm baby-seal clubber.


First I started with a sorcerer and saw how overpowred the class is and how many did start with this toon just because it is OP.

Operative was the least played class and almost no infos were avialable from beta, what a suprise. But at the end the class doesnt fit the more teambased gameplay anyway, its quiete hard to pvp against a competent team and players. Everyone should roll every class to at least lvl 15 and do some pvp with it to see how the class works, hope the cry babies did do that aswell.


i know a rogue class that has reduced burst from operative... wears lighter armor... can not heal itself.....and has less cc tools. it's called shadow/assassin. the op/scoundrel needs only one thing... nerfbat.


Yeah seems like you have already high valor with this class and you are talking from practice... or did you even never play this class. :p

Edited by BobaFurz
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am 50, have gear, know how to play, you're still broken. keep "adapting"... I hope you have your alts rolled.. once this toon is nerfed "in-line" you'll need to find the next fotm baby-seal clubber.


I'm sure I'd smash your terrible *** on my alts, too.

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what makes them op is the irrationality of people who cry op and don't look at the situation as a whole. Just a couple thoughts that come to mind


-valor rank

-damage power ups (which everyone can get, stealth just have an advantage of going for it while stealthed) but then again i don't see any opponents consistently making a point of picking it up themselves

-how you actually address stealth: we have no aoe resistance with stealth, but people are so single target focused they don't think to throw in the occasional aoe. Not to mention classes that actually have stealth detection talents/abilities like bh droids. I can't really sympathize when i see posts about a level 40 getting owned by a level 20 agent for the simple reason that if you're playing aware of your surroundings you will see them in stealth before they ever reach you.


-cc: can't blame the agent over the fact that we all have only 1 cc break on a 2 minute cooldown. some classes are going to benefit more from this, melee and stealth is probably top on the list in addition to sorc/sage. There's no tact in the current system its basically a battle to cc first. When you have a system where you don't move while someones fighting chances are the person who can move is going to win. Having no ability to counteract burst is a cc problem, not a dps issue. especially when the cc issue is what allows you to stay constantly buffed for dps increases. Having the ability to fight back should be the primary complaint, if you could do this acid blade wouldn't be up the entire time you're cc'd giving me a boost to damage of the attacks i use acid blade with in addition increasing armor pen by 50 %.

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I'm sure I'd smash your terrible *** on my alts, too.


lol... "adapted" operative who played all toons in beta and rolled most OP toon at launch calls non operatives bads..


here's a newsflash... while standing perched on your broken OP toon that you "adapted" into by self selecting the most OP class from beta tests... your words are empty and laughable.


come to belgeloth's beacon... roll empire... I welcome your challenge. You will find nothing here but a dose that will make you wish you were born a woman.

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what makes them op is the irrationality of people who cry op and don't look at the situation as a whole. Just a couple thoughts that come to mind


-valor rank



These excuses are getting old. You say it depends, but people like me who have 7% are getting hit for 5k then 4k and we have 5k hp left before I can react. I turn around hit him/her with a short stun to fool them into breaking the stun(if I get lucky), then hit them with my hard one that persists through damage. I get him/her down 6-8k health, then they pop a heal and I am right back where I started without any heals on my side. I die.



The class is clearly king right now. There are others that are a 3 way tie for 2nd.. then there are the others who are just free kills for the classes that seems to be only played by skilled players? Give me a break.

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here's a newsflash... while standing perched on your broken OP toon that you "adapted" into by self selecting the most OP class from beta tests... your words are empty and laughable.



Basically the reason why many of my friends rolled an Op is because it was well known in beta about the imbalance.


/puts on tin foil hat

Goes to think.. Jedi/Sith are pretty popular in the Star Wars universe. They may just be OP to keep the populations even for release?

/removes tin foil hat

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lol... "adapted" operative who played all toons in beta and rolled most OP toon at launch calls non operatives bads..


here's a newsflash... while standing perched on your broken OP toon that you "adapted" into by self selecting the most OP class from beta tests... your words are empty and laughable.


come to belgeloth's beacon... roll empire... I welcome your challenge. You will find nothing here but a dose that will make you wish you were born a woman.


Are you trying to e-peen me after multiple forum crusade cry-fests? This is not the first thread I've seen you in crying about Operatives. You lose your forum e-peening privileges when you're a QQer.


Facts remain the same. You lose. You cry. You pretend that you're selflessly speaking for the helpless masses by whining on the forums to nerf a class that you can't beat. And you and your friends are terrible if an Operative or 2 is smashing your guild Warzone group.

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Are you trying to e-peen me after multiple forum crusade cry-fests? This is not the first thread I've seen you in crying about Operatives. You lose your forum e-peening privileges when you're a QQer.


Facts remain the same. You lose. You cry. You pretend that you're selflessly speaking for the helpless masses by whining on the forums to nerf a class that you can't beat. And you and your friends are terrible if an Operative or 2 is smashing your guild Warzone group.


that sounded like a dodge. Again.. on beacon.. see you there... you were the one issuing beatdowns on alts... are you running away from those claims now? Stick to your operative.. you are pathetic without it.

Edited by Mursie
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Are you trying to e-peen me after multiple forum crusade cry-fests? This is not the first thread I've seen you in crying about Operatives. You lose your forum e-peening privileges when you're a QQer.


Facts remain the same. You lose. You cry. You pretend that you're selflessly speaking for the helpless masses by whining on the forums to nerf a class that you can't beat. And you and your friends are terrible if an Operative or 2 is smashing your guild Warzone group.



I don't even know this guy that you're trying to rip, but honestly you are coming off as extremely defensive and *****y. While you do make a valid point or two, you appear to be VERY afraid that your class is going to get nerfed to the ground.

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