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Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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Can't even really call it a PVE game. The content in the pve game is terrible. Bad writing to start with. That's why there are so many keyboards with broken spacebars.


I actually liked the stories and cutscenes up to about level 40-42, got bored -- not sure if it was the writing and storyline unraveling but after I lost interest, it was spacebar all the way home.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


You dont understand why people quit you say? Ah well, now even if it was all about the story it sorta doesn't matter at end game does it? Story might have made the leveling enjoyable to many, but for most of us things start at 50.


So I cant say anyone set the bar too high by expecting a enjoyable endgame and things already implemented to function well. But you do I guess?

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then why add it in the 1st place and why add it in the state its in now thats makes players angry about the game to the point they are quiting or takeing ab reak from it.


Because there was a demand for it?


People like having PvP available. Even in PvE games you have PvE available. This is another standard. If the game is not built around PvP then the PvP will always be lacking


The people quitting over the PvP nerfs are too self-entitled and I personally am glad they're leaving. The people that quit over stuff like this are rarely the sort of people I have an interest in grouping with or associating with

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I am a huge pvper and i think there is enough in the game to keep me intereseted till they fix the pvp..


Its gotten a lot better...


I am not rushing my leveling process like i do in every other MMO just to get to PVP at max level....


The majority of the people are not cancelling their sub, they are just saying they are for effect.

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The OP clearly doesn't remember the dozens of pvp videos, teasers, interviews and promises made by Bioware pre-launch. They marketed it to us.


They may have marketed the fact it had PvP but I sincerely doubt they flat-out said 'this is a PvP-centric game' and if they didn't specifically state it's a PvP game then it's not. Any game with this much PvE content and so little PvP content is obviously NOT PvP-centric


SWTOR is about as PvP oriented as LotRO


It's not BioWares fault some of you lack simple comprehension

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Space Combat. Already beat all the Starfox missions.


Crafting? Everything you get at endgame is WAY better than what can be crafted.


7 other characters? Done a few characters to 50 in Game Testing. When it comes to story I've done it all and seen most of it all (leveled with friends in testing so I've seen a lot of the story on classes I haven't played).


Chatting on the fleet with friends? That's what vent is for.

SOOO you played the game during testing as opposed to trying to find broken spots and fix them? Also lvl multile toons to 50 during testing then crying that you have nothing to do is your fault. I did testing but I didnt pay much mind to the story then and I didnt lvl multiple toons becasue I didnt want to have to play througth the stories again after launch.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space combat = Boring + its singleplayer


Hardmodes/Operations = Once done start to get boring unless your a fan of PvE


Ilum Dailies = Boring and pretty much pointless PvP lacks the depth to keep PvPers really interested in my opinion.


Crafting = So limited due to the fact that my craft requires me to stay that craft to use my items. (Biochem and Cybertech)


7 Characters = Happy with my 1 main. Plus leveling up also feels very singleplayer and is acutually a waste of time since I already know that end game right now is so poor. I have tried starting new characters got off the starting planet and lost the interest in going any further.


Sitting In The Fleet Chatting = I can chat to my friends without having to pay monthly to do so.


These are my answers and I would say many other PvP Focused players would maybe agree with some of them. Now if you think the endgame PvE wise is worth your money every month then thats fine and I hope you carry on enjoying it.


Some people play mmorpgs to PvP.... They dont play to PvE or raid all the time they play and will pay for good PvP.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Well, when they officially go out and state that they have a dedicated pvp-team consisting of some of the most experienced people in the world, it kinda makes it sound like a big part of the game :rolleyes:

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ITT: Several players who only find PvP interesting, but fail to respond to the point that this game was never advertised as a PvP-centric game.


Bioware DID deliver on the story, as advertised. I'm sure the PvP would be much better if they had spent as much time and money focusing on that aspect of the game as they did the voice acted story/quests, but PvP-centric MMOs have largely failed in the past.


At the end of the day, they are in this to make money, and there's more casuals, PvErs, Role Players than there are hardcore PvPers.


I, myself, enjoy the PvP in this game more than the operations, but what's keeping me around is the story (alts) and I hope the other features get better over time.

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Well, when they officially go out and state that they have a dedicated pvp-team consisting of some of the most experienced people in the world, it kinda makes it sound like a big part of the game :rolleyes:


it kinda makes it sound like a big part of the game


makes it sound like


BioWare is not responsible for misinterpretation of things they have said nor are they responsible for your lack of ability to think logically

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Its their own fault for rushing into level 50 and just pvping , its true this game wasnt advertise as the holy grail in pvp for mmo it was advertise for its pve elements but also with pvp options.



Is when I was playing WOW and people complained about not having new content (new raids) even tho the raids just released 3 weeks ago .Whos fault is that? the player for rushing content like a hyperactive little kid .


Its been 1 month and almost a week and I am enjoying pvp very much , why? because I am still leveling , I am still in Alderaan even though I am level 38 because of warzones , I am taking my time enjoying the stories , the space combat, the crafting , dancing in the vip lounge with random people, doing warzones ,flashpoints but I also have to work and do real life stuff so maybe you need to go out more instead of doing 8+ game sessions daily and thus reaching end game too fast.



When I get to 50 it will probably have a few more patches in and I may or may not like it but if I dont I'll just level another character and enjoy both the story and level 1-49 pvp.

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SWTOR is about as PvP oriented as LotRO


Actually LOTRO Pv(M)P is better. Ettenmoors > Ilum. The reward system is better. The questing is better. The raiding is better. The capturing of objectives requires teamwork and communication because it often ends up a mix of PvP and PvE when trying to clear fortresses owned by the opposing faction. All people do on Ilum is camp center and loot armaments. Booooring...

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The play one that is made specifically for the PvP


Pretty sure Warhammer Online is still around


Thats what I plan to do (not WH tho). I agree Swtor was not a PvP focused game during the hype around launch, but Warzone PvP and open world PvP was advertised otherwise I wouldnt be here. Why are you so bothered about people quitting because the PvP isnt what they expected? If you enjoy the game stick with it, I would if I came here for PvE.

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Its their own fault for rushing into level 50 and just pvping


Another fail argument.


I can literally go through every planet in this game in my mind. I did every pve quest at least once (heroic +2-4), I explored every planet completely (meaning a cleared world map when pressing M), I found all datacrons, I never spacebared dialogues, I did every instance (some multiple times), I have all my crew skills at 400, hell I even started crafting augmented purple armor for my droid companion because I had nowhere else to spend credits on.


This game is simply so carebear friendly, hitting L50 under/around one month period is THE NORM, not the exception.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Just because you feel the LotRO PvP is better does not make LotRO a PvP game.


I think that's beside the point. Ettenmoors > Ilum


In fact, it has specifically been stated that LotRO is NOT a PvP game by Turbine and the Tolkien estate


Source please.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Huh, it's perfectly logical to test out the game, find the PvP totally broken and lacking then leaving it.


Just because Bioware did not emphasize PvP before release didn't mean they would make a poor job of it.

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Spellcheck is something you should of thought of before posting.


Straw-man attack good one, you are so versatile when you convey your messages. Regardless of the typo he or she has made the point is still valid, so address it.

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When I was leveling up I did every Flashpoint available, and Hardmode Flashpoints are often too time consuming, imbalanced, or buggy AND most of the gear is weak for PvP. Ended up taking 2 hours to do False Emperor because Malgus bugged 7 times. Nobody really raids on my server, or at least they're not very public about it.


Did space combat ad naseum as well while leveling, especially with alts.


Dailies don't really give anything I need. Already got a bit of armoring and my hilt. Don't really feel like spending 100 hours on dailies so I can get a random mount.



So yeah, there's not really much else to do than PvP.


Even in PvP can't really do half the content. On Republic side, Ilum is either completely empty, so it's slow farming armaments for 3 hours, or there's 3x as many Empire as Republic.



Edit: The whole "This is a PvP game" and "This is a PvE game" is stupid. Just about every MMO I've played people have had the same argument. Every company promises both nowadays.

Edited by savionen
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