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Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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Hopefully people are not playing this game purely for its pvp. I would argue that it is the worst aspect of the entire game.


I am unfortunately, which is why I will likely cancel by the 20th.


I came in blindly, didn't enjoy the 7day grind to 50 on my Sorcerer and PvP just feels "desperate" now.

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Every single game i played before, except Guild Wars, had a c r a p pvp at the launch.


Just give time to time, wait few months and lets see whats comes up....


There's another good pvp mmorpg game, and that's Dragon nest. It has a good pvp system, try it out.

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Well, they never stated this would be a PvP game, yet they added crap load of PvP feature. 3 Warzone (1 more coming in a patch), open world PvP, PvP "lake" and more PvP feature in future patches.


Look likes a PvP game to me.

Edited by pinealogik
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The social aspect of this game is non-existant. Hence you have a laggy, bug ridden rpg with a multi player mode.


Crafting? For what? I've got a 400 cybertech. What would I make to sell that I would reasonable benefit from bothering to make?


Have you run underworld missions?


4-6 material for 30 minutes? At 3k? So I can craft 1 or 2 items to list? So if I even wanted to say enter a low-level crafting business. Making some blues for players as they level. Assuming guildies don't just give them to them or help them out inbetween levels.. what I could make 2 things?


Because heaven forbid I get materials to level to purple. Never mind the sheer waste of time as the items are useless.


Lets talk guilds. Lets talk MMO.


Where is the MMO? Massive Multi-player Online?


This game god love the story foundation and some of the basics, but come on. They did not spend a nickle on keeping subscriptions beyond 60 days.


A genre that demands post completing your "story" things to do as a player. You level way to fast in this game. You don't need to group really. Its carebear all over. The maps are not at all "open". Meaning you are on a guided tour.


How someone gives this game anything higher than a C is beyond me. I love star wars. Its the only reason I play this game. Honestly, if it was any other title I would not have subscribed to it.


Ask yourself if this wasn't star wars would this be something you'd pay for every month?


I bet if you think on it you would demand a ton from the game to give a monthly fee.


This game needs to deliver content that is compelling and new every month to earn a monthly fee.


I gave them six months. At the end of my six months I am out if this game doesn't do way more.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.



Then they should not have given me the chance to join a PVP Server!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:




Whats the point of a damn PVP SERVER if there are ONLY WZ queing??????????????????

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Hopefully people are not playing this game purely for its pvp. I would argue that it is the worst aspect of the entire game.


I'll be honest, the one thing I hate in games now is how PvP gear has a special stat on it. I like to PvP first and foremost and I will refuse to do instances if the PvE gear does not aid me in PvP.


Until a company learns to make the gear hybrid like DAOC and make 3 factions for balance reasons and give us a damn point to the open world PVP like Relics and Darkness Falls I'm going to end up quitting the game sooner rather than later.

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You level way to fast in this game.


REALLY? I thought it was slow, tedious and boring.


I don't want to level, it's why in DAOC I could pay certain people game currency to level me to 50 in around 6 hours. The focus of these games for me, isn't the grind to 50, but the PvP content when I get there.


The quests in this game, are all pretty much the same. I have no interest running for 5 minutes on Belsavis to reach the quest way point etc :p.

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What you get for rushing to end game in a few weeks.


I say f$%& um.. let them go. They will be back.


Enjoy those boring lame repetitive games on the market.


Why would I come back to something I don't enjoy?


I'm just using it to pass the time, until my work picks up again.

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I've not left myself, yet. However about all my mates have.. I'm not going to leave yet, but if the PvP doesnt improve I'm going to.. I dont want to play versus the computer, I want to play versus player. Like they advertised, a big battle Empire versus Republic.. :)
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Gotta love the derp derps who are coming into the thread and trying to justify the lack of quality of the pvp aspect of this game.


No, we are not going to sit in the fleet and talk in general. No, I will not kill mobs for gear. No, I will not use my useless crew skills to pass the time.


In the end, I have seen more than my fair share of MMOs in my life. And this is one of them that is making claims that they can produce any aspect of the game at a high quality. No lag, button press lag, fps lag, poor pvp currency system to acquire gear. They could have just came out and said that pvp was not going to be a major aspect of the game and people would have accepted this. There are plenty of MMOs that have said they were PVEcentric at creation and I am fine with that walking into a new mmo game.


But don't make promises you can't keep. This isn't any different from when you buy a car and it is not performing as advertised a couple weeks/months after you buy it and you find out that the business that sold it to you satisfied a minor part of that claim. I know people will say "Well WoW has had it's issues". Yes I will agree with that, but every part of WoW has been critiqued to a high quality and blizzard themselves have worked with the customer base to solve the issues. There is no crazy *********** FPS lag like here, the systems that didn't work were revamped in favor of the player.


Lastly, I should have known better. If these morons couldn't get Warhammer to work correctly with the same exact issues over a very long period of time. FPS lag in sieges, Button press lag in pvp and sieges. Low FPS no matter what the system specs. What was I thinking putting my faith in them AGAIN.

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Just give me a giant Ewok Planet with bases at each end 1 Republic and one Empire, then have a fight for power amongst the woodlands free PVP with randomly placed power ups, maybe have CTF flags in each base ... I want a free pvp enviroment, no rules no time limits, no dumb annoucer yelling frogdogs and rotworms!!!!!!



Have some speeders we can fight with while bashing each other off trees. Give me something UN- CERTAIN Let my faction players and I determine how it will be played and won.... Not the predetermined timer with rules and walls holding me at spawn!

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REALLY? I thought it was slow, tedious and boring.


I don't want to level, it's why in DAOC I could pay certain people game currency to level me to 50 in around 6 hours. The focus of these games for me, isn't the grind to 50, but the PvP content when I get there.


The quests in this game, are all pretty much the same. I have no interest running for 5 minutes on Belsavis to reach the quest way point etc :p.


You out level planets by 5-6 levels if you just play normally. Therefore you skip content and or find it unchallenging to complete. I don't mean make it more of a grind. I mean its to fast a process if you are truly trying to engage in "playing" the game.


I liked guild wars personally. Just create a pvp only character. Max stat gear and skills. Go pvp. Didn't matter what you wanted to play. What build. PvP is great. I agree if you don't want to do the story and only play it online you should be able to do that.


I would say that mmo's make awful pvp games, since they are not geared to the average shooter players.


They generally require you to grind for an advantage. They expect you to do the story. I'd say if you wanted to completely skip the story you should go play a shooter. This game will never feel right to you imo.

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Obviously you paid for another month, therefore you are not a "no longer subscribed" account now are you?


+ we can easily call you out for BS for the simple factor of "Forums require an active subscription to post" therefore you still maintain an active subscription, until your time runs out, you are still a subscriber.


Cool story bro.

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And how is grinding 3 warzones every day any different?


Even though the number of warzones are limited, they are not static... unlike PVE flashpoints/ops/heroics


Perhaps you've never participated, but you can't walk up to the enemy, buff up, formulate strategy, cc the hardest mob, and begin to decimate. Or read up on google the various walk-through guides for a given encounter. If you've done one heroic/flashpoint, you've done them all. The story is the only thing different. If I wanted a story I'd read a book.


There is no walk-through for PVP.


You should try it sometime.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.

Unique storylines perhaps, but 90% of the quests will be the same for every class. Crafting to 400 and then what? it doesn't even take long or much effort and there is only a few items you will want to craft at lvl 50.


Space combat is a minigame, it's fun for the first few times but it's mainly there to give xp while levelling. lolled at sitting in fleet chatting, I don't login to a game JUST to chat to people, if I want to do that I will use facebook or skype.

Edited by Manigma
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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


If you launch a game with 60 PVP servers, people go there and expect there to be working PVP. If the PVP doesn't work as intended, due to bugs or bad design decisions, people get upset.


Personally, I don't like PVE dungeons, and I positively hate the space combat in this game. Of all possible play styles, I prefer Realm vs Realm PVP (open world), followed

by PVP wargames. In this game, the world PVP is severely lacking, and the wargames are buggy, to the point that 50% of games won doesn't register on the quest tracket. That takes a LOT of the fun out of playing. If you dangle a carrot, it's kinda assumed the carrot will actually be THERE if you win.


Add to that the horrible random number generated chance-to-get-gear and some class abilities not being quite in line with the rest, and you get one frustrated PVP community.

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People will never learn pvp makes or breaks a game.


I don't think that's accurate unless you are talking about a fps.


The most successful games are ones that aren't focused on pvp. Hence why APB/Crimecraft which ARE 100% pvp are utter fail.


Swg had HORRIBLE pvp but it wasn't until they broke the pve/skill trees and crafting that everyone left.


WoW's pvp is a total joke and considered broken by everyone, yet that game isn't broken for the millions who still sub and play and there are tons who raid constantly and never touch pvp.


PvP is just icing...or crap when it's bad, not gamebreaking. Anyone coming to a STORY mmo expecting the be all end all pvp experience is fooling themselves and needs to go back to bf3 and mw3 or mmo side Lineage/gw.


TL;DR = "This isn't the pvp game you're looking for"

Edited by MandraMoody
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What you get for rushing to end game in a few weeks.


I say f$%& um.. let them go. They will be back.


Enjoy those boring lame repetitive games on the market.


+1 for super cool ironic troll.


The most successful games are ones that aren't focused on pvp. Hence why APB/Crimecraft which ARE 100% pvp are utter fail.


Or could it be because they're both F2P no-name games with zero marketing and crappy management?


FYI - APB "died" to a massive hack fest, and was resurrected by one of THE most incompetent gaming companies on the planet (shares the title with EA), GamersFirst™.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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