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When are we getting meaningful patches?


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What is this? I dont even...


Rift launched with much fewer bugs, has alot more battlegrounds, alot more customization and better graphics.


BRB Listening to the story where the NPCs call me sir even though I'm a female. Cool story bro.


Rift launched with 4 warzones (BG, Codex, WF, and Scion), and one of those warzones is for lvl 50's only. It has more UI customization, but that's about it. The zones are tiny. SWTOR dwarfs that game in sheer size and complexity.


And PvP rifts, don't even get the started on those. When they first came out, people were exploiting the **** out of them by aligning with the other faction to farm favor. They even posted YT vids bragging about it. Just like people are doing Illum here.


What did Trion do about it? Nothing. They would post to the forums and say 'We're investigating." The forums were ablaze for weeks with people complaining asking for bans for the cheaters. There were tons of posts with people saying "Trion doesn't care, screw this game." Some people ubsubbed because Trion wasn't acting fast enough. I seriously contemplated quitting over it too.


In the end, what did Trion do? They merely nerfed the amount of favor PvP rifts gave, thus ruining the whole point in doing them for legit players. They claimed they rolled people back (took favor and gear away) but hardly anyone ever reported seeing the cheaters rolled back.


At least here, BW is banning first and asking questions later. I like their approach better. If you're going to cheat or find cheap work arounds, goodbye to you I say. You see, BW isn't as desperate for subs as Trion is -- they can afford to trim the cheaters away.

Edited by Thiussat
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by the time BioWare is half way done through that list Guild Wars 2 will have stolen 95% of their subs


in other words, dont count on this game ever being fixed. it will tank and flop before they have time to get their shet straight


Don't assume you know how Bioware will adresss things or their schedule of fixes. Now that we're back from the holidays, expect to see a major upswing in information and bug fixes.

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What is this? I dont even...


Rift launched with much fewer bugs, has alot more battlegrounds, alot more customization and better graphics.


BRB Listening to the story where the NPCs call me sir even though I'm a female. Cool story bro.


An ex-military guy I used to work with had a habit of calling the female security supervisors/managers "sir" because he'd call his female military superiors sir/ma'am. It's a sign of respect and equal grounds, or so he told me. Could have been yanking my chain.


p.s. the games been out for 2 weeks???!?!?!?



there's a lot of spoiled people playing this game :/

Edited by Kamay
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Intelligent, mature people will be forgiving. All MMOs release buggy and get fixed. Its completely playable for the vast majority of people AND you get a month of access free.


They developed a game from scratch in ~5 years. WoW has been around for ~6 years of development + 7 years of post-release growth. Expecting it be equal to WoW upon release is just silly and ignorant.


You don't get **** for free. The 30 days are part of the box purchase, therefore those 30 days were PAID FOR.


Don't assume you know how Bioware will adresss things or their schedule of fixes. Now that we're back from the holidays, expect to see a major upswing in information and bug fixes.


And when we're having this same conversation another 2 weeks from now, your answer will be...?

Edited by Zorvan
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by the time BioWare is half way done through that list Guild Wars 2 will have stolen 95% of their subs


in other words, dont count on this game ever being fixed. it will tank and flop before they have time to get their shet straight


I keep hearing that. So I looked into GW2, watched vids, researched it, etc. To me it looks like yet another fantasy game with elfs, dwarfs, and dragons. I am sick of that genre to be honest. Yes, some of the artwork and graphics are very nice, but then you have to ask "will my PC run it? Will I have to invest a cool grand to play the game?" The answer is most likely, yes. You guys with i7 extremes and quad SLI rigs are not the norm. I think you forget that.


As for the combat mechanics, I have heard people say it is basically a FPS with an MMO setting. Go to the forums, a lot of people are already complaining about this.


I will stick with SWTOR for at least a few more months. I expect BW to improve things quite a lot in that time, which if happens, I will stay longer. So far, I am enjoying the game a lot, even with the bugs.

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All those people telling others to wait, the game just released, its holiday time, blablabla,...:


It's 2012, nowadays you can't expect your playerbase to wait. It doesn't matter if WoW or other games weren't finished when they released. Fact is, SWTOR has to compete against other mmo's in the state there in NOW, not in 2004 but 2012.


If you mess up, people aren't as forgiving anymore as they used to be.


On the flipside, expecting fixes for everything this fast may not be very realistic. The problems may be complicated, and might not lend themselves to being fixed overnight even with a full staff. Just sayin'.


I certainly hope the big ones are fixed soon, but all this yelling and screaming over what are mostly minor issues gets really tiresome.

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BRB Listening to the story where the NPCs call me sir even though I'm a female. Cool story bro.


That's fantasy space-military protocol. Everyone is called 'sir' regardless of gender/species.



Also quit using that stupid catchphrase.


edit: Both of those catchphrases.

Edited by Final_Boss
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You don't get **** for free. The 30 days are part of the box purchase, therefore those 30 days were PAID FOR.


Same size content as any other single player game for the same price. Yes - your first month is free. $60 is the content of the game.



And when we're having this same conversation another 2 weeks from now, your answer will be...?


In two weeks, I'll be expecting a fair amount of fixes and communication to be out and active. We'll chat if that's not the case. I'm happy to play the game as it is and let BW do the job they are no doubt working on.

Edited by aznthecapn
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why are we comparing D3 to this game, this is a MMO.. with a large amount of story. D3 is a CO-OP RPG dungeon crawler.


this game has more in common with first gen MMOs like Asheron's Call, Ever Quest, or Ultima Online than Diablo 3.

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Same size content as any other single player game for the same price. Yes - your first month is free. $60 is the content of the game.


In general I agree with what you're saying, but I had to comment on this. If I was paying $60 for a single-player game I would still be able to access the content of the game next month whether or not I continued to give cash to the publisher. It's not really the same thing.


OTOH: OP give them a chance. This is the second patch in two weeks since the game has been out and they've already announced a moderately large content patch coming by the end of this month. Sometimes bugs take a bit of work to fix in a game of this size and complexity - and while the publishers decided that they wanted a pre-Christmas release, I think the people that have been developing this game for the past however-many years still had a right to see their family over the holiday period.


Now, if the communication and bug-fixing doesn't improve over the next little while then sure, I'll say there's a problem. I'm not really thinking there is a problem yet though.

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The whines and drivel posted on these forums have been posted on EVERY forum of EVERY mmo ever made. And by every MMO, I mean every single one that had a forum to post to and it makes no difference if that MMO was a failure or a shining success. There is absolutely nothing new posted on these forums and in May, you will see the exact same stuff posted on the Secret World forums. And whenever GW2 launches...yeah, you guessed it.


My point? Forums be forums. They are a haven of whine.

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I have to agree, where are the devs? Where are the patches? The game is a few weeks old and the patches we've been getting are rubbish with like 2 fixes? What is this? Bioware...


HOLIDAYS, My god some of you people must be 12 and never worked for a dime in your life. The devs need a break as well as everyone else. The game is 2 weeks old(one of them being a long holiday week) Give it time.


Are the devs not allowed time off because you want what you want NOW? If you dont like how things are now, Do what ever other tool does, Cancel your sub and dont help pay for updates and such, Then come back in 3 months and continue to complain even know you did nothing to help the game advance.

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The reason empire only get huttball is kinda obvious though, innit.


Less people play republic.


The other two are faction specific i believe. (im pretty sure thats right?)


It doesnt matter what faction youre in with huttball.


Thus, youre trading loooooooooong queues for quick entry into pvp.

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The reason empire only get huttball is kinda obvious though, innit.


Less people play republic.


The other two are faction specific i believe. (im pretty sure thats right?)


It doesnt matter what faction youre in with huttball.


Thus, youre trading loooooooooong queues for quick entry into pvp.


I have a republic lvl 42 and a Empire lvl 38. Empire is much better played and done. They put all their effort into Empire. Compare IA to Smuggler and there you have it.

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I have a republic lvl 42 and a Empire lvl 38. Empire is much better played and done. They put all their effort into Empire. Compare IA to Smuggler and there you have it.


I prefer Smuggler over IA. Everything Empire oriented just feels so depressing. Depressing with accents.

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I dont know if thats true. My Jedi consular story seems... well, formulaic (go find jedi 1 on thsi planet and jedi 2 on this one then pop back... now go find jedi 3 here and jedi 4 over here... (as far as ive got). But it doesnt feel like no efforts been made. It feels cogent (if a little forced at times).


I think both factions got the same treatment (and likely quite similar stories - im fairly certain the inquisitor follows an almost copybook format to the consular with a slight tweaking of the objects youre sent to find).


I just think its a playerbase thing at the end of the day. People want to play the winning side, the hype always lands on the 'bad guys' for reasons i wouldnt want to even try and get into. Ergo, safety in numbers for world objectives and that sort of thing, and bish bosh! A vicious circle: empire have more numbers, the pressure to roll empire increases.


Its fairly textbook stuff.

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Intelligent, mature people will be forgiving. All MMOs release buggy and get fixed. Its completely playable for the vast majority of people AND you get a month of access free.


They developed a game from scratch in ~5 years. WoW has been around for ~6 years of development + 7 years of post-release growth. Expecting it be equal to WoW upon release is just silly and ignorant.


Game from scratch? I could have swore they didnt develop the games engine and instead licensed the outdated Hero Engine.

Edited by Lyonel
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The whines and drivel posted on these forums have been posted on EVERY forum of EVERY mmo ever made. And by every MMO, I mean every single one that had a forum to post to and it makes no difference if that MMO was a failure or a shining success. There is absolutely nothing new posted on these forums and in May, you will see the exact same stuff posted on the Secret World forums. And whenever GW2 launches...yeah, you guessed it.


My point? Forums be forums. They are a haven of whine.


Nuh uh!!!!!


No, seriously, this. SWG, EQ2, WOW, AoC, WAR, Rift, SW:TOR it may not be the exact same people, but its awyas the same type of people, and the post are so identicle you'd think there was a template out there in some MMO whiners newsgroup.

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