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How will the Republic ultimately destroy the Sith Empire?


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Because face it, the republic victory is inevitable, would all the Sith force user be rehabilitated? WOuld the red face sith be wiped out once and for all? Would the republic finally crush them and then disband their army once more?
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Because face it, the republic victory is inevitable


Do victorious factions usually take up the symbol of their sworn enemies?


I have a feeling a Sith victory is in the making, or at least Empire...


Perhaps, somehow, the Non-Force users overthrow the actual "Sith" sith.


But I don't think the Republic is gonna win this one.

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But we all know that the Republic eventually destroy the Empire and wipe out all of the Sith leaving only two left. Darth Maul and Senator Palpatine. Then the prequels begin...


Darth Bane would like a word with you...

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Nether faction is the movie version.


Both are destroyed twice before the movies. The Republic in the movies is like the 4th version of the Republic, the Galactic Empire (Sidious Empire) is about the 10th Sith faction.


Between ToR and Ep1 we have:

1. The New Sith Empire vs largely unknown Republic.

2. The Brotherhood of Darkness vs Army of Light Republic.

3. Darth Bane and Rule of Two (which leads on to Sidious ) vs New Reformed Republic (which becomes the movie Galactic Republic).


Bioware still has a 1000-2000 years before the next period in history starts, they can do whatever they like, The Empire can win, and destroy itself later (as Sith Empires often do), The Republic might win or both might lose.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Eventually a Sith named Darth Bane ends up creating a plan to destroy the last of the Sith, who are apart of the "Brotherhood of Darkness".


His plan succeeds, and he ends up finding an apprentice and starts the rule of two, which eventually leads to Sidious.


So even if they choose a victor for this game (which i doubt they will), the Sith end up coming back again before the movies anyway.

Edited by bfishback
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Bioware still has a 1000-2000 years before the next period in history starts, they can do whatever they like, The Empire can win, and destroy itself later (as Sith Empires often do), The Republic might win or both might lose.


No they dont, they got about ~100-150 years till the next dark lord shows up who has no affiliation to the Sith Empire what so ever. In that time its stated there has been peace for "a while" and also tens of thousands of jedi still around.


Anyone who believes the Sith Empire actually wins this is kidding themselves. They still have to answer what happens to the "98.7%" of the Sith Empire which is purebloods

Edited by Girdeux
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No they dont, they got about ~100-150 years till the next dark lord shows up who has no affiliation to the Sith Empire what so ever. In that time its stated there has been peace for "a while" and also tens of thousands of jedi still around.


Anyone who believes the Sith Empire actually wins this is kidding themselves. They still have to answer what happens to the "98.7%" of the Sith Empire which is purebloods


I'm curious...does the Emperor's plan that gets revealed in the JK storyline get told in any of the other class storylines? Maybe if some of the Sith knew about that they'd be all like "*** mate?!" and stuff at him. Haha.

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I don't think the Republic will defeat the Sith Empire entirely... I believe the Jedi will destroy the Sith, but the Empire and Republic will merge.


Ever notice how all the the Empire's ships look very similar to the ships used by the Republic in episodes 1-3? Ever notice how the Empire's symbol closely resembles the symbol the Republic in eps 1-3? The two forces merge into one.

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I'm curious...does the Emperor's plan that gets revealed in the JK storyline get told in any of the other class storylines? Maybe if some of the Sith knew about that they'd be all like "*** mate?!" and stuff at him. Haha.


None of the Empires classes know, MAYBE the JC though. As far as I know I *think* the Warriors class happens last on the Empires side. But the JK's storyline happens last out of all of the 8 classes.


Though its hard to know in the timeline when alot of things happen, since each act and imbetween each act has been described by the devs "weeks and maybe months".

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Either side could win. The republic and sith empire have both been totally destroyed only to emerge again later.


One instance of which is right there in the movies. The republic falls, it is destroyed. Then rebels found the republic again. This has happened before.

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Haven't played Republic yet, but the storylines on Sith seems to lead to the fact that they all want to kill each other. May or may not lead to the fall of the empire, but seems to head in the direction of one master and one apprentice. Only level 15 on my Sith Warrior, and I've already had to kill other sith.:mad:
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Haven't played Republic yet, but the storylines on Sith seems to lead to the fact that they all want to kill each other. May or may not lead to the fall of the empire, but seems to head in the direction of one master and one apprentice. Only level 15 on my Sith Warrior, and I've already had to kill other sith.:mad:


Yeah.. that doesn't happen for like 2000 years or so.


Eventually the Sith join together to form the "Brotherhood of Darkness", which is supposed to prevent the sith from betraying each other. Every Sith is supposed to be of equal rank, there is no leader.


Then Darth Bane comes along, sees that what they are doing is not true to the sith code and the dark side, destroys them (or helps them destroy themselves), and starts the rule of two (one master, one apprentice).

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Remember that this game takes place in 3,643 BBY (before Battle of Yavin in Episode 4) and beyond the 600 years the span of time from 2000 BBY to 1000 BBY is completely unexplored. So we have a lot of time for more adventures but the New Sith Wars start in 1000 BBY so the Sith Empire at most has the possibility to survive for approximately 2500 more years. Edited by usmarshal
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I don't think the Republic will defeat the Sith Empire entirely... I believe the Jedi will destroy the Sith, but the Empire and Republic will merge.


Ever notice how all the the Empire's ships look very similar to the ships used by the Republic in episodes 1-3? Ever notice how the Empire's symbol closely resembles the symbol the Republic in eps 1-3? The two forces merge into one.


I'm going to stop you there for a few reasons.


Reason A: The Symbol

The Symbol is not unique to the Sith Empire nor is it completely similar to the symbol of the Republic seen in the movies. The symbol used by the republic as a Bendu.

Bendu was a collection of non-confrontational beliefs practiced by the Bendu monks. The symbol of Bendu was a circle connected by eight even spokes, which represented the unification of the galaxy by the Force. Due to their study of numerology, the number eight created by this symbol had great meaning


Not only that, but the symbol was only adapted 'after' the Second Sith Civil War to show the Republic's role in the unification of the galaxy. By that point the Republic of SWTOR and the Sith Empire of SWTOR had long since ceased to be.


Reason B: Star Destroyers are not explicitly Sith ships.

The ships you see in I-III are not explicitly designed after Sith ships because a Star Destroyer is not a concept which is inherently Sith. The wedge design and usage of the word Star Destroyer stretches far back and both the Galactic Republic, The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, and the Sith have used them.


"Star Destroyer" Simply refers to a ship with enough fire-power to destroy an entire star-system. The wedge design was implied to expedite this purpose by focusing all firepower forward. One of the earliest wedge design Star Destroyers are the Interdictor-class cruiser and Centurion-class battlecruiser. Both were designed and constructed by the Galactic Republic and fielded in the war against the Mandalorians.


Incase you did not know, the most famous Interdictor-class is the Leviathan, which decimated Taris and the most famous Centurion is the Ravager.


As for the ship designs used by the Clone Army, I.E the Venator-class, it is obvious to say that the design was inspired by the Mandalorian Star Destroyer which looked incredibly similar to the Venator-class. Which makes sense, since Jango Fett was the last Mandalorian and the Clone Army were clones of him and basically taught Mandalorian things.


That said, Emperor Palpatine orchestrated the entire Clone Army in the first place so even if it was distinctly Sith Inspire it is probably more thanks to him than anything else.


Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

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Personally, I'd like to see an Operation Valkyrie-like overthrow of the Sith power base by Grand Moffs and the military. Perhaps the Sith became too much trouble to the Empire. And in the aftermath of such a purge, the new head of state negotiates peace with the Republic. The Empire would continue their day to day business on Dromund Kaas until eventually becoming a member state of the Republic. With a world ravaged by storms, I doubt they would stick around for very long with no Sith leadership. Imperial scientists begin working at KDY and Rothana (the two companies that produced the Venator and the Acclamator during the Clone Wars) with insight into Imperial technology, Moffs become governors and Grand Moffs become senators.


But I doubt that would happen. It's probably going to be the usual "Republic defeats the Empire in a grand battle". Why not allow the Imperials (non Sith) become heroes at the end of the day for once?

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I think there's something to be said for the idea that the Empire (and not just the Empire, but the Sith too!) of this era become the Republic/Jedi of the next era.


Let's look at the next big era that we know a lot about post-TOR era. The Brotherhood of Darkness vs. the Army of Light. Now, the thing that strikes you (particularly about the Jedi Order) about the Army of Light is... they don't seem to have any similarities with the order of -this- era. They don't use the same hierarchy and structure, they have Jedi that lead armies and command their own fleets and ships.


Not only that, but they use one particular title: Jedi Lord. Why, one might be mistaken for thinking that the Army of Light under Lord Hoth is... basically, Sith that follow the Jedi Code and wield the Light Side. Which is exactly what I think they are.


Let's go on a little theorycrafting romp, shall we?


The Empire wins this war. Not a total victory, wiping the Republic from galactic history. But I believe the Empire conquers most if not all of the known galaxy, and the Jedi and Republic flee to the fringes of space.


However, this leaves things open for the Sith to do what Sith do: With the Republic and Jedi annihilated, with their victory assured and the Sith Empire ruling the galaxy, the Sith begin in-fighting for who gets to be king of the universe. The Emperor is already out of the picture, so now it becomes a battle royale amongst the Sith, with the Empire continuing as it always has.


Eventually, however, a victor emerges: The Light Side Sith (you can learn about 'em during a Sith Warrior story). They ally with the remnants of the Republic and Jedi, and use that to take over the galaxy... and eventually merge the two entities together. So the Empire and Sith win, the LS Sith win the ensuing political machinations, and mix the Republic/Jedi and Empire/Sith together into one.


This answers the question of Sith-styled ship designs appearing in the Republic, their use of the symbol, and most imortantly, the fact that the Army of Light era Jedi Order are basically LS Sith in their trappings.


Least, that's what I'd do.

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Well the Sith will eventually turn and destroy one another thats what they do best hence why the Jedi order had pretty much survived the last 20000 years. Bar Darth Sidious's involvement. Game wise there are currently 50,000 more Sith Lords then Jedi Knights so cant really see a republic victory at the moment based on that. Though numbers don't necessarily mean Victory.


The Jedi/Sith war in Darth Banes era is 1000 years after this one and 2000 before the classic trilogy timeline. The reason the Jedi are different in Darth Banes era and after is due to the Rusuun reformation which meant the Jedi were no longer allowed to have an army on a large scale due to the amount of galactic destruction wars on a large scale cause between force wielders. Darth Bane introduced the rule of two to A concentrate the power in two strong sith and to try and break the destructive nature of the Sith on a mass scale so the Jedi do not come after them to ensure the survival of the Sith order and so its just a master and apprentice untill the apprentice is powerful enough to over throw the master etc. Which worked pretty well if you consider what palpatine achieved with just two sith against 10,000 jedi knights.

Edited by seankeca
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I think there's something to be said for the idea that the Empire (and not just the Empire, but the Sith too!) of this era become the Republic/Jedi of the next era.


Let's look at the next big era that we know a lot about post-TOR era. The Brotherhood of Darkness vs. the Army of Light. Now, the thing that strikes you (particularly about the Jedi Order) about the Army of Light is... they don't seem to have any similarities with the order of -this- era. They don't use the same hierarchy and structure, they have Jedi that lead armies and command their own fleets and ships.


Not only that, but they use one particular title: Jedi Lord. Why, one might be mistaken for thinking that the Army of Light under Lord Hoth is... basically, Sith that follow the Jedi Code and wield the Light Side. Which is exactly what I think they are.


Let's go on a little theorycrafting romp, shall we?


The Empire wins this war. Not a total victory, wiping the Republic from galactic history. But I believe the Empire conquers most if not all of the known galaxy, and the Jedi and Republic flee to the fringes of space.


However, this leaves things open for the Sith to do what Sith do: With the Republic and Jedi annihilated, with their victory assured and the Sith Empire ruling the galaxy, the Sith begin in-fighting for who gets to be king of the universe. The Emperor is already out of the picture, so now it becomes a battle royale amongst the Sith, with the Empire continuing as it always has.


Eventually, however, a victor emerges: The Light Side Sith (you can learn about 'em during a Sith Warrior story). They ally with the remnants of the Republic and Jedi, and use that to take over the galaxy... and eventually merge the two entities together. So the Empire and Sith win, the LS Sith win the ensuing political machinations, and mix the Republic/Jedi and Empire/Sith together into one.


This answers the question of Sith-styled ship designs appearing in the Republic, their use of the symbol, and most imortantly, the fact that the Army of Light era Jedi Order are basically LS Sith in their trappings.


Least, that's what I'd do.


Umm no, Bioware has a space of about ~100 years to play with till the next lore piece while the republic still around in a "time of peace". The dark lord of that time has no affiliation with any sith empire, and is a fallen jedi that amassed an army that killed tens of thousands of jedi.


The Empire loses.

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