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SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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I like how literally no one read the article in the OP and are merely saying "HELL YEAH TOR FTW ECKS DEE"


Read one paragraph below the line quoted in the OP. It says that the same analysts, when comparing to the NEAR FIVE HUNDRED SERVERS that WoW has ( that's more than half of TORs servers which are capped at 5k players, in case you can't count), said that the game had very little impact on WoW and their subs.


So yeah, fanboys with tunnel vision or selective reading? Take your pick.


EDIT: Forgot to add, for the people saying that Blizzard pads their subscription numbers, you can go ahead and take off your tinfoil hats because you seem to be forgetting one very important detail.


Activision-Blizzard is a publicly owned company, this means that anyone can buy shares. Anyone that buys shares has a right to see where their money is being spent, therefore, every company that is publicly owned, releases their quarterly spendings and gains. So no, there is no padding on the numbers or money they make, because that'd be illegal.

Edited by PVProteus
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I'm not gonna lie WoW did take a hit. The question is how many of those players will return the 20th January. Swtor has a lot of problems, but so did wow. The problem is that WoW is polished since it's been out for so long. Swtor is a new game and it's always hard to stay up with so many problems. Edited by hulduet
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Uhm, doubt you have any idea what you are talking about.

Most games to-date are for consoles. How do you think they get in enough money to make a sequel?


Console outsells PC everytime. Therefore developers make games to suit Console players before PC.


Before you start to talk, learn more about the subject at hand. Games.


OMG how misinformed are you....? do you really thing that consoles rule the gaming market you try playing a full blown MMO on a console controller... please let me know when you think SW:TOR will be released on xbox or PS!!!!? DUH! Forget it.... your misinformed. Oh and in terms of subscription games e.g the most profitable games on the planet how many of them are console based....? <a tumble weed passes by slowly>


More people play farmville than any console game combined so wind your neck in, your wrong!!!

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I like how literally no one read the article in the OP and are merely saying "HELL YEAH TOR FTW ECKS DEE"


Read one paragraph below the line quoted in the OP. It says that the same analysts, when comparing to the NEAR FIVE HUNDRED SERVERS that WoW has ( that's more than half of TORs servers which are capped at 5k players, in case you can't count), said that the game had very little impact on WoW and their subs.


So? They still have more concurrent users :).


Let the anger flow through you! :D

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EDIT: Forgot to add, for the people saying that Blizzard pads their subscription numbers, you can go ahead and take off your tinfoil hats because you seem to be forgetting one very important detail.


Activision-Blizzard is a publicly owned company, this means that anyone can buy shares. Anyone that buys shares has a right to see where their money is being spent, therefore, every company that is publicly owned, releases their quarterly spendings and gains. So no, there is no padding on the numbers or money they make, because that'd be illegal.


please dont talk on stuff that you dont know about.


blizzard's revenues are in the open, yes. but, despite the subscriber number decline, revenue has increased.


this means, revenue for this game coming from other sources than subscriptions, have increased, despite subscriptions went down.


this means and includes all kinds of services :


- game/exp sales

- paid character transfers

- paid name changes

- paid race changes

- paid auction house access (via mobile)

- any other similar paid service




you wont see their active paying subscription numbers in their balance sheet. and they are not releasing that either. you can see the balance sheet, you can see the revenue, but you wont have the details.


and, subscription numbers are padded in almost EVERYthing on the internet - 'we have 500,000 members in our community' on any website, social site, etc means 'we have some 40-50 k active people, and the rest are inactive people and bots'.


this passes valid for everything ranging from facebook to mmos.

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So? They still have more concurrent users :).


Let the anger flow through you! :D


In general? Or for an hour during the absolute peak of TOR's population thusfar.


Wonder why we haven't seen any "concurrent user" updates since the initial post.

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I'm not gonna lie WoW did take a hit. The question is how many of those players will return the 20th January..


i hope all of them do. they are not bringing anything positive or constructive to either the community here, or to the game in-game. they are way too conditioned and their concept of 'fun' in games killed by wow from overexposure.

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So? They still have more concurrent users :).


Let the anger flow through you! :D


They don't. You're comparing PEAK activity to AVERAGE activity on a website whose last update was on december 2010.

Seriously people, averages are like sub-high school math aren't they? How do so many people not get them?


Like I said, if you read the actual article instead of acting like a sheep that believes whatever other people tell them, as long as they share your opinion, you'll see that the very same analysts that gauged the 350k peak concurrent users (keyword again, in case you didn't get it the first time is PEAK) say that this has VERY LITTLE IMPACT on World of Warcraft.

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They don't. You're comparing PEAK activity to AVERAGE activity on a website whose last update was on december 2010.

Seriously people, averages are like sub-high school math aren't they? How do so many people not get them?


Like I said, if you read the actual article instead of acting like a sheep that believes whatever other people tell them, as long as they share your opinion, you'll see that the very same analysts that gauged the 350k peak concurrent users (keyword again, in case you didn't get it the first time is PEAK) say that this has VERY LITTLE IMPACT on World of Warcraft.


Again, who cares if it had an impact on WoW or not? All I know is that there's a higher number of users playing at a given time.


And if I recall, WoW subs were higher Dec 2010, than they are now.. you are digging yourself a hole here.

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please dont talk on stuff that you dont know about.


blizzard's revenues are in the open, yes. but, despite the subscriber number decline, revenue has increased.


this means, revenue for this game coming from other sources than subscriptions, have increased, despite subscriptions went down.


this means and includes all kinds of services :


- game/exp sales

- paid character transfers

- paid name changes

- paid race changes

- paid auction house access (via mobile)

- any other similar paid service




you wont see their active paying subscription numbers in their balance sheet. and they are not releasing that either. you can see the balance sheet, you can see the revenue, but you wont have the details.


and, subscription numbers are padded in almost EVERYthing on the internet - 'we have 500,000 members in our community' on any website, social site, etc means 'we have some 40-50 k active people, and the rest are inactive people and bots'.


this passes valid for everything ranging from facebook to mmos.






CTRL + F Subscription, licensing and other revenues


Maybe you should sit down and be quiet?

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Again, who cares if it had an impact on WoW or not? All I know is that there's a higher number of users playing at a given time.


And if I recall, WoW subs were higher Dec 2010, than they are now.. you are digging yourself a hole here.


I'm not digging myself into any hole, considering the only "source" you have for the WoW numbers is a website that has long been dead and has never been much reliable, since it requires people to have an addon ( you know, those things you can't use in TOR) and manually upload their data to the website. It's safe to assume that the numbers are WELL BELOW what they should be.

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CTRL + F Subscription, licensing and other revenues


Maybe you should sit down and be quiet?


Subscription, licensing and other revenues


maybe you should take reading comprehension classes ?


ALL of the paid services i mentioned, are included in those 'other revenues'.


so, that line in that accounting report, can rise, even if subscriptions drop. and drop they did, and the revenue also rose in the last quarter.

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Subscription, licensing and other revenues


maybe you should take reading comprehension classes ?


ALL of the paid services i mentioned, are included in those 'other revenues'.


so, that line in that accounting report, can rise, even if subscriptions drop. and drop they did, and the revenue also rose in the last quarter.


But then why don't you admit that we're both speculating, as neither of us have any proof that counters the others claims? You have absolutely zero proof that most of their money comes from special charges such as character transfers / renames / etc, just as I have 0 proof that most of their money comes from the actual subscriptions.

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not to mention, LICENSING, a majorly important revenue item, is also included conveniently in the 'subscription, licensing and other revenue' line.


licensing means, licensing fees from manufacturers that produce wow custom keyboards, mouses, wow logo mousepads, any kind of stuff that uses anything pertaining to wow.


these are major revenues in themselves.

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Pretty sure that right now there's about 500,000 WoW subscribers playing TOR, so that number is not really surprising. WoW always wanes in population after a Triple-A release.


The question is; how many will stay?


Probably a lot for an extended period of time. WoW has no major patch/expansion due for over 6 months. Which means its more likely 9-10 months. Most people have already exhausted all of the new content introduced at the end of November and will probably mindlessly farm it for a few more months. But that is easy to do in 3-4 hours a week. I am spending the rest of my gaming time play SWTOR.


Blizzard is normally good at timing patches and expansions against stiff competition. But for whatever reason they put out the worst content patch I've ever played. It probably isn't as bad as TOC but I skipped Wrath so I won't make the call. But its against their strongest competition to date. They either gave up or got extremely arrogant.

Edited by Striker
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But then why don't you admit that we're both speculating, as neither of us have any proof that counters the others claims? You have absolutely zero proof that most of their money comes from special charges such as character transfers / renames / etc, just as I have 0 proof that most of their money comes from the actual subscriptions.


it is proof enough.


LICENSING, which is a very important moneymaker in ALL kinds of businesses that involve a logo or a virtual world, is included in the subscription line.


EVERY manufacturer that slaps anything related to wow on their keyboard, is paying fees to blizzard.


EVERY mousepad or shopping bag that sports a wow element pays money to blizzard.


i am not speculating. you seem to be not have taken an accounting class in college, on the other hand.

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it is proof enough.


LICENSING, which is a very important moneymaker in ALL kinds of businesses that involve a logo or a virtual world, is included in the subscription line.


EVERY manufacturer that slaps anything related to wow on their keyboard, is paying fees to blizzard.


EVERY mousepad or shopping bag that sports a wow element pays money to blizzard.


i am not speculating. you seem to be not have taken an accounting class in college, on the other hand.


... But you are speculating. You have literally 0 ways of knowing how the money in that section is actually divided, claiming otherwise is merely lying.

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... But you are speculating. You have literally 0 ways of knowing how the money in that section is actually divided, claiming otherwise is merely lying.


HOW does not matter.


what matters is, despite the revenue from licensing is easily identifiable and a major accounting item, they have included it in the same line with subscriptions.


normally, in accounting, you list all the identifiable major items in their own line. that line should have been


- subscriptions

- licensing

- other revenues


other revenue is always a miscellaneous item that includes any revenue that is not worth accounting on its own. everything minor is included therein. it is always an EXTRA item in accounting.


but in that sheet, it is conspicuously merged with the MAJOR revenue items, subscription and licensing.


the very fact that they merged subscription and licensing is an important point in itself - and on top of it 'other revenue' is callously thrown in as well.


so in the end, that one basic line explains why the revenue is going up, despite subscription numbers as reported by blizzard is going down.

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Well WoW has or had something between 1-2 million subs on the US servers at one time or another. It's probably less now. The majority of players are in China & Korea though since they don't pay for subs.


At peak it was about 5.8 million NA/Europe. About 6.8 million Asia. They've both had some small drops. But both groups are still bigger than SWTOR.


And SWTOR is new. Many of those players aren't going to stick past the initial rush.


I'm already looking for a new guild. My guild was a bunch of burned-out WoW players who left WoW. They left last week to go back to WoW. Lack of end-game.



So, in six months, we'll get some better numbers. Maybe it grows. Maybe it dies like AoC (from 750k to 100K in 6 months) or Warhammer (800K to 100k in a year).

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How much will that drop the 20th? The 25th? February 1? You can't judge a game in its first month or two because of the free month everyone gets.


Besides, even if "half" of WoW's accounts are Chinese "gold farmers," I'm willing to bet TOR will have them soon enough. And who cares? In the end, that's people playing the game, and money in Blizzard's pocket.

Edited by DoubleSpoiler
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And out of the left comes,


World of Tanks, 18+ million players, and to put the swtor servers to shame, holding the world record of 250.000+ concurrent players on a single server shard. None of these 200 players per shard nonsense.


And out of the right corner comes...

Farmville. having... 50+ millions people playing it...


It has 50 million, everybody must love it!

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