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Anyone not 50 yet?


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If you think the finish is impeccable it shows how little you have played. This is about as, or more buggy, then any game on release thus far.


hmm, got 7days played and I've only encountered 2-3bugs. Guess I'm just lucky.

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I have a level 41 sentinel and a level 21 smuggler. I got in the first day of Early Access and (luckily) I've been able to play almost all days of this Christmas holidays.


I don't feel any rush to get to 50. I enjoy the game, and I don't see any reason to go quick through something that you enjoy. When I like something I don't want it to end as soon as possible, but the opposite.


And no, I don't consider myself a casual. For example, I was always among the first to reach max level on Lineage II (grinding FTW <.<), and same in WoW, because all the meat was at end game. But, like I said, I see no reason to rush here when there's plenty of things to do alone or with your guild. Yeah, yeah, operations are at end game, but the rest of the content it's still as valuable, and operations will still be there in a week.


Also, as a side note, when I read some (as some others have valid points that I agree to) of the threads on the forums I see that it's happening exactly what I said back in the "old" forums: some people rushed to 50 and got bored :D The problem is that I was told by that same people that they wouldn't complain about it... Unexpected :rolleyes:



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hmm, got 7days played and I've only encountered 2-3bugs. Guess I'm just lucky.


No bugs what so ever, never not been able to talk in group/guild/ops, never went to a ship in a group, never took 3 seconds for a 1 second ability to go off (ability lag), or any number of other things?

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I play several hours a day, with only a few days off taken since EGA (tonight probably included). I'm taking my time and enjoying the game, grouping with friends and actually reading the quests. Who cares if I get to 50 or not? It'll come, and when it does it won't be too late to get in on anything I want to do. This is coming from a former world ranked player in WoW raiding... you don't need to hurry to be among the best, and you don't need to be among the best to have fun.
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I have a 19 Guardian and an 18 Mercenary.


That's it, really, though I started two different Sith Warriors.


Two reasons why I haven't gotten further:

1) I can't concentrate on the game for long periods of time like I used to with SWG, DAoC, and WoW.

2) Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. I spent most of my time in the Beta on these two planets, and frankly I despise questing on them. The lack of alternative questing planets at this level range is a problem.

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I almost hit level 44 before quitting. Game has no MMO feel to it. I didn't get to see how my sith inquisitor story ended - but I have an idea on how it all turned out anyway. There just wasn't any motivation to keep leveling and grinding when I stopped enjoying the experience.
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Just so we are clear, people who do not rush are the guys who hit lvl50 in 2013, right?


By all means no. What the OP is trying to convey I think is that Bioware put 400+ hours of story for each class. In turn that breaks down to roughly 2 and a half months of standard working (IE 40 hour weeks- 8 hours a day for 5 days a week) yet people have blown through it in 14 days (official release date).


Nice way to try to dumb it down and over exaggerate though.


EDIT: On topic I am a level 27 at the moment. I play about 4 hours a night. Really enjoying the BH story line.

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lvl / class

36 Sawbones

10 sorcerer

6 agent

4 trooper

2 agent

2 warrior



But I got to Alderaan now and that planet bores the hell out of me, so I'll spend more time fooling around space combat and the character creator...

May take me ages to get to 50 if I don't overcome that Alderaan demotivation.

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Level 36 and proud of it. I might even take a break from my agent to level up ALL my other toons to lvl 30+, then get back on my agent.


proud to be 36, does not make sense, there is nothing to be proud of, like I am not "proud I am 50"

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This thread is for all the people that, like me, have been playing since the first few days of EGA and are still not 50.


I play a few hours a day at most, and I'm still level 28. This game never bores me! It's incredible. I've never felt so fullfilled only with so little leveling done, and I really don't understand how people call this game boring or unfinished whilst they literally rushed to 50.


I think the finishing is impeccable for a launch title MMO. The ONLY gripe I have is that the instances shouldn't even exist, or have at least 100 people before making a second instance, but other than that and the fixable bugs, the game is amazing.


Good Job, and let's have fun! I'm already even making alts lol >_>



I quit near 40 have not logged in in about 2 days now. No desire too.

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LvL 39, got there during EGA, now that I'm back to work will take me a while to get to 50. I'll get back to my 36JK when they fix the kira bug I triggered it but I'm not worried plenty to do, and never enough time to do it unfortunately.
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