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Full of cry-babies


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Irony or not he's right.


But, they've been complaining about the game since launch about how they're going to quit and how the game is broken, yet they complain when Bioware is maintaining the servers so we (the ones who are staying) can have a lag free experience.


Now that's irony.

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I'd say it's more like commenting on entitled brats.


The US Constitution guarantees that we get uninterupted game time. It's in there, I promise. It is our RIGHT! Along with free healthcare, broadband internet, food, cars, houses, computers, i-pads and a college education.

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Hey Everyone,


We welcome both positive and negative feedback as long as it is constructive and on-topic. We will be closing this thread since it was a commentary on the forum community that left little room for constructive discussion.


Please reserve this forum for constructive discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Thank you for your understanding.

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