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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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have you ever seen that episode of south park where cartman buys a theme park and doesn't let anyone in which makes everyone want to go there. thats what ea and bioware are doing there not stupid.



after the initial sales are done star wars is a dead game


Rightttt, I find your logic someone flawed friend. " I'm not going to play the game because I want to play this game so badly"

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it said it in every forum post talkign about, all the specualtion posts, the faqs, probably more places i don't know about. Just becasue they didn't send you a carrier pigeon with a marching band and ask you repeatedly if you understand doesn't mean the information wasn't out there


were does it say it on the box

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I see you just skim right over the many posts that point frantically at the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The one holding the sign that says "Access is base don when you entered your pre-order code." You see it yet?


High five!! I love this and it made me laugh literally out loud!!

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When I wanted to play SWTOR at PAX East, I got up at 5am, drove 60 miles in Boston's morning commute traffic, and stood in front of the door in the cold for two hours so I could get in, get my ID and rush to the front of the line. Then I had to wait ANOTHER 2 hours for the doors to open. I was in the first group.

Meanwhile, I was standing outside the booth watching you play on a very large HD television without waiting a second on line :-)

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This dude basing the future of an MMO of a South Park episode? Really?


Did you ever see that episode where cartman had a burger stand and kept burgers in his butt to give them a special seasoning?


Well that means you probably have assbergers. Sorry bro. At least you could end up really good at one thing.


I LOL'd. Thank you.

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does it say that on the box


On the box? If you are talking about the game box, no.


The box is not a pre-order, it is the order.


The pre-order was reserving a box in the future. It also gives the benefit of playing before you even get the box.


When the box goes on sale at retail outlets on the 20th, there will be no early access at all. It will be the 20th, after the early part.



If you are not talking about the game box... please clarify.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Early birds get all worms then grief the late birdies muhahahaha

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Trolling whining and complaining aside. The staggered launch is a double bladed sword, or light saber if you prefer, it allows for more enjoyable play for people who get in, but insane nerd rage from those who don't, because they feel the people getting in before them are going to gank them repeatedly as soon as they get the chance. And let's be honest, that's exactly why all of us bought the pre-orders, because we wanted to rain hurt down on Christmas noobs like no other to fulfill some sick Jedi or Sith Fantasy we have.


And honestly, I'm not too upset about the idea of a staggered launch, but a few of the ways it's being handled really urk me. For one stopping for the day at 5pm, come on now that's just cruel and unusual and asking for a whole night of nerd rage right there. And secondly, the fact that the pre-order system is as broken as it is, it's not based on when you actually payed for the pre-order but when you got a silly code that proved you bought it. A lot of people who bought from retailers have been getting a raw deal since the pre-order codes didn't ship until way late. I luckily wasn't one of those people, but definitely feel their pain. Third, I feel like I missed a huge opportunity to play sooner just because I was poorly informed of when the game was going on pre-order, I bought it first day I found out I could, which unfortunately wasn't until the second Beta weekend. And lastly and most importantly, not knowing when you'll get to play is seriously infuriating. I know you've got to test the servers, but that's what the beta weekends were for, you know what they can take and I seriously hope you have some data of how long it takes people to clear the early zones. With that little bit of information it shouldn't be particularly difficult to send out a short little email that says "expect an invite friday" at least then I can sleep soundly knowing I don't have to check my email every twenty seconds tomorrow and the next day hoping I miraculously get in.


So yes people do have plenty of reason to complain, it's a grand idea and all but the way it's being handled isn't the best, and sadly it's really rocking my faith in this game before I've even had a chance to play it again. I hope everything gets straightened out soon, but until then could you at least work out a time table of when things will be happening so there is a moderate cease in the whining?

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I see you just skim right over the many posts that point frantically at the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The one holding the sign that says "Access is base don when you entered your pre-order code." You see it yet?


I am not arguing with when I pre-ordered or not, I am arguing that the staggered wave idea should never have been implemented in the first place. It is a terrible idea and will not help Bioware in the end.


They should have been more prepared for the large amount of pre-orders and introduced more instances (shards). There is no reason to have so many people not playing the game when they already have implementations in game to fix the problem and could have done more to ensure that the wave of complaints on the forums did not happen.


I can think of no benefit to us gamers with this staggered wave access that could not have been fixed with extra hardware (that they could have even rented for a month) and increased instances.


I can think of 5 benefits right now to Bioware by doing it this way.

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nice sig boast much!


yeahhh i thought about dumming it down but ithink the complainers are the people who wont be getting their retail copies until 3 days after launch. sucks to be you guys.

Edited by Aisar
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Trolling whining and complaining aside. The staggered launch is a double bladed sword, or light saber if you prefer, it allows for more enjoyable play for people who get in, but insane nerd rage from those who don't, because they feel the people getting in before them are going to gank them repeatedly as soon as they get the chance. And let's be honest, that's exactly why all of us bought the pre-orders, because we wanted to rain hurt down on Christmas noobs like no other to fulfill some sick Jedi or Sith Fantasy we have.


And honestly, I'm not too upset about the idea of a staggered launch, but a few of the ways it's being handled really urk me. For one stopping for the day at 5pm, come on now that's just cruel and unusual and asking for a whole night of nerd rage right there. And secondly, the fact that the pre-order system is as broken as it is, it's not based on when you actually payed for the pre-order but when you got a silly code that proved you bought it. A lot of people who bought from retailers have been getting a raw deal since the pre-order codes didn't ship until way late. I luckily wasn't one of those people, but definitely feel their pain. Third, I feel like I missed a huge opportunity to play sooner just because I was poorly informed of when the game was going on pre-order, I bought it first day I found out I could, which unfortunately wasn't until the second Beta weekend. And lastly and most importantly, not knowing when you'll get to play is seriously infuriating. I know you've got to test the servers, but that's what the beta weekends were for, you know what they can take and I seriously hope you have some data of how long it takes people to clear the early zones. With that little bit of information it shouldn't be particularly difficult to send out a short little email that says "expect an invite friday" at least then I can sleep soundly knowing I don't have to check my email every twenty seconds tomorrow and the next day hoping I miraculously get in.


So yes people do have plenty of reason to complain, it's a grand idea and all but the way it's being handled isn't the best, and sadly it's really rocking my faith in this game before I've even had a chance to play it again. I hope everything gets straightened out soon, but until then could you at least work out a time table of when things will be happening so there is a moderate cease in the whining?


Timetables are a terrible idea.

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were does it say it on the box


You have a box? I don't have a box? Man, I wish I had a box? Then I could enter my CE code and get my holodancer. I would fraps my holodance and put as my phones live background. I guess I'll jsut having to settle for being able to play at 7:25am on the 13th. Darn.

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On the box? If you are talking about the game box, no.


The box is not a pre-order, it is the order.


The pre-order was reserving a box in the future. It also gives the benefit of playing before you even get the box.


When the box goes on sale at retail outlets on the 20th, there will be no early access at all. It will be the 20th, after the early part.



If you are not talking about the game box... please clarify.




OK so when you preordered the game from the shop , did the salesman tell you , if you dont preorder first you will not be getting in first?

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We very well can complain and it's really none of your damn business what we do. Fact is I acted on an advertisement that read,"pre-order to gain early access." Not,"pre-order and you may gain early access." In the end that's false advertisement and I don't care if it was tattooed on the BW CEO'S butt as,"may." Every advertisement should have made it self explicitly clear on how early access works.


I don't think that means, what you think it means. Law is for Lawyers, stay away from it.

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Dammit I went to Disney World and there we're people getting into the park before me! I mean, before the gates even opened, they let their Hotel guests in! Worse yet, people were being let into the front of the lines because they bought some kind of speed pass! :mad:



Ahh but I can't stay mad at Mickey Mouse. :p

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People that think its right just don't argue at all, the only thing they scream at the people that think it isnt right is : ''LOL SHUT UP NOOBZ MAN UP GET OVER IT LOLOL QQ MUCH (Q.Q)''



If you think it is that much of a good idea to do a staggered release well tell us why i'm sure people can take it if it is a good reason they're not dumb. Most of the arguments have been destroyed tho as for: Healthy servers (doesnt change the fact that at release it will still probably crash like hell) -- Not having ''ghost towns'' servers. (you think? if they were a bit smart like i think they are they should check their sales and put some servers according to a close estimation of the numbers of players) and on and on.


I'll say it again tho the ''groceries'' exemple or ''disney'' exemples doesnt apply to MMO video games. A ''race/competition'' or ''mountain climbing'' IS a good exemple. Sadly thats how MMO are, they are games but people compete in it for all kind of reasons.


Now I'll say it again I don't care if I get in now or at launch even tho i pre-ordered. I'm just happy that it's finally going to come out ;).

Edited by Zackath
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