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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA
It's not a scam...you've got problems in your head...and you need to check your mom's credit card statement again.


There's a difference between an authorization of payment and an actual charge to your account. Not to mention, the people that 'pay $5' get that $5 applied back to the purchase of the game..because guess what..that $5 was to RESERVE YOUR COPY OF THE GAME. Nothing more..nothing less.


You've got issues...serious serious issues. And one of them is being a troll.


I'm definitely out for good now..this guy is ridiculous as is anyone else that posts in here anymore.

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Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA


You will still be allow to play on 20th... Your not coming off well.. sane... you enter in to a agreement with Bioware and didn't bother trying to understand what your were getting so its on you... so umm boo-hoo..

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Actually i am quiet sure the money went out of my account the instant i purchased the game from amazon, unaware i was about to be scammed by BW/EA


No, the money hasn't been charged to your mom's credit card yet. Amazon charges when they ship, not when the order is placed.

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I clearly knew the terms?

go to amazons site, as if you are going to preorder star wars, tell if you see anywere , were it says , PEOPLE WHO PREORDER THE GAME FIRST WILL BE PLAYING IT FIRST . tell me if you see anything like that before you click pay the money


kiddo it said on the preorder that you have to wait in order of when you preordered a couple people have looked it up and it says it clearly if your unsure still i can find you the link and staple it on your forhead and the back of your hand and also on your screen. ya know why i would do that for you? cause i care and i think it would be awesome to staple how dumb you are on your head hand and monitor.

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I clearly knew the terms?

go to amazons site, as if you are going to preorder star wars, tell if you see anywere , were it says , PEOPLE WHO PREORDER THE GAME FIRST WILL BE PLAYING IT FIRST . tell me if you see anything like that before you click pay the money


Sorry that you do not have the foresight to research a product before purchase. You will get in game when your time arrives. Complaining about it on these forums merely makes you look ignorant and immature.

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I can only guess that most of the whiners here are MMO noobs who have never played an MMO on release date before.


I was in on day 1 of WOW, WAR and Galaxies and by not staggering access all that happened was the servers got huge queues, most of them crashed and when people did get in all they got was a huge amount of lag, making the games unplayable.


This staggered access is a good idea. It allows EA to manage the servers so that those that do get in get a playable experince rather than letting everyone in and making it unplayable. And it isn't just a case of more instances, it's simply a case of more instances need more server processing power. And no, you don't just pop down to best buy and pick up another server for a couple of nudred dollars, it would probably involve more SANs with solid state disks, network increase all of which are very expensive and would be redundant a couple of weeks after launch. From a business point of view that is financial suicide.


And you didn't get an email telling you when you will get in as EA want to control that access in real time, which means they can let in more or less based on how the servers are performing. If they told you wednesday morning, but actually could let you in on tuesday would that be bad. How about if they decide you can't get in till thursday..that would also be bad. So it's lose, lose.


In the grand scheme of launch day rage, i've seen 100*worse on other MMO's which tells me EA have got it right. My advice is wait till you get your email, play something else in the meantime or go to bed. You'll get in soon enough.


And seriously, having to wait 1 extra day than the rest of your guildies are already in is not going to harm your playing experience. You will catchup and be ganking newbies yourself on 25th december when all the xmas players get on....so chill!

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No, the money hasn't been charged to your mom's credit card yet. Amazon charges when they ship, not when the order is placed.



actually your wrong, the money was taken out straight up, as i checked my cc card after it.

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Not really, because this was agreed on by both the shop and the 91 customers. Some of them couldn't read and weren't aware of the agreement they signed, but no worries, other customers set them straight and they lived happily ever after.


Nope you just changed the terms of your arguement. You said he didnt have them in stock and they were coming in at 30 a time.


In this case with EA they are not ordering them in, they already have them in stock.


See, again each argument has a counter argument.


As I said playing devil's advocate.


However I am not supporting the OP other than to say this is a terrible business idea by EA, but I will wait patiently until my 24/11 gets to the front of the queue and go back to enjoying what I was playing on the two beta weekends.

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Early Access would be nice but as I'm sat at work and away with family this weekend I was never going to be able to get much time ingame before the 20th official launch date...


...That said - I've still been checking my email just in case but sadly nothing yet :rolleyes:


As for the 'select few' getting access - hasn't it always been made clear that early access would be phased and would be 'up to 5 days early'..? To me that has also meant that some would get 5 days and some might only get 1. It's a bonus for some that they've brought the early access forward but in the great scheme of things - is it really going to matter?



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You will still be allow to play on 20th... Your not coming off well.. sane... you enter in to a agreement with Bioware and didn't bother trying to understand what your were getting so its on you... so umm boo-hoo..


Well, obviously YOU don't understand how the law works...


See, first you sacrifice a... no wait...


let me start again.


~Pauses to try and remember~


Oh yeah, well, there's this guy you go to and you're like, "HEY! This person is all illegal and stuff."


But you gotta say it serious like.


And then they're all "Wut?" and you're all "LOL no fer realz" and then they're like "K" and they look at you with big eyes.


And after that, you say what you think you should get.


And then it happens!!!


I guess the sacrificing a goat thing is just bonus.


You know, like... something tacked on? Something fun that you wouldn't normally get to do?



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Yeah, and why do people in line ahead of you at the store get to buy their groceries first?





Let me give you another example. In a bank, when a customer has made huge deposits on his account, he receives special treatmeant. The bank manager himself meets him and is kissing his *****. So, why do people who payed for CE, have to wait in lines?

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