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PvPing in 1998


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Seriously, I feel like I'm playing the first Halo again on my PC. Lag teleporting, which makes melee near impossible to play as . Lag between spell cast, making interrupting and effective cc impossible. HUGE drop in fps. I mean, I get near 60 outside of a warzone. It drops to 7-9 while in a warzone. ***?!


I don't really care about how OP the classes are. However, queueing for a battle ground and being the only one on your team above level 30, while the enemy team has several high levels is just dumb.


Just fix the gameplay please, I could care less about class balancing right now.

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I don't have lag in pvp whatsoever. This leads me to believe that your computer sucks. Do not blame bioware for that problem. Second of all, Bioware have stated that they will add higher level brackets in the future, once enough players have reached that level.


EDIT: I am running this game on a laptop and using a wireless internet connections and I have no delays or lag. Seriously, get a better computer.


SECOND EDIT: " how OP the classes are". That makes no sense whatsoever. How can THE classes be overpowered. I don't think you know what OP means.

Edited by MasterRequiem
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I know, I know. Some people actually have money to spend and aren't dumb enough to buy a pre-built gaming computer.


It's really gatdamn hard to believe. Also, this is a pretty widespread issue, look into it.

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I second that. Hes probably some idiot who thinks that a $1500 computer from 2005 will still hold up.


Which is ironic because that's what I have, and all it needed was a RAM upgrade to run this game. It's not his rig, this is a really common issue. Not sure what it's doing in the PVP section and not customer service/bug reporting where it should be but it's not his rig.

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Read the threads and quit your sad attempt at trolling.


Or...are you just stupid?



Also, either your the real troll or moron cause in 1998 Halo wasn't even out, in 2001 when it did come out it was for Xbox and when it came out in 2003 it was so dated it could be ran on twigs and sticks. So either you can afford to hire a team of all the smartest scientists in existence to make you a time machine to send you back to 1998 with a copy of Halo but still can't afford a decent computer and internet to go with it OR your a troll. I'm guessing on the latter.

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Just to throw this in there, I get between 50-60 fps while questing and doing normal PVE stuff. I step into a warzone and it drops to between 7-15. And I hear questions about this problem in general chat all day long, so I don't think the OP is "trolling"
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Also, either your the real troll or moron cause in 1998 Halo wasn't even out, in 2001 when it did come out it was for Xbox and when it came out in 2003 it was so dated it could be ran on twigs and sticks. So either you can afford to hire a team of all the smartest scientists in existence to make you a time machine to send you back to 1998 with a copy of Halo but still can't afford a decent computer and internet to go with it OR your a troll. I'm guessing on the latter.


That was a sad attempt. Try a little harder.

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Hey man, you brought up your pc.

You bragged about the price.

They asked for the specs, which would actually give us some troubleshooting info.

The price means jack all, if your PC is worth bragging about, list the specs.



I'll sell you my old TI-85 for $2000.

Then you can tell people that you are mad that SWTOR will not play on your $2000 calculator.

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I know, I know. Some people actually have money to spend and aren't dumb enough to buy a pre-built gaming computer.


It's really gatdamn hard to believe. Also, this is a pretty widespread issue, look into it.


Hrm, I bought a prebuilt computer and I get 30-50 FPS in the warzones running at 1920x1200 at highest settings with FRAPS running.


While your self-built machine is unplayayble in the warzones. And, somehow that makes you smart.



Edited by Raggok
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For some, this game has awful optimization. I run it on a 4.2ghz i7 with a 6950 crossfire setup and the game is typically at 90-100fps on low settings but soon as I get into a warzone my FPS is in the low 30s. I've tried multiple drivers / setups but have to point at the software here (whether it's AMD or Bioware, I'm not sure). I mean when a dated engine taxes your game more than maxed out Battlefield 3 something is obviously wrong.
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My abilities have a slight delay sometimes, like 2-4 seconds.


I run...


i7 930 OCed to 4.2ghz (stable and cool with thorough test, BF3, Fallout3, all other games work beautifully)

12 gb of RAM @ 1333

GeForce 460GTX

Primary OS Drive is Intel 320 Series GEN3

Second Game Files Drive is Western Digital WD1001FALS Caviar Black 1TB

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