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Nerf Sage/Inquisitor


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I've done 22 WZs today, kept track of what classes were in said WZs, then did some math. I wish I was making it up, or whatever. 22 games played, 44% were Inqs, 37% were BHs. FOTM much?


I just played a game of huttball with 8 level 50 operatives on the other team. FOTM.

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So now playing as a sorcerer or a sage is easy mode?


You're retarded if you think playing as these classes is easy. There's so much micromanaging, spell rotating, consumables, kiting... so much stuff to think about at the same time that it can even be stressing.


Easy mode is bounty hunter: "Herp derp, spam rockets, herp derp I'm a super ranged DPS in heavy armor so I'm invincible, herp spam, derp rockets".


Easy mode is operative: "Herp derp, death stunlock, herp slash -4k, herp slash -4k."


But saying sage or sorcerer is easy to play properly is absolutely retarded, I insist.

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I wear tissue paper for armor and the shield absorbs 2-3k. Call the nerf patrol cause that's just CRAZY.


Oh. And btw. "Then you get another into the mix and you can't kill either because their shield alone soaks damage=1/4 of their hp."


1. The Force Armor is mutually exclusive. I can't have mine and someone else's on me at the same time. I cannot reapply it until the debuff from having it put on me (or putting it on myself) dissipates.


So either A. They were 2 dps (who only have 2 **** cast time heals) and you should easily be able to lock out one and kill the other,


B. They were 2 healers and while not being able to die aren't going to kill you, and by keeping them both occupied they aren't healing their team/following objectives/generally contributing orrrrrrrrrrr


C. One healer and one dps, once again, you should easily be able to lock out/cc one of them and kill the other. Especially if there were 4 of you.


"If they need to they just cc everyone (or knock them away) and continue."


2 stuns, each on a min CD. A knockback (which isn't devastating unless used in a specific warzone in strategic areas (IE scaffolding), and a slow. What does spam mean again? I think you're confused as to the definition.




You bad son.


Don't come trolling, it really gets you nowhere.


My point was that four (Count it 1,2,3,4) dps couldn't take down two because of their healing capabilities. I never pointed out "the shields NOT being exclusive" I said they soak quite a bit of damage. Yes they have paper armor but that doesn't mean much.


The "situations" you pointed out are idealized and figuring that a "team" would work together to accomplish a mutual goal of kicking the other teams ***, but you don't take into account that people like to just hit ****. With that in mind how does four people putting everything they got into one person not be able to take them down.


The class is very squishy but it still has more survivability than any other class in the game. I'm pretty sure you could run most flashpoints with just Sorcs/Sages and do just fine with the dps and healing alone.


If you also read my point that I didn't care to QQ and rage about anything since the more people do then **** gets nerfed, people get pissed and then nothing good comes out of it.


BUT HEY! What the **** do I know? I haven't had years of MMO experience. I haven't seen the rise and fall of many MMO's due to similar issues.


Take this as you wish, but next time don't come to the table trolling. You will just fall on your face.

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Don't come trolling, it really gets you nowhere.


My point was that four (Count it 1,2,3,4) dps couldn't take down two because of their healing capabilities. I never pointed out "the shields NOT being exclusive" I said they soak quite a bit of damage. Yes they have paper armor but that doesn't mean much.


The "situations" you pointed out are idealized and figuring that a "team" would work together to accomplish a mutual goal of kicking the other teams ***, but you don't take into account that people like to just hit ****. With that in mind how does four people putting everything they got into one person not be able to take them down.


The class is very squishy but it still has more survivability than any other class in the game. I'm pretty sure you could run most flashpoints with just Sorcs/Sages and do just fine with the dps and healing alone.


If you also read my point that I didn't care to QQ and rage about anything since the more people do then **** gets nerfed, people get pissed and then nothing good comes out of it.


BUT HEY! What the **** do I know? I haven't had years of MMO experience. I haven't seen the rise and fall of many MMO's due to similar issues.


Take this as you wish, but next time don't come to the table trolling. You will just fall on your face.


Read the post before trying to make yourself sound smart bro. You just admitted our armor is crap (how could you not), and it's been stated more than once the shield absorbs 2-3k at best. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. "The armor is bad" "but they have good survivability" "They're squishy but have high survivability" All of these statements contradict themselves and they can ALL be found in your post.


I gave the different situations to show that no matter what spec they were, it's your/their fault they lost. 4 people. That's 4 interrupts. One of them would have died. That's not even including stuns/roots/etc. They have 1 interruptable heal (anyone that uses benevolence should reroll) if dps. That's not good or reliable heals by any stretch of the imagination.


Please explain this statement. "very squishy but it still has more survivability than any other class in the game." Seriously bro, it's one or the other, it literally cannot be both. (Protip, it's the first one)


4 couldn't take down 2 because they were better than you and used their abilities better/at more opportune times than you did. You said it yourself. The 2 sages were working together, the 4 apparently weren't. At first you say they didn't focus fire (you make a snide comment about the 4 not working together and basically just lololol dmging) AND IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH state they were all on 1 target. Seriously dude. Get whatever facts you're trying to pull out of the air straight.And you're pointing to that as a testament to OPness. It's a testament to 4 bad players getting curbstomped by 2 sages that knew their classes/what they were doing.



"BUT HEY! What the **** do I know? I haven't had years of MMO experience. I haven't seen the rise and fall of many MMO's due to similar issues. "


On the one hand your proving your "pvp cred" (I don't care tbh) and in the same breath trying to allude to the fact that I apparently don't (Are you a stalker? Do you know what games I've played? Restraining order inc :p)


"Take this as you wish, but next time don't come to the table trolling. You will just fall on your face."


I think I just shat on your entire illogical argument. If that's me falling on my face, well I guess I need to put on a helmet cause I'm going to give myself brain damage from smashing my face into the dirt over and over. K thx bye. <3 you.


Oh. And L2P. Fo rizzle.

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So now playing as a sorcerer or a sage is easy mode?


You're retarded if you think playing as these classes is easy. There's so much micromanaging, spell rotating, consumables, kiting... so much stuff to think about at the same time that it can even be stressing.


Easy mode is bounty hunter: "Herp derp, spam rockets, herp derp I'm a super ranged DPS in heavy armor so I'm invincible, herp spam, derp rockets".


Easy mode is operative: "Herp derp, death stunlock, herp slash -4k, herp slash -4k."


But saying sage or sorcerer is easy to play properly is absolutely retarded, I insist.


You actually had a point in your first 4 lines of text...Then you ruined it, with, what I assume, is ignorance. Playing a class decently is never easy not Sage, not Inquisitor, not BH, not IA. They all require skill to play, and if you think playing a BH or an Operative is easier than playing Inquisitor/Sage, then you have never played BH or Operative. Thus, you should restrain yourself from saying things you don't know a thing about. Unless of course you want to look like a fool.

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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!



OMG sages and inquisitors are so freakin Over power. A mage that does all that damage and have all that cc CANT HEAL LIKE A FULL HEALER. THATS RETARDED AND UNBALaNCED. JUST GIVE EM ABILITY TO TANK TOO, THEN CALL THEM GODLIKE CLASS. Bioware have you heard of balance, or you guys just straight up play all sage/inquisitor?


Last warzone 250K DAMAGE AND 110K HEAL, thats not cool


Waited for so long and now im about to quit.


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.


i know that a bunch of haters that play sage or inquisitor gona say somethin bad bout my thread, got one thing to say to you. Enjoy your easy mode/little skill required class.


so you're a nerd who makes 10 dollars an hour and you suck at pvp. coo story bro! :eek:

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Back on topic, the OP seems like the product of 5 generations of imbred bronze league starcraft 2 players.


L2P, instead of wasting your pathetic life ************ on this forums that nobody is even going to read or give a crap about. IF you truly believe something is OP, go play said class and realize you suck at that one too. GG!

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So now playing as a sorcerer or a sage is easy mode?


You're retarded if you think playing as these classes is easy. There's so much micromanaging, spell rotating, consumables, kiting... so much stuff to think about at the same time that it can even be stressing.


Easy mode is bounty hunter: "Herp derp, spam rockets, herp derp I'm a super ranged DPS in heavy armor so I'm invincible, herp spam, derp rockets".


Easy mode is operative: "Herp derp, death stunlock, herp slash -4k, herp slash -4k."


But saying sage or sorcerer is easy to play properly is absolutely retarded, I insist.


You don't even know the names of the skills you are describing. You have already completely discredited your position. How the hell do you expect anyone to actually take this post seriously? A few fun tips about operatives: Hidden Strike (their knockdown) can only be executed from stealth. Stealth cannot be executed in combat unless cloaking screen is off its 3 min cooldown. Oh and operatives need to be in melee range to do any real damage. And they're squishy. It makes them a very vulnerable target for focus and very weak in team battles. They are pretty good 1v1. My advice: don't get caught wondering alone if an operative or scoundrel is continually owning you and learn to use your resolve. Hug someone beefy on your team and you'll probably be okay. My guess is that concealment spec operatives will be pug stompers when played effectively but they will be next to worthless in premade warzones or against a well coordinated team.

Edited by -Yume-
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You don't even know the names of the skills you are describing. You have already completely discredited your position. How the hell do you expect anyone to actually take this post seriously? A few fun tips about operatives: Hidden Strike (their knockdown) can only be executed from stealth. Stealth cannot be executed in combat unless cloaking screen is off its 3 min cooldown. Oh and operatives need to be in melee range to do any real damage. And they're squishy. It makes them a very vulnerable target for focus and very weak in team battles. They are pretty good 1v1. My advice: don't get caught wondering alone if an operative or scoundrel is continually owning you and learn to use your resolve. Hug someone beefy on your team and you'll probably be okay. My guess is that concealment spec operatives will be pug stompers when played effectively but they will be next to worthless in premade warzones or against a well coordinated team.


Only because I don't type the name of the skills doesn't mean I don't know them mr. ********.


I don't mind if you care or not about my post anyway. Sages won't be nerfed, and operative/scoundrels will. BHs probably will too. Give it time.

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Read the post before trying to make yourself sound smart bro. You just admitted our armor is crap (how could you not), and it's been stated more than once the shield absorbs 2-3k at best. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. "The armor is bad" "but they have good survivability" "They're squishy but have high survivability" All of these statements contradict themselves and they can ALL be found in your post.


I gave the different situations to show that no matter what spec they were, it's your/their fault they lost. 4 people. That's 4 interrupts. One of them would have died. That's not even including stuns/roots/etc. They have 1 interruptable heal (anyone that uses benevolence should reroll) if dps. That's not good or reliable heals by any stretch of the imagination.


Please explain this statement. "very squishy but it still has more survivability than any other class in the game." Seriously bro, it's one or the other, it literally cannot be both. (Protip, it's the first one)


4 couldn't take down 2 because they were better than you and used their abilities better/at more opportune times than you did. You said it yourself. The 2 sages were working together, the 4 apparently weren't. At first you say they didn't focus fire (you make a snide comment about the 4 not working together and basically just lololol dmging) AND IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH state they were all on 1 target. Seriously dude. Get whatever facts you're trying to pull out of the air straight.And you're pointing to that as a testament to OPness. It's a testament to 4 bad players getting curbstomped by 2 sages that knew their classes/what they were doing.



"BUT HEY! What the **** do I know? I haven't had years of MMO experience. I haven't seen the rise and fall of many MMO's due to similar issues. "


On the one hand your proving your "pvp cred" (I don't care tbh) and in the same breath trying to allude to the fact that I apparently don't (Are you a stalker? Do you know what games I've played? Restraining order inc :p)


"Take this as you wish, but next time don't come to the table trolling. You will just fall on your face."


I think I just shat on your entire illogical argument. If that's me falling on my face, well I guess I need to put on a helmet cause I'm going to give myself brain damage from smashing my face into the dirt over and over. K thx bye. <3 you.


Oh. And L2P. Fo rizzle.


...I didnt think it was possible...


Your my clone :eek:



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Only because I don't type the name of the skills doesn't mean I don't know them mr. ********.


I don't mind if you care or not about my post anyway. Sages won't be nerfed, and operative/scoundrels will. BHs probably will too. Give it time.


My best guess is that you are a butt hurt sage who has been owned by a scoundrel or operative (concealment or scrapper) one too many times and you think this constitutes "knowledge" of the class's strengths and weaknesses (or lack thereof according to you). Try playing the class. Like everyone else on this thread has said in regards to sage and sorcerer, try playing the class first before you start crying "OP!". From your comments pertaining to operative and scoundrel it is blatantly obvious that you have not done so. And you are mistaken to think I give a damn if sorcerers and sages are nerfed anyways. I am not calling them OP though I found (sorcerer) a bit boring to play because they had few unique mechanics at least up to level 30.


And BTW I am no mister, thanks.

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