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Nerf Sage/Inquisitor


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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!



OMG sages and inquisitors are so freakin Over power. A mage that does all that damage and have all that cc CANT HEAL LIKE A FULL HEALER. THATS RETARDED AND UNBALaNCED. JUST GIVE EM ABILITY TO TANK TOO, THEN CALL THEM GODLIKE CLASS. Bioware have you heard of balance, or you guys just straight up play all sage/inquisitor?


Last warzone 250K DAMAGE AND 110K HEAL, thats not cool


Waited for so long and now im about to quit.


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.


i know that a bunch of haters that play sage or inquisitor gona say somethin bad bout my thread, got one thing to say to you. Enjoy your easy mode/little skill required class.



Inquisitors are a 1-10 base class just like consulars (cant even queue for pvp). I think you mean "Sorcerers".

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PvP is a system of checks and balances. I play a scoundrel. I can dish great damage when coming out of stealth. On the other hand, I have incredibly low survivability. To sum this up:


Checks - Great damage, mobile


Balances - Very squishy, close range


Sorcerers and Sages have what seems like no balances on the other hand.


Checks - Great damage, relatively mobile, long range, great survivability, great healing, few

long casting spells

Balances - Slightly weak to melee classes (due to the amount of interrupts)


I don't want to come off like a QQ'ing noob but I am frustrated with the current state of the sorcerer/ sage.

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I'm a Sniper that is almost fully decked out in Champion gear and I find it almost impossible to bring down a Sage 1v1, and the skilled ones are tough to bring down even with more than one person. There is a Sage on my server that recently went 49-1 in Voidstar with heavy fighting going on both sides of the first doors (they never got through). We had three people surrounding her and every time her health would get low, she'd pop force shield and force run and dart across the field to go heal herself.


I really hate to QQ but, man, it's becoming hard for me not to think Sages need to be adjusted.



Edit - I'd also like to add just how ridiculous those abilities are for Huttball. It actually is impossible to stop them getting across the goalline.

Edited by Cluttered
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PvP is a system of checks and balances. I play a scoundrel. I can dish great damage when coming out of stealth. On the other hand, I have incredibly low survivability. To sum this up:


Checks - Great damage, mobile


Balances - Very squishy, close range


Sorcerers and Sages have what seems like no balances on the other hand.


Checks - Great damage, relatively mobile, long range, great survivability, great healing, few

long casting spells

Balances - Slightly weak to melee classes (due to the amount of interrupts)


I don't want to come off like a QQ'ing noob but I am frustrated with the current state of the sorcerer/ sage.


A SCOUNDREL QQ'ing about a sorc?? You gotta be kidding me.... Really?....



Im flabbergasted...

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I'm a Sniper that is almost fully decked out in Champion gear and I find it almost impossible to bring down a Sage 1v1, and the skilled ones are tough to bring down even with more than one person. There is a Sage on my server that recently went 49-1 in Voidstar with heavy fighting going on both sides of the first doors (they never got through). We had three people surrounding her and every time her health would get low, she'd pop force shield and force run and dart across the field to go heal herself.


I really hate to QQ but, man, it's becoming hard for me not to think Sages need to be adjusted.


I'm sure 1 of the 3 of you have a stun, slow, grapple, interupt ability of some sort. It's not the Sage's fault YOU'RE TOO BAD TO KNOW TO USE THEM. WE'RE NOT OP, YOU'RE THAT BAD!

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I'm sure 1 of the 3 of you have a stun, slow, grapple, interupt ability of some sort. It's not the Sage's fault YOU'RE TOO BAD TO KNOW TO USE THEM. WE'RE NOT OP, YOU'RE THAT BAD!


I'm not going to start tossing out stats or victory counts but I'll just say that me and my guildmates do just fine when it comes to warzones. Again, when I try to stun the Sage through push back, stab stun and flash bang...Just to see them keep on going like nothing happened, something is wrong.

Edited by Cluttered
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I'm not going to start tossing out stats or victory counts but I'll just say that me and my guildmates do just fine when it comes to warzones. Again, when I try to stun the Sage through push back, stab stun and flash bang...Just to see them keep on going like nothing happened, something is wrong.


#1. There is a mechanic in the game called resolve. Google it. That may be the reason your stuns may seem to not work at times.


b. some of those abilities you listed are not interupts or stuns....


3. Im a sorcer.... A SITH INQUISITOR SORCER! The mirror class of the Jedi Counsolar Sage...




f. I see you removed your comment about why am I in this conversation as a sorcerer... I saw it before you edited your post. Hence 3.

Edited by DarthHendo
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My only beef (or pork or lamb or what have you) with the Sage/Inquisitor is that they're the only AC that doesn't need to worry about resource management.


You start the fight with 600+ pool of energy. Which regenerates linearly no matter how full/depleted the bar is. You can spam what you want, when you want, however long you want without ever even looking at the bar. I've never ran out, ever. Either I die, or my target dies. And it happens LOOOONG before the bar is anywhere near empty.


Meanwhile Bounty Hunters and Agents have to worry about their resource and regeneration rate, because popping 3+ hard hitting abilities will push you into an area where regeneration slows to a crawl. Push a little bit more, and you're down to basic shot, which does next to no damage. And then you die. And Warriors need to build their resource, though I won't speak for them because I've never played one.


In other words, nerf the Sorcerer/Sage huge resource pool AND force them to deal with nonlinearly regenerating and much smaller sized pool. And that's it. It'll balance the class, as far as I'm concerned. Might even have to buff some abilities, once they're unable to just stand there and spam their heavy hitters until cows come home.


P.S. I have a Sorcerer, Powertech and IA all roughly the same level (+/-2) in mid-30s.

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I just want to say. To all of you who said you played an "assassin", then claim inquisitor is more OP. You are the most retarded person i have met or you never actually played the assassin. Want to know why? THE INQUISITOR IS THE ASSASSIN!!! Assassin is the advance class of the inquisitor.... *** is wrong with these forums!?!?!? Edited by Tycoon
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Ya know...I was going to respond to every erroneous or out-right wrong comment in this thread. Then I remembered none of you will read it because you're too busy foaming at the mouth and mashing your face against the keyboard. Seriously. Want to know how to beat a sage/sorc? Interrupt Telekinetic Throw. Guess what? You just ****ed my whole "rotation". The shield absorbs about 2k. **** OP. As a dps spec (which are the ones you are complaining about), I have 2 heals. One is a 2.5-3.0 sec cast (that's hard to interrupt right?) that heals for ~1.6-3.5k. The other is a 1.5 sec cast that isn't worth the force/time spent it takes to use. SUPAH HEALZ.


Moral of the story? If you are having problems with sages/sorcerers, stop letting them freecast.


If you do not run out of Force, then you're just slow.


I love you. And your videos. Now might be a good time to post your "sages aren't OP and I hate all of you" video. The one where you're fighting the elite mob by yourself. Really can't sum up the argument better than how you put it in said video.


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Sage/Sorc pretty much an easy kill for me playing a smuggler(scoundrel) inquisitors are generally 50/50 whoever gets the jump wins that one. ones i hate most are those powertechs, stupid missiles hiting me as i run away like a child screaming "mommy help!"
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Sage/Sorc atm are pretty beastly broke considering their abilities. Its hard enough killing one in pvp (4 jump on one and still have issues). Then you get another into the mix and you can't kill either because their shield alone soaks damage = 1/4 their hp. If they need to they just cc everyone (or knock them away) and continue.


The problem with everyone complaining is that now Bioware has to balance them for pvp, thus making them weaker in pve which makes no one happy.

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Dear mother of god...what has become of these forums...



Whine, whine, whine, I want this because I think it should be like this and if I don't get it I'll get revenge by so-called ruining your merchandise by telling everyone I see at the shop what a horrific game this is... Well, I'm sure your bosses at your Gamestop shop will find it wonderful how you make attempts to convince the customers to not buy their merchandise.


You make, however, no attempts to see the point in the comments of people that disagree with you, you don't even try to properly convince them of your point, no, you go boasting about your majestic pvp experience or they just get outright offended. (and people that said something you approve get a personal 'Thank you for thinking outside of the box' message? - lol)


Maybe I'm just feeding a troll here, however I do not think you're a troll, but just one of the most arrogant persons I've ever seen.


Please, do not take offense by anything of the above. I wanted to say this, and it wasn't my intention to offend you.

Edited by Mormoz
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Sage/Sorc atm are pretty beastly broke considering their abilities. Its hard enough killing one in pvp (4 jump on one and still have issues). Then you get another into the mix and you can't kill either because their shield alone soaks damage = 1/4 their hp. If they need to they just cc everyone (or knock them away) and continue.


The problem with everyone complaining is that now Bioware has to balance them for pvp, thus making them weaker in pve which makes no one happy.


I wear tissue paper for armor and the shield absorbs 2-3k. Call the nerf patrol cause that's just CRAZY.


Oh. And btw. "Then you get another into the mix and you can't kill either because their shield alone soaks damage=1/4 of their hp."


1. The Force Armor is mutually exclusive. I can't have mine and someone else's on me at the same time. I cannot reapply it until the debuff from having it put on me (or putting it on myself) dissipates.


So either A. They were 2 dps (who only have 2 **** cast time heals) and you should easily be able to lock out one and kill the other,


B. They were 2 healers and while not being able to die aren't going to kill you, and by keeping them both occupied they aren't healing their team/following objectives/generally contributing orrrrrrrrrrr


C. One healer and one dps, once again, you should easily be able to lock out/cc one of them and kill the other. Especially if there were 4 of you.


"If they need to they just cc everyone (or knock them away) and continue."


2 stuns, each on a min CD. A knockback (which isn't devastating unless used in a specific warzone in strategic areas (IE scaffolding), and a slow. What does spam mean again? I think you're confused as to the definition.




You bad son.

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Dear mother of god...what has become of these forums...



Whine, whine, whine, I want this because I think it should be like this and if I don't get it I'll get revenge by so-called ruining your merchandise by telling everyone I see at the shop what a horrific game this is... Well, I'm sure your bosses at your Gamestop shop will find it wonderful how you make attempts to convince the customers to not buy their merchandise.

You make, however, no attempts to see the point in the comments of people that disagree with you, you don't even try to properly convince them of your point, no, you go boasting about your majestic pvp experience or they just get outright offended. (and people that said something you approve get a personal 'Thank you for thinking outside of the box' message? - lol)


Maybe I'm just feeding a troll here, however I do not think you're a troll, but just one of the most arrogant persons I've ever seen.


Please, do not take offense by anything of the above. I wanted to say this, and it wasn't my intention to offend you.


I was thinking the bolded as soon as I read the gamestop statement. Seriously bro. Your job is to sell stuff. If they want to buy Hello Kitty Adventure, you say it's *********** awesome. Say hi to the unemployment line for me after you try that.

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If you want to identify a consular healer, look for someone with a double bladed lightsaber who's keeping their distance. They cant stealth and they're done for if you close in on them. However if they play smart they can be dangerous.


Sage and Sorcerer can't use double bladed.


These are your healers. Kill them. It's simple.


1. Look for the robe wearer with a single bladed lightsaber

2. Look for the guy in heavy armor dual wielding pistols (or carrying around an assault cannon)

2. Look for the guy in medium armor with a pistol or a blaster rifle.

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You know the thing that gets me the most about these OP sorc/sage posts? Even when I'm in dps spec I can't even fart for fear I'm breaking wind in an assassin's face. Just BEING a sage puts a giant "Everyone thinks I'm OP target me for the whole game" sign on my head.
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I am a 50 Sage.


Sages are easy to defeat.


Sages have no burst damage.


Sages have to stand still to use most of their powers.


TOR healing is terribly under-powered.


But, I can post impressive numbers, becuase I have AOE.


So, if you are getting owned by a Sage in PvP, the the class you are playing is probably not for you.


Honestly, of all the ranged DPS in the game, Sages are problably the lowest.


Sages, and Jedi / Sith in general, are not the FOTM. They are the FOTG (Flavor Of The Game). It's freakin' Star Wars, there will always be Jedi everywhere.


So may The Force, and a better understanding of TOR PvP, be with you.

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