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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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While I do consider the system pretty weird I still don't get why all the fuss. We are in the 2nd (or start of the 3rd) week of the game and there already are LOTS of level 50s with a mostly finished tier 2 PVP gear so the progression is fast enough. Compare with your other games and how long it took there to get to this point. You get reasonable credits and coms in those bags on top. Consider all the not needed loot left to rot in PVE. It's not an issue if you don't get the complete 2nd best PVP gear within the first 2 weeks.


Seriously, some people really just want to whine a lot.


Havent you read??? PPL are complaining because it shouldnt be base on Luck. If should be base of Valor Rank or whatever , not base on luck, period.

I should make almost imposible to reach rank 100 and when you get to Rank 100 you get the armor set. I should be base of effort, not random Luck.

17 bags and only 1 items. jeeeeeeez

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I'm Valor rank 55 and over the last week have opened 28 champion bags and received 0 items. Is this seriously how the game is meant to be?


All my friends and guildmates (Valor rank 20-30) have full gear.. how is it even possible.


Effort isnt rewarded.


I unsubscribed today anwyays.

valor rank 55 and only 28 bags? youre doing it wrong


also 8 bags, 4 items here. so your luck sucks. deal.

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The higher valor you are the less chance to get an item, it seems to be designed that way, battlemaster gear is designed to be even less chance.


Y so for people like me that did a lot of leveling in pvp so my valor matched my level we get screwed



If this is the case they should of said thats how it works

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Y so for people like me that did a lot of leveling in pvp so my valor matched my level we get screwed



If this is the case they should of said thats how it works


pretty much, i was valor 47 when i reached 50, have over 100 cent commendations, Im almost valor 60 now, only 4 pieces and 4 duplicates. it is kinda depressing, which soon leads to frustration .

Edited by digikai
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pretty much, i was valor 47 when i reached 50, have over 100 cent commendations, Im almost valor 60 now, only 4 pieces and 4 duplicates. it is kinda depressing, which soon leads to frustration .


i have seen loads of low level valor people with nearly full gear lol

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i have seen loads of low level valor people with nearly full gear lol


it's kinda embrassing when someone whispers you to say wow, bad luck bro, only 4 pieces with your valor. I will stick along until the end of the month and wish for the best.

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it's kinda embrassing when someone whispers you to say wow, bad luck bro, only 4 pieces with your valor. I will stick along until the end of the month and wish for the best.


Well im gonna give it till a pvp patch and if that takes to long oh well

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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.


except centurion gear is mediocre.

Edited by Shortcake
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Did the new patch fix the issue?


no i have done 3 bags since patch no items + its not mentioned in the patch notes no pvp fixes at all ,


No word from the devs on this . and this subject even though has muliple threads is nnot on the stickys part of what the pvp needs and concerns


This is a concern

Edited by jamiede
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This system is by far the most ridiculously stupid one ever created.


A guildie of mine is widely known as the unluckiest person in the world, and has not received anything at all for 15 bags. While I've got 6 parts from total of 14 bags. An another guildie of mine received 4x set parts + weapon + implants + a relic in TWO days (+ he got lower robe 3 times).


In worst case scenario you could spend all your time in the laggy warzones, work your *ss off and receive nothing at all, while the others get full gear with almost no effort whatsoever. Jeez.


I agree, i have gotten pretty good luck with this system on average an item in 1 our of 2 bag's. and i HATE this system it is really very stupid and makes me sad to see Bioware even put something like this in as pvp, it shows they really are still learning how to make a game in the pvp department its clear they have not done this befor. sure great pve games and a good MMO so far but weak *** poor pvp idea and sysems in play.


oh and LOL at Ilum. how did that get out of beta in the state its in, pvp zone were pvp hearts you and pve gets you your gear faster.........

Edited by Niquity
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^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank. I have been level 50 for 8days. I have completed 2 weekly pvp quests. That is 6 bags. I have completed 8 Pvp daily that's 8 Bags. I average 3 bags a day. That is 24 bags. So why is it you have only gotten 28 bags at valor 55 when I have gotten 38 bags at valor rank 45. Your facts don't add up. Sounds like you have gotten only a few bags. Your valor rank is no where near 55 and your just QQing.


that makes no sense at all, maybe he did alot more pvp when levelling? when you're unable to get champion bags??


brains, i wish people could buy them

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Ok? 28 bags is 84 cent coms. That's enough for a purple main weapon.


He would probably be more pissed if he got three pairs of pants like some people did.


No 3 pairs of the same pairs of pants and 25 bags is far far better than no item at all and 28 bags you would have got 2 sets of pants you don't need and only lost 4 coms because an item has a com in it.


and well cent pants are more than 4 comms......................


plus 84 com is sad when you compare it to someone like say me in the last 10 bags iv gotten almost an item in every bag.


Over all my companion is also some of the way geared up. Not in (10 bags) for the trolls 10 bags is a reference to my item loot ratio in the last 10


if you took all the gear iv gotten in champion gear none the less not crappier cent gear.


iv prob gotten over 500 champion comms worth so 84 lesser quality cent coms vs 500 greater quality camp coms you pick.

Edited by Niquity
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valor 44 and only champion head+ implant. already bought two centurion items with comms, almost got enough for third. 20 bags in a row with only comms. while i wouldnt mind the system being in such a state directly from the beginning, those sucker who skipped everything to rush to 50 have full sets with valor 20. They dont have to be good at pvp, with 16k+ hp and ******** of dmg, they need half a brain and you will never win
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no i have done 3 bags since patch no items + its not mentioned in the patch notes no pvp fixes at all ,


No word from the devs on this . and this subject even though has muliple threads is nnot on the stickys part of what the pvp needs and concerns


This is a concern


Oh my bad, I thought this pertained to champion bags:


•PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item.

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And 4 more Battlemaster bags this morning... all coms. This system does nothing to reward your effort. It rewards chance and thats it. What if you went to work each day with a chance of getting a paycheck ... dependant on a roll of some dice.


Im not asking for handouts, I'm asking that the rewards match the level. Battlemaster Bags with Champion Coms in them don't even make sense.

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And 4 more Battlemaster bags this morning... all coms. This system does nothing to reward your effort. It rewards chance and thats it. What if you went to work each day with a chance of getting a paycheck ... dependant on a roll of some dice.


Im not asking for handouts, I'm asking that the rewards match the level. Battlemaster Bags with Champion Coms in them don't even make sense.


Yup pvp will fail imo with this crappy , broken way of getting gear

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