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Everything posted by mguer

  1. I have been rocking the first spec that you have listed, and must say I LOVE it far more than anything arsenal. I grew incredibly bored with tracer missile spam and gave pyro a try. I love that I can remain incredibly mobile, kite and do massive amounts of damage. I will be honest, I hate merc survivability but I suppose we cannot have it all. Our damage output is so great that it makes up for it. On top of it, being as mobile as pyro is, done and done. Not sure I will go back to arsenal again. I easily have the most damage output in almost all of wz's and that is basically what a merc should be doing. Pair the damage with knock-backs, the occasional heal and that is what you should be doing in warzones.
  2. i have been playing merc pyro for the past week or so after being completely bored with arsenal. the only thing i miss is that i dont get the reduced knockback cd and the knockback from rocket punch. what i like most is that i do find myself doing a lot more damage and very little casting. i am so much more mobile. def try full pyro if you have not yet.
  3. Werden, what are you currently trying? I am looking to mix up the pvp grind as I have grown bored of a standard pvp arsenal spec. Thanks in advance.
  4. Could you all post a few talent specs for PVP by chance? Ive been arsenal the entire time and am getting sleepy with my usual....lmao.
  5. Ive been playing Merc - Arsenal for pvp and was thinking of going more of a hyrbid for healing in order to obtain he most medals and make the grind just a tad quicker. Anyone have any suggestions as to builds? I am of course toying with the calculator. Thanks! ( . Y . )
  6. mguer

    PVP Lucky Dip Bags

    Valor rank 52, 21 bags in roughly and just got my first piece. the rest has been only commendations.
  7. mguer

    PVP Lucky Dip Bags

    has there been any mod posts on this yet? it is incredibly dissatisfying that people 20 ranks below me have full sets. while i sit here with commendations. i am a fan of rng to a certain extent, I am moreso a fan of the items being earned which i feel the valor ranks should take care of...
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