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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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and now were getting to the meat of it...people wanting a full tier of epic pvp set for 3 hrs of PvPing....jesus the burger king have it your way generation want every NAOOOOO.


Really? You think Morlu wants it easier? Morlu is geared.

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Over this lucky dip system. Been Battlemaster a week - Im 0/12 bags as of last reset. I still haven't got a mainhand weapon from the stupidly large amount of champ bags I have opened but I do have 5 offhands, which I clearly need as a powertech. 5 Implants that are useless because I can buy battlemaster ones with coms.


Sick and tired of seeing other people hit battlemaster and get loot so quickly and its entirely based on luck. Am I not working as hard or harder than they are? yes. Do I get rewarded for my efforts? nope.


Yesterday I knew of 4 Imperial BM's on our server and their loot count, the one who beat me to it was at 1/15 (got his belt) - myself at 0/12, another friend who just hit 60 was 2/5 (belt and relic) and another who was 0/5 at the last time I checked.


LUCK is a feed of..... I am sick and tired of people being rewarded for being LUCKY. I work harder than the other person, they get more, for being lucky. It's the stupidest pvp loot system I have seen yet. People like myself will get angry to no end and then eventually something will change and all the newer people will get the benefits of not having to put in the time and effort.


I don't know why they thought this would work... over it.

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Over this lucky dip system. Been Battlemaster a week - Im 0/12 bags as of last reset. I still haven't got a mainhand weapon from the stupidly large amount of champ bags I have opened but I do have 5 offhands, which I clearly need as a powertech. 5 Implants that are useless because I can buy battlemaster ones with coms.


Sick and tired of seeing other people hit battlemaster and get loot so quickly and its entirely based on luck. Am I not working as hard or harder than they are? yes. Do I get rewarded for my efforts? nope.


Yesterday I knew of 4 Imperial BM's on our server and their loot count, the one who beat me to it was at 1/15 (got his belt) - myself at 0/12, another friend who just hit 60 was 2/5 (belt and relic) and another who was 0/5 at the last time I checked.


LUCK is a feed of..... I am sick and tired of people being rewarded for being LUCKY. I work harder than the other person, they get more, for being lucky. It's the stupidest pvp loot system I have seen yet. People like myself will get angry to no end and then eventually something will change and all the newer people will get the benefits of not having to put in the time and effort.


I don't know why they thought this would work... over it.


Oh but if you're battlemaster you should have full champion! :rolleyes: I agree. System needs to be looked at

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Valor 51 here, it's been hit or miss. The 1st set of weekly/daily bags I got 4 pieces. Since then, it seems like 1 piece every 7-8 bags. Still have not scene my main had weapon, but a guildie @ valor 25 has got 3 of them. ***.


RNG PvP is a terrible design, but that seems to be a consistent theme. Why they hired the warhammer failures is a mystery to me.


I have actually been getting about 1 piece every 7-8 bags as well.

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The RNG System is just terrible.


5 Trinkets

3 Bracers

2 Pants

2 Headpieces

2 Earslots


82 Bags in total: Missing Boots and Weapon...


At least i'm at a 1/4 chance for an tokens, but still sucks to get the most useless token the most. You need none of them (because of the missing stats, 52 endurance with a weaker use is a lot better), and i got 5 of them

Edited by kaesebreze
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The RNG System is just terrible.


5 Trinkets

3 Bracers

2 Pants

2 Headpieces

2 Implants

2 Earslots


82 Bags in total: Missing Boots and Weapon...


At least i'm at a 1/4 chance for an tokens, but still sucks to get the most useless token the most. You need none of them (because of the missing stats, 52 endurance with a weaker use is a lot better), and i got 5 of them


this is simlar to me i got 3 gloves

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Does the OP realize we are pushing week 3 after release.... (4 including EA)



Holy **** man just keep grinding it out i know it sucks i haven't gotten anything in about 40 bags but do you see me quitting? No because we have at least another year and a half before the next expansion. and your almost Rank 60, your going to get your Battlemaster bags soon anyway.

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While I do consider the system pretty weird I still don't get why all the fuss. We are in the 2nd (or start of the 3rd) week of the game and there already are LOTS of level 50s with a mostly finished tier 2 PVP gear so the progression is fast enough. Compare with your other games and how long it took there to get to this point. You get reasonable credits and coms in those bags on top. Consider all the not needed loot left to rot in PVE. It's not an issue if you don't get the complete 2nd best PVP gear within the first 2 weeks.


Seriously, some people really just want to whine a lot.

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While I do consider the system pretty weird I still don't get why all the fuss. We are in the 2nd (or start of the 3rd) week of the game and there already are LOTS of level 50s with a mostly finished tier 2 PVP gear so the progression is fast enough. Compare with your other games and how long it took there to get to this point. You get reasonable credits and coms in those bags on top. Consider all the not needed loot left to rot in PVE. It's not an issue if you don't get the complete 2nd best PVP gear within the first 2 weeks.


Seriously, some people really just want to whine a lot.


No some people want a fair grind not rng i dont mind taking asges to gear up as long as i dont look at the players next to me who is valor rank 20 and and has full gear .



Then i get pissed

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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.


Good call. He could get a whole item. That's worth the house and hours he's had to grind warzones.


I got lucky so far, 4 champ items first day I hit 50. However, were I in this guy's boat, I'd have quit a long time ago.

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Good call. He could get a whole item. That's worth the house and hours he's had to grind warzones.


I got lucky so far, 4 champ items first day I hit 50. However, were I in this guy's boat, I'd have quit a long time ago.


I love when people make the "but you can buy things with Cent commendations!" argument. They're missing the point. While us unlucky people spend hours upon hours in warzone, are valor55+ and only have 4 Champion pieces to show for it, it pisses us off. Sure, we can buy 3-5 Cent pieces, but the Cent gear is so much worse than the Champ gear, and people who are valor20-30 have twice as much Champ gear as us just pisses us off further. They played for hours upon hours less than us, and yet they have better gear. It's as simple as that.


Now, if the commendations from Champ bag could be used to buy Champion gear, I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind that too much. Sure, lucky people could get Champ gear, but we'd be able to get it as well for investing more time into the game than them. Instead, we're currently spending more time to buy worse gear than the lucky people are getting for BS RNG.

Edited by GuyWithFace
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I love when people make the "but you can buy things with Cent commendations!" argument. They're missing the point. While us unlucky people spend hours upon hours in warzone, are valor55+ and only have 4 Champion pieces to show for it, it pisses us off. Sure, we can buy 3-5 Cent pieces, but the Cent gear is so much worse than the Champ gear, and people who are valor20-30 have twice as much Champ gear as us just pisses us off further. They played for hours upon hours less than us, and yet they have better gear. It's as simple as that.


Now, if the commendations from Champ bag could be used to buy Champion gear, I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind that too much. Sure, lucky people could get Champ gear, but we'd be able to get it as well for investing more time into the game than them. Instead, we're currently spending more time to buy worse gear than the lucky people are getting for BS RNG.




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