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Do imperials win by default in WZ draws?


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The reason i suspect this is there have been several matches where it has clearly been a draw yet at the end of the WZ it says we have been defeated.


At first i thought perhaps its because they have a better overall score, but if i lower scoring team manages a draw surely they have been at a disadvantage and should win? Anyway, that cannot be the case.


In Voidstar niether side got passed first gate and it was a good match, they played well as on the endscore board 5 republican players were top. At the end of the match it said we had been defeated.


Is there no such thing as Draw, does it say defeated for both sides? I am pretty sure ive seen draw in huttball.


Another thing i have noticed in Alderan WZ if both side have just one turret and it played like that the entire game the imperials would win as they seem to have an extra 5-10 tickets than republic.

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My thoughts of how a draw in Huttball was decided were throw to the wayside yesterday; we were down 1-0 and scored with 15 seconds left to tie it 1-1, originally I had thought the last score if it were a tie was the winner, not the case. We received a defeat (Imperial)...


I would be very interested if both sides receive a defeat or if there are other unknown parameters that decide the final verdict.



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In Voidstar, there are 6 barriers that count toward a win. If both teams either got through 0 barriers, or an equal amount of them, in the same amount of time, I believe the win goes to the team that Attacked first.


In Huttball, if the score is tied when time runs out, whoever has possession of the ball at 0:00 wins the match. I'm unsure what happens if the ball is still neutral.


In Alderaan, I have no idea what would happen if, through some miracle, there was a tie.


EDIT: Voidstar description is not accurate. See posts for the real scoring. Leaving my post in tact however to preserve quote accuracy.

Edited by Rheeling
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In Huttball, the last team with the ball wins.


In Voidstar, I think both teams lose. (Because as an Imp, I know we also get 'defeated' if both sides end up failing and going the same distance)


In Alderaan, I have no idea. If I had to guess, it's probably whoever has more of the turrets at the end.

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In Voidstar, there are 6 barriers that count toward a win. If both teams either got through 0 barriers, or an equal amount of them, in the same amount of time, I believe the win goes to the team that Attacked first.


In Huttball, if the score is tied when time runs out, whoever has possession of the ball at 0:00 wins the match. I'm unsure what happens if the ball is still neutral.


In Alderaan, I have no idea what would happen if, through some miracle, there was a tie.


You're right about Huttball, but wrong about Voidstar. As far as I can tell, both teams lose if there's a tie. Unless someone can give us proof of actually winning a tie, I'm going to continue under that assumption. I can say for a fact that I've never been given a win for a tied Voidstar, and I've played many of them.

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You're right about Huttball, but wrong about Voidstar. As far as I can tell, both teams lose if there's a tie. Unless someone can give us proof of actually winning a tie, I'm going to continue under that assumption. I can say for a fact that I've never been given a win for a tied Voidstar, and I've played many of them.


Thanks for clearing that up. Now that I think about it, I might've been referring to a previous build. Or maybe I'm just losing my mind and that was never the case :) I actually haven't tied in Voidstar in at least a week. Somehow both factions manage to blow last stands lol.


With the correct Voidstar information, I would assume that with the Neutral Ball at 0:00 in Huttball, both teams would receive a loss then?

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No, its whoever held the ball last that wins.


Not sure how I feel about that lol. "Crap, we couldn't maintain possession of the ball for all of the last 30 seconds, and I don't have open passes! Oh, I know! *dumps ball into the ground* Win!"


Seems a little cheap to me. Though I guess if the opposing team couldn't burn the carrier before a pass or dump they deserved it, who knows.

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