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Level 50 damage reduction


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I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.
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I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.


At Level 36, I believe that in Warzones I'm about 50% physical mitigation, along with a 30% chance to absorb around 30% of the damage done to me (from my shield).


I also hit for no where near 3000 points of damage. It's a trade-off, you see?

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I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.


You must be hitting someone using a tanking CD or you're greatly exaggerating how little damage you're doing. What's your expertise at?

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When you are hitting for that much against high level armor targets means that they have damage mitigation buffs going. Pay attention to taget buffs and dont waste burst damage on that.


During damage mitigation session on say a JK guardian


- first CC or root or snare, ( + basic attack to fill ) wait for buff to disipate.

- burst on full resource bar after damage mitigation is gone, continue to CC snare root


GL kiddo

Edited by Gaucho
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I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.


I have a level 50 sniper as well. My basic rifle shot can do close to 900-1100 damage in pve and near enough in pvp. Are you getting the appropriate gear for you sniper (i've seen snipers gearing up in aim gear rather than cunning)? If you're going to attack someone that appears to be in a tank spec, use shattering shot to apply a 40% armor reduction.

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The game is built for PvE, so in order to compensate for the fact that the target you are hitting has as little as 1% of the health of a boss (1,000,000 -> 10,000 HP), it has to mitigate some of the damage so you're not one-shotting other players.
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I'm all cunning gear, my expertise is around 6.5% (4 pieces of champ gear, one of centurion), and no, I'm not exaggerating the damage. I hadn't considered that there were damage reduction buffs. That makes a lot of sense. I'll just start switching targets I guess.


And shattering shot is 20% armor reduction. I use it, but it doesn't seem to do much good.

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I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.


Thats how tanks work. Also, we all are glad you have finally crawled out of your noob rock.

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Solution: Go for the squishies like you should be doing...


Don't cry nerf for not being able to beat the classes DESIGNED to stop your damage due to the fact they are wearing... HEAVY ARMOR.


This thread has amazed me.

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